477 research outputs found

    Professor Chen Ping Yang's early significant contributions to mathematical physics

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    In the 60's Professor Chen Ping Yang with Professor Chen Ning Yang published several seminal papers on the study of Bethe's hypothesis for various problems of physics. The works on the lattice gas model, critical behaviour in liquid-gas transition, the one-dimensional (1D) Heisenberg spin chain, and the thermodynamics of 1D delta-function interacting bosons are significantly important and influential in the fields of mathematical physics and statistical mechanics. In particular, the work on the 1D Heisenberg spin chain led to subsequent developments in many problems using Bethe's hypothesis. The method which Yang and Yang proposed to treat the thermodynamics of the 1D system of bosons with a delta-function interaction leads to significant applications in a wide range of problems in quantum statistical mechanics. The Yang and Yang thermodynamics has found beautiful experimental verifications in recent years.Comment: 5 pages + 3 figure

    Exact Entanglement dynamics in Three Interacting Qubits

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    Motivated by recent experimental study on coherent dynamics transfer in three interacting atoms or electron spins \cite{Barredo:2015,Rosenfeld:2018}, here we study entanglement entropy transfer in three interacting qubits. We analytically calculate time evolutions of wave function, density matrix and entanglement of the system. We find that initially entangled two qubits may alternatively transfer their entanglement entropy to other two qubit pairs. So that dynamical evolution of three interacting qubits may produce a genuine three-partite entangled state through entanglement entropy transfers. In particular, different pairwise interactions of the three qubits endow symmetric and asymmetric evolutions of the entanglement transfer, characterized by the quantum mutual information and concurence. Finally, we discuss an experimental proposal of three Rydberg atoms for testing the entanglement dynamics transfer of this kind.Comment: 6 pages + 5 figure

    The spin-s homogeneous central spin model: exact spectrum and dynamics

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    We consider the problem of a central spin with arbitrary spin s that interacts pairwise and uniformly with a bath of N spins with s=1/2. We present two approaches for determining the exact spectrum of this model, one based on properties of SU(2), and the other based on integrability. We also analyze the exact time evolution of a spin coherent state, and compute the time evolution of various quantities of physical interest, including the entanglement entropy, spin polarization and Loschmidt echo.Comment: 19 page

    Transition from Tonks-Girardeau gas to super-Tonks-Girardeau gas as an exact many-body dynamics problem

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    We investigate transition of a one-dimensional interacting Bose gas from a strongly repulsive regime to a strongly attractive regime, where a stable highly excited state known as the super Tonks-Girardeau gas was experimentally realized very recently. By solving exact dynamics of the integrable Lieb-Liniger Bose gas, we demonstrate that such an excited gas state can be a very stable dynamic state. Furthermore we calculate the breathing mode of the super Tonks-Girardeau gas which is found to be in good agreement with experimental observation. Our results show that the highly excited super Tonks-Girardeau gas phase can be well understood from the fundamental theory of the solvable Bose gas.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, version to appear in Phys. Rev. A as a Rapid Communicatio

    Exact quantum dynamics of XXZ central spin problems

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    We obtain analytically close forms of benchmark quantum dynamics of the collapse and revival (CR), reduced density matrix, Von Neumann entropy, and fidelity for the XXZ central spin problem. These quantities characterize the quantum decoherence and entanglement of the system with few to many bath spins, and for a short to infinitely long time evolution. For the homogeneous central spin problem, the effective magnetic field BB, coupling constant AA and longitudinal interaction Δ\Delta significantly influence the time scales of the quantum dynamics of the central spin and the bath, providing a tunable resource for quantum metrology. Under the resonance condition B=Δ=AB=\Delta=A, the location of the mm-th revival peak in time reaches a simple relation trπNAmt_{r} \simeq\frac{\pi N}{A} m for a large NN. For Δ=0\Delta =0, NN\to \infty and a small polarization in the initial spin coherent state, our analytical result for the CR recovers the known expression found in the Jaynes-Cummings model, thus building up an exact dynamical connection between the central spin problems and the light-matter interacting systems in quantum nonlinear optics. In addition, the CR dynamics is robust to a moderate inhomogeneity of the coupling amplitudes, while disappearing at strong inhomogeneity.Comment: added new result on inhomogeneous central spin problem and added new references and supplementary material, 6 pages + 15 pages; 4 figures + 14 figure

    Realization of effective super Tonks-Girardeau gases via strongly attractive one-dimensional Fermi gases

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    A significant feature of the one-dimensional super Tonks-Girardeau gas is its metastable gas-like state with a stronger Fermi-like pressure than for free fermions which prevents a collapse of atoms. This naturally suggests a way to search for such strongly correlated behaviour in systems of interacting fermions in one dimension. We thus show that the strongly attractive Fermi gas without polarization can be effectively described by a super Tonks-Girardeau gas composed of bosonic Fermi pairs with attractive pair-pair interaction. A natural description of such super Tonks-Girardeau gases is provided by Haldane generalized exclusion statistics. In particular, we find that they are equivalent to ideal particles obeying more exclusive statistics than Fermi-Dirac statistics.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Universal Properties of Fermi Gases in One-dimension

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    In this Rapid Communication, we investigate the universal properties of a spin-polarized two-component Fermi gas in one dimension (1D) using Bethe ansatz. We discuss the quantum phases and phase transitions by obtaining exact results for the equation of state, the contact, the magnetic susceptibility and the contact susceptibility, giving a precise understanding of the 1D analogue of the Bose-Einstein condensation and Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer crossover in three dimension (3D) and the associated universal magnetic properties. In particular, we obtain the exact form of the magnetic susceptibility χ1/Texp(Δ/T)\chi \sim {1}/{\sqrt{T}}\exp(-\Delta/T) at low temperatures, where Δ\Delta is the energy gap and TT is the temperature. Moreover, we establish exact upper and lower bounds for the relation between polarization PP and the contact CC for both repulsive and attractive Fermi gases. Our findings emphasize the role of the pair fluctuations in strongly interacting 1D fermion systems that can shed light on higher dimensions.Comment: 4 figures, the main pape