38 research outputs found

    Dual Learning: Theoretical Study and an Algorithmic Extension

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    Dual learning has been successfully applied in many machine learning applications including machine translation, image-to-image transformation, etc. The high-level idea of dual learning is very intuitive: if we map an xx from one domain to another and then map it back, we should recover the original xx. Although its effectiveness has been empirically verified, theoretical understanding of dual learning is still very limited. In this paper, we aim at understanding why and when dual learning works. Based on our theoretical analysis, we further extend dual learning by introducing more related mappings and propose multi-step dual learning, in which we leverage feedback signals from additional domains to improve the qualities of the mappings. We prove that multi-step dual learn-ing can boost the performance of standard dual learning under mild conditions. Experiments on WMT 14 English\leftrightarrowGerman and MultiUNEnglish\leftrightarrowFrench translations verify our theoretical findings on dual learning, and the results on the translations among English, French, and Spanish of MultiUN demonstrate the effectiveness of multi-step dual learning.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Incentivizing High-quality Content from Heterogeneous Users: On the Existence of Nash Equilibrium

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    We study the existence of pure Nash equilibrium (PNE) for the mechanisms used in Internet services (e.g., online reviews and question-answer websites) to incentivize users to generate high-quality content. Most existing work assumes that users are homogeneous and have the same ability. However, real-world users are heterogeneous and their abilities can be very different from each other due to their diverse background, culture, and profession. In this work, we consider heterogeneous users with the following framework: (1) the users are heterogeneous and each of them has a private type indicating the best quality of the content she can generate; (2) there is a fixed amount of reward to allocate to the participated users. Under this framework, we study the existence of pure Nash equilibrium of several mechanisms composed by different allocation rules, action spaces, and information settings. We prove the existence of PNE for some mechanisms and the non-existence of PNE for some mechanisms. We also discuss how to find a PNE for those mechanisms with PNE either through a constructive way or a search algorithm

    Image-to-Image Translation with Multi-Path Consistency Regularization

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    Image translation across different domains has attracted much attention in both machine learning and computer vision communities. Taking the translation from source domain Ds\mathcal{D}_s to target domain Dt\mathcal{D}_t as an example, existing algorithms mainly rely on two kinds of loss for training: One is the discrimination loss, which is used to differentiate images generated by the models and natural images; the other is the reconstruction loss, which measures the difference between an original image and the reconstructed version through DsDtDs\mathcal{D}_s\to\mathcal{D}_t\to\mathcal{D}_s translation. In this work, we introduce a new kind of loss, multi-path consistency loss, which evaluates the differences between direct translation DsDt\mathcal{D}_s\to\mathcal{D}_t and indirect translation DsDaDt\mathcal{D}_s\to\mathcal{D}_a\to\mathcal{D}_t with Da\mathcal{D}_a as an auxiliary domain, to regularize training. For multi-domain translation (at least, three) which focuses on building translation models between any two domains, at each training iteration, we randomly select three domains, set them respectively as the source, auxiliary and target domains, build the multi-path consistency loss and optimize the network. For two-domain translation, we need to introduce an additional auxiliary domain and construct the multi-path consistency loss. We conduct various experiments to demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed methods, including face-to-face translation, paint-to-photo translation, and de-raining/de-noising translation.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures. Accepted by the 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-2019

    Thompson Sampling for Budgeted Multi-armed Bandits

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    Thompson sampling is one of the earliest randomized algorithms for multi-armed bandits (MAB). In this paper, we extend the Thompson sampling to Budgeted MAB, where there is random cost for pulling an arm and the total cost is constrained by a budget. We start with the case of Bernoulli bandits, in which the random rewards (costs) of an arm are independently sampled from a Bernoulli distribution. To implement the Thompson sampling algorithm in this case, at each round, we sample two numbers from the posterior distributions of the reward and cost for each arm, obtain their ratio, select the arm with the maximum ratio, and then update the posterior distributions. We prove that the distribution-dependent regret bound of this algorithm is O(lnB)O(\ln B), where BB denotes the budget. By introducing a Bernoulli trial, we further extend this algorithm to the setting that the rewards (costs) are drawn from general distributions, and prove that its regret bound remains almost the same. Our simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm

    Conditional Image-to-Image Translation

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    Image-to-image translation tasks have been widely investigated with Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and dual learning. However, existing models lack the ability to control the translated results in the target domain and their results usually lack of diversity in the sense that a fixed image usually leads to (almost) deterministic translation result. In this paper, we study a new problem, conditional image-to-image translation, which is to translate an image from the source domain to the target domain conditioned on a given image in the target domain. It requires that the generated image should inherit some domain-specific features of the conditional image from the target domain. Therefore, changing the conditional image in the target domain will lead to diverse translation results for a fixed input image from the source domain, and therefore the conditional input image helps to control the translation results. We tackle this problem with unpaired data based on GANs and dual learning. We twist two conditional translation models (one translation from A domain to B domain, and the other one from B domain to A domain) together for inputs combination and reconstruction while preserving domain independent features. We carry out experiments on men's faces from-to women's faces translation and edges to shoes&bags translations. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR

    Exploring Explicit Domain Supervision for Latent Space Disentanglement in Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation

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    Image-to-image translation tasks have been widely investigated with Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). However, existing approaches are mostly designed in an unsupervised manner while little attention has been paid to domain information within unpaired data. In this paper, we treat domain information as explicit supervision and design an unpaired image-to-image translation framework, Domain-supervised GAN (DosGAN), which takes the first step towards the exploration of explicit domain supervision. In contrast to representing domain characteristics using different generators or domain codes, we pre-train a classification network to explicitly classify the domain of an image. After pre-training, this network is used to extract the domain-specific features of each image. Such features, together with the domain-independent features extracted by another encoder (shared across different domains), are used to generate image in target domain. Extensive experiments on multiple facial attribute translation, multiple identity translation, multiple season translation and conditional edges-to-shoes/handbags demonstrate the effectiveness of our method. In addition, we can transfer the domain-specific feature extractor obtained on the Facescrub dataset with domain supervision information to unseen domains, such as faces in the CelebA dataset. We also succeed in achieving conditional translation with any two images in CelebA, while previous models like StarGAN cannot handle this task.Comment: Accepted by IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI).13 pages, 11 figures, 7 Table

    Dual Supervised Learning

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    Many supervised learning tasks are emerged in dual forms, e.g., English-to-French translation vs. French-to-English translation, speech recognition vs. text to speech, and image classification vs. image generation. Two dual tasks have intrinsic connections with each other due to the probabilistic correlation between their models. This connection is, however, not effectively utilized today, since people usually train the models of two dual tasks separately and independently. In this work, we propose training the models of two dual tasks simultaneously, and explicitly exploiting the probabilistic correlation between them to regularize the training process. For ease of reference, we call the proposed approach \emph{dual supervised learning}. We demonstrate that dual supervised learning can improve the practical performances of both tasks, for various applications including machine translation, image processing, and sentiment analysis.Comment: ICML 201

    Efficient Bidirectional Neural Machine Translation

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    The encoder-decoder based neural machine translation usually generates a target sequence token by token from left to right. Due to error propagation, the tokens in the right side of the generated sequence are usually of poorer quality than those in the left side. In this paper, we propose an efficient method to generate a sequence in both left-to-right and right-to-left manners using a single encoder and decoder, combining the advantages of both generation directions. Experiments on three translation tasks show that our method achieves significant improvements over conventional unidirectional approach. Compared with ensemble methods that train and combine two models with different generation directions, our method saves 50% model parameters and about 40% training time, and also improve inference speed

    Learning to Teach with Dynamic Loss Functions

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    Teaching is critical to human society: it is with teaching that prospective students are educated and human civilization can be inherited and advanced. A good teacher not only provides his/her students with qualified teaching materials (e.g., textbooks), but also sets up appropriate learning objectives (e.g., course projects and exams) considering different situations of a student. When it comes to artificial intelligence, treating machine learning models as students, the loss functions that are optimized act as perfect counterparts of the learning objective set by the teacher. In this work, we explore the possibility of imitating human teaching behaviors by dynamically and automatically outputting appropriate loss functions to train machine learning models. Different from typical learning settings in which the loss function of a machine learning model is predefined and fixed, in our framework, the loss function of a machine learning model (we call it student) is defined by another machine learning model (we call it teacher). The ultimate goal of teacher model is cultivating the student to have better performance measured on development dataset. Towards that end, similar to human teaching, the teacher, a parametric model, dynamically outputs different loss functions that will be used and optimized by its student model at different training stages. We develop an efficient learning method for the teacher model that makes gradient based optimization possible, exempt of the ineffective solutions such as policy optimization. We name our method as "learning to teach with dynamic loss functions" (L2T-DLF for short). Extensive experiments on real world tasks including image classification and neural machine translation demonstrate that our method significantly improves the quality of various student models.Comment: NIPS 201

    Adversarial Neural Machine Translation

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    In this paper, we study a new learning paradigm for Neural Machine Translation (NMT). Instead of maximizing the likelihood of the human translation as in previous works, we minimize the distinction between human translation and the translation given by an NMT model. To achieve this goal, inspired by the recent success of generative adversarial networks (GANs), we employ an adversarial training architecture and name it as Adversarial-NMT. In Adversarial-NMT, the training of the NMT model is assisted by an adversary, which is an elaborately designed Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). The goal of the adversary is to differentiate the translation result generated by the NMT model from that by human. The goal of the NMT model is to produce high quality translations so as to cheat the adversary. A policy gradient method is leveraged to co-train the NMT model and the adversary. Experimental results on English\rightarrowFrench and German\rightarrowEnglish translation tasks show that Adversarial-NMT can achieve significantly better translation quality than several strong baselines.Comment: ACML 201