29,094 research outputs found
Abelian and non-abelian cohomology
We place the representation variety in the broader context of abelian and
nonabelian cohomology. We outline the equivalent constructions of the moduli
spaces of flat bundles, of smooth integrable connections, and of holomorphic
integrable connections over a compact Kaehler manifold. In addition, we
describe the moduli space of Higgs bundles and how it relates to the
representation variety. We attempt to avoid abstraction, but strive to present
and clarify the unifying ideas underlying the theory.Comment: 39 pages. Lecture Notes Series, Institute for Mathematical Sciences,
National University of Singapore: Volume 23, Geometry, Topology And Dynamics
Of Character Varieties, 2012 Geometry, Topology And Dynamics Of Character
The Moduli of Flat U(p,1) Structures on Riemann Surfaces
For a compact Riemann surface of genus , \Hom(\pi_1(X),
U(p,1))/U(p,1) is the moduli space of flat \U(p,1)-connections on . There
is an integer invariant, , the Toledo invariant associated with each
element in \Hom(\pi_1(X), U(p,1))/U(p,1). If , then . This paper shows that \Hom(\pi_1(X), U(p,1))/U(p,1) has one
connected component corresponding to each with . Therefore the total number of connected components is .Comment: 12 pages. The revised version corrects a technical mistake in the
previous version in section 4.
The algebraic de Rham cohomology of representation varieties
The SL(2,C)-representation varieties of punctured surfaces form natural
families parameterized by holonomies at the punctures. In this paper, we first
compute the loci where these varieties are singular for the cases of one-holed
and two-holed tori and the four-holed sphere. We then compute the de Rham
cohomologies of these varieties of the one-holed torus and the four-holed
sphere when the varieties are smooth via the Grothendieck theorem. Furthermore,
we produce the explicit Gauss-Manin connection on the natural family of the
smooth SL(2,C)-representation variety of the one-holed torus.Comment: Minor stylistic revision from version 1, 21 page
Explicit Connections with SU(2)-Monodromy
The pure braid group \Gamma of a quadruply-punctured Riemann sphere acts on
the SL(2,C)-moduli M of the representation variety of such sphere. The points
in M are classified into \Gamma-orbits. We show that, in this case, the
monodromy groups of many explicit solutions to the Riemann-Hilbert problem are
subgroups of SU(2). Most of these solutions are examples of representations
that have dense images in SU(2), but with finite \Gamma-orbits in M. These
examples relate to explicit immersions of constant mean curvature surfaces.Comment: 6 pages. Corrected a few typographical errors in the previous versio
Strong Lefschetz property under reduction
Let n>1 and G be the group SU(n) or Sp(n). This paper constructs compact
symplectic manifolds whose symplectic quotient under a Hamiltonian G-action
does not inherit the strong Lefschetz property.Comment: 9 pages. Added some computation detail
Ergodicity of Mapping Class Group Actions on Representation Varieties, II. Surfaces with Boundary
The mapping class group of a compact oriented surface of genus greater than
one with boundary acts ergodically on connected components of the
representation variety corresponding to a connected compact Lie group, for
every choice of conjugacy class boundary condition.Comment: 5 pages and 1 figur
Moduli of vector bundles on curves in positive characteristic
Let be a projective curve of genus 2 over an algebraically closed field
of characteristic 2. The Frobenius map on X induces a rational map on the
moduli space of rank-2 bundles. We show that up to isomorphism, there is only
one (up to tensoring by an order two line bundle) semi-stable vector bundle of
rank 2 with determinant equal to a theta characteristic whose Frobenius
pull-back is not stable. The indeterminacy of the Frobenius map at this point
can be resolved by introducing Higgs bundles.Comment: AmsLaTeX file (10 printed pages
Topological Dynamics on Moduli Spaces, I
Let M be a one-holed torus with boundary (a circle) and
the mapping class group of M fixing . The group acts on
which is the space of SU(2)-gauge
equivalence classes of flat SU(2)-connections on M with fixed holonomy on
. We study the topological dynamics of the -action and give
conditions for the individual -orbits to be dense in .Comment: 22 pages, 1 figure in Postscript forma
Rank One Higgs Bundles and Representations of Fundamental Groups of Riemann Surfaces
This expository paper details the theory of rank one Higgs bundles over a
closed Riemann surface X and their relationship to representations of the
fundamental group of X. We construct an equivalence between the deformation
theories of flat connections and Higgs pairs. This provides an identification
of moduli spaces arising in different contexts. The moduli spaces are real Lie
groups. From each context arises a complex structure, and the different complex
structures define a hyper-Kaehlerstructure. The twistor space, real forms, and
various group actions are computed explicitly in terms of the Jacobian of X. We
describe the moduli spaces and their geometry in terms of the Riemann period
matrix of X.
This is the simplest case of the theory developed by Hitchin, Simpson and
others. We emphasize its formal aspects that generalize to higher rank Higgs
bundles over higher dimensional Kaehler manifolds
Action of the Johnson-Torelli group on Representation Varieties
Let \Sigma be a compact orientable surface with genus g and n boundary
components B = (B_1,..., B_n). Let c = (c_1,...,c_n) in [-2,2]^n. Then the
mapping class group MCG of \Sigma acts on the relative SU(2)-character variety
X_c := Hom_C(\pi, SU(2))/SU(2), comprising conjugacy classes of representations
\rho with tr(\rho(B_i)) = c_i. This action preserves a symplectic structure on
the smooth part of X_c, and the corresponding measure is finite. Suppose g = 1
and n = 2. Let J be the subgroup of MCG generated by Dehn twists along null
homologous simple loops in \Sigma. Then the action of J on X_c is ergodic for
almost all c.Comment: This new version includes a ribbon graph for clarity and corrects
some typographic errors and a few misstatements between Remark 3.1 and Lemma
3.2 and between Remark 3.7 and Lemma 3.8 in the previous versio
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