5 research outputs found
Impakti i Fëmijëve me Çrregullime të Zhvillimit tek Motrat e Vëllezërit e Tyre
Të gjithë pjesëtarët e familjes ndikohen kur kanë pranë një fëmijë me çrregullime. Marrëdhënia mes motrave e vëllezërve është një ndër marrëdhëniet më të rëndësishme, dinamike, ndikuese dhe afatgjatë në jetën e individit (Cox, Marshall, Mandleco, & Olsen, 2003). Kur mendohet mbi domethënien dhe rëndësinë e marrëdhënieve mes motrave e vëllezërve, një ndryshim në shëndetin apo funksionimin e fëmijës mund të ndikoje mbi motrën a vëllain e tij/saj. Shumica e studimeve dhe e kërkimive mbi familjen janë fokusuar rreth prindërve, por kohët e fundit janë rritur interesat mbi ndikimin dhe efektet e individëve me aftësi të kuizuara tek motrat e vëllezërit. Nga shumë studime ka shumë të dhëna kontradiktore; disa tregojnë efekte dëmtuese ndërsa të tjerë tregojnë impakte neutrale ose pozitive. Fokusi i këtij studimi metaanalitik është tek motrat e vëllezërit e fëmijëve me çrregullime të zhvillimit, ku do të mblidhen të gjithë faktorët që ndikojnë në problemet përshtatjes së këtyre fëmijëve (psh emocionale, të sjelljes, vetëkonceptit) e më pas në gjetjen e mënyrave më optimale të trajtimit
The evolution of the family in the contemporary society: the case of Albania
The study of the family constitutes one of the most important fields of sociology. Everyone in all societies grows up in a family environment and marriage is a very widespread social institution. The structure of the family has changed throughout the world, affecting aspects of behavior, attitudes, beliefs, and relationships. The study focuses on comparing today's family life with those of earlier periods and aims to highlight the eventual changes Albanian family has been through over the years. Nowadays there is a tendency towards free choice of spouse, mainly due to the influence of western ideas that emphasize individualization and love in the family. Women's rights are increasingly recognized in relation to the choice of marriage as well as in decision-making and their contribution within the family.
A special importance has been paid to the expansion of children's rights in our country as well. The legal framework is important for the protection of their rights. In addition to the positive aspects and the constant efforts of family members for a dynamic life and with increased well-being, the family often encounters problematic aspects as well; which leads its members to despair and create feelings of anxiety or guilt. Lately, the Albanian society is facing the contemporary tendencies of the family, which require enough time to be accepted by the society
Parental attachment, self-confidence and deviant behavior at Albanian teenagers
In the recent years, instances of deviant student behavior have become more concerned and focused. Using attachment theory and self-confidence theory, as well as the parent-child, this research probed into the deviant behavior. This study gives a general picture of adolescence, changes that happens during this period of life, starting by neurological, cognitive, emotional and psychological changes, what is the attachment and why is it so important during the adolescence. This research aimed to identify the quality of the attachment and parent-child relationship, self-confidence and their role on good behavior, far away from the deviant behavior. In this paper have been explored the attachment, the parent-child communication, the trust and the distance at the parent-child relationship, the adolescence self-confidence at 15-16 years old. It included 150 teenagers from Elbasan and 150 teenagers from Tirana. It compared the influences of the parent-child relationship and self-confidence on students’ deviant behavior. The results showed that parent-child relationships and parent-child attachment, as well as the healthy self- confidence, negatively influence the deviant behavior. There is a positive
correlation between the attachment with the caregivers (mother and father), and their peers that affects negatively the deviant behavior. There is also a
positive correlation between attachment and self-confidence. This study resulted that the healthy attachment parent-child and the healthy self- confidence has negative correlation with deviant behavior. There was no difference between the adolescents of Elbasan and Tirana, demonstrating that the Albanian society affects more than the civilization and the Albanian tradition is stronger than other cultures. It was recommended a further study at these students to detect their behavior after the adolescence. Equally, will be proposed a general study including all the cities of Albania to observe the differences
Coping with disability disorders in family
Development disabilities are several psychophysiological conditions emerging during childhood. Having a
child with severe disability is influenced by socioeconomic status of family on sharing the responsibility on
them. Several studies focus on difficulties parents and children face living with a sibling with disability, with
both negative and positive effects. This study investigates coping strategies of families living with a child
with disability. It looks that family member tends to show introverted, stigmatized, and guilty in society. The
methodology of this study includes literature review of studies focusing on self-concept changes, analysing
stress levels, positive feelings towards life, hopelessness, severity of the disorder, etc. It emerges that having
relevant age difference between siblings helps in their adaptation as caregivers and grows their sense of
responsibility and competence. This research could help improve the panoramic of families with a disability
child to promote improved wellness