14,852 research outputs found

    Parametric survey of longitudinal prominence oscillation simulations

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    It is found that both microflare-sized impulsive heating at one leg of the loop and a suddenly imposed velocity perturbation can propel the prominence to oscillate along the magnetic dip. An extensive parameter survey results in a scaling law, showing that the period of the oscillation, which weakly depends on the length and height of the prominence, and the amplitude of the perturbations, scales with R/g\sqrt{R/g_\odot}, where RR represents the curvature radius of the dip, and gg_\odot is the gravitational acceleration of the Sun. This is consistent with the linear theory of a pendulum, which implies that the field-aligned component of gravity is the main restoring force for the prominence longitudinal oscillations, as confirmed by the force analysis. However, the gas pressure gradient becomes non-negligible for short prominences. The oscillation damps with time in the presence of non-adiabatic processes. Compared to heat conduction, the radiative cooling is the dominant factor leading to the damping. A scaling law for the damping timescale is derived, i.e., τl1.63D0.66w1.21v00.30\tau\sim l^{1.63} D^{0.66}w^{-1.21}v_{0}^{-0.30}, showing strong dependence on the prominence length ll, the geometry of the magnetic dip (characterized by the depth DD and the width ww), and the velocity perturbation amplitude v0v_0. The larger the amplitude, the faster the oscillation damps. It is also found that mass drainage significantly reduces the damping timescale when the perturbation is too strong.Comment: 17 PAGES, 8FIGURE

    Momentum Distribution of Near-Zero-Energy Photoelectrons in the Strong-Field Tunneling Ionization in the Long Wavelength Limit

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    We investigate the ionization dynamics of Argon atoms irradiated by an ultrashort intense laser of a wavelength up to 3100 nm, addressing the momentum distribution of the photoelectrons with near-zero-energy. We find a surprising accumulation in the momentum distribution corresponding to meV energy and a \textquotedblleft V"-like structure at the slightly larger transverse momenta. Semiclassical simulations indicate the crucial role of the Coulomb attraction between the escaping electron and the remaining ion at extremely large distance. Tracing back classical trajectories, we find the tunneling electrons born in a certain window of the field phase and transverse velocity are responsible for the striking accumulation. Our theoretical results are consistent with recent meV-resolved high-precision measurements.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Cross-Task Transfer for Geotagged Audiovisual Aerial Scene Recognition

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    Aerial scene recognition is a fundamental task in remote sensing and has recently received increased interest. While the visual information from overhead images with powerful models and efficient algorithms yields considerable performance on scene recognition, it still suffers from the variation of ground objects, lighting conditions etc. Inspired by the multi-channel perception theory in cognition science, in this paper, for improving the performance on the aerial scene recognition, we explore a novel audiovisual aerial scene recognition task using both images and sounds as input. Based on an observation that some specific sound events are more likely to be heard at a given geographic location, we propose to exploit the knowledge from the sound events to improve the performance on the aerial scene recognition. For this purpose, we have constructed a new dataset named AuDio Visual Aerial sceNe reCognition datasEt (ADVANCE). With the help of this dataset, we evaluate three proposed approaches for transferring the sound event knowledge to the aerial scene recognition task in a multimodal learning framework, and show the benefit of exploiting the audio information for the aerial scene recognition. The source code is publicly available for reproducibility purposes.Comment: ECCV 202

    Testing the Lorentz and CPT Symmetry with CMB polarizations and a non-relativistic Maxwell Theory

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    We present a model for a system involving a photon gauge field and a scalar field at quantum criticality in the frame of a Lifthitz-type non-relativistic Maxwell theory. We will show this model gives rise to Lorentz and CPT violation which leads to a frequency-dependent rotation of polarization plane of radiations, and so leaves potential signals on the cosmic microwave background temperature and polarization anisotropies.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, accepted on JCAP, a few references adde

    Cosmological CPT Violation and CMB Polarization Measurements

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    In this paper we study the possibility of testing Charge-Parity-Time Reversal (CPT) symmetry with cosmic microwave background (CMB) experiments. We consider two kinds of Chern-Simons (CS) term, electromagnetic CS term and gravitational CS term, and study their effects on the CMB polarization power spectra in detail. By combining current CMB polarization measurements, the seven-year WMAP, BOOMERanG 2003 and BICEP observations, we obtain a tight constraint on the rotation angle Δα=2.28±1.02\Delta\alpha=-2.28\pm1.02 deg (1σ1\,\sigma), indicating a 2.2σ2.2\,\sigma detection of the CPT violation. Here, we particularly take the systematic errors of CMB measurements into account. After adding the QUaD polarization data, the constraint becomes 1.34<Δα<0.82-1.34<\Delta\alpha<0.82 deg at 95% confidence level. When comparing with the effect of electromagnetic CS term, the gravitational CS term could only generate TB and EB power spectra with much smaller amplitude. Therefore, the induced parameter ϵ\epsilon can not be constrained from the current polarization data. Furthermore, we study the capabilities of future CMB measurements, Planck and CMBPol, on the constraints of Δα\Delta\alpha and ϵ\epsilon. We find that the constraint of Δα\Delta\alpha can be significantly improved by a factor of 15. Therefore, if this rotation angle effect can not be taken into account properly, the constraints of cosmological parameters will be biased obviously. For the gravitational CS term, the future Planck data still can not constrain ϵ\epsilon very well, if the primordial tensor perturbations are small, r<0.1r <0.1. We need the more accurate CMBPol experiment to give better constraint on ϵ\epsilon.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables, Accepted for publication in JCA

    Observation of in-gap surface states in the Kondo insulator SmB6 by photoemission

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    Kondo insulators (KIs) are strongly correlated materials in which the interactions between 4f and conduction electrons lead to a hybridization gap opening at low temperature 1-2. SmB6 is a typical KI, but its resistivity does not diverge at low temperatures, which was attributed to some in-gap states 3-10. However after several decades of research, the nature and origin of the in-gap states remain unclear. Recent band calculation and transport measurements suggest that the in-gap states could actually be ascribed to topological surface states. SmB6 thus might be the first realization of topological Kondo insulator (TKI) 13, the strongly correlated version of topological insulator (TI) 11,12. Here by performing angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), we directly observed several dispersive states within the hybridization gap of SmB6, which cross the Fermi level and show negligible kz dependence, indicative of their surface origin. Furthermore, the circular dichroism (CD) ARPES results of the in-gap states suggest the chirality of orbital momentum, and temperature dependent measurements have shown that the in-gap states vanish simultaneously with the hybridization gap around 150 K. These strongly suggest their possible topological origin.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figure

    The Properties of H{\alpha} Emission-Line Galaxies at z = 2.24

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    Using deep narrow-band H2S1H_2S1 and KsK_{s}-band imaging data obtained with CFHT/WIRCam, we identify a sample of 56 Hα\alpha emission-line galaxies (ELGs) at z=2.24z=2.24 with the 5σ\sigma depths of H2S1=22.8H_2S1=22.8 and Ks=24.8K_{s}=24.8 (AB) over 383 arcmin2^{2} area in the ECDFS. A detailed analysis is carried out with existing multi-wavelength data in this field. Three of the 56 Hα\alpha ELGs are detected in Chandra 4 Ms X-ray observation and two of them are classified as AGNs. The rest-frame UV and optical morphologies revealed by HST/ACS and WFC3 deep images show that nearly half of the Hα\alpha ELGs are either merging systems or with a close companion, indicating that the merging/interacting processes play a key role in regulating star formation at cosmic epoch z=2-3; About 14% are too faint to be resolved in the rest-frame UV morphology due to high dust extinction. We estimate dust extinction from SEDs. We find that dust extinction is generally correlated with Hα\alpha luminosity and stellar mass (SM). Our results suggest that Hα\alpha ELGs are representative of star-forming galaxies (SFGs). Applying extinction correction for individual objects, we examine the intrinsic Hα\alpha luminosity function (LF) at z=2.24z=2.24, obtaining a best-fit Schechter function characterized by a faint-end slope of α=1.3\alpha=-1.3. This is shallower than the typical slope of α1.6\alpha \sim -1.6 in previous works based on constant extinction correction. We demonstrate that this difference is mainly due to the different extinction corrections. The proper extinction correction is thus key to recovering the intrinsic LF as the extinction globally increases with Hα\alpha luminosity. Moreover, we find that our Hα\alpha LF mirrors the SM function of SFGs at the same cosmic epoch. This finding indeed reflects the tight correlation between SFR and SM for the SFGs, i.e., the so-called main sequence.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables, Received 2013 October 11; accepted 2014 February 13; published 2014 March 18 by Ap