45 research outputs found
La imposici贸n de los carburantes de automoci贸n en Espa帽a: Algunas observaciones te贸ricas y emp铆ricas
Este art铆culo analiza la fiscalidad de los carburantes de uso privado en Espa帽a, con un an谩lisis de su fundamentaci贸n te贸rica y un estudio comparado de dise帽o y niveles. Asimismo, se estima un sistema de demanda de carburantes de automoci贸n con datos de la Encuesta Continua de Presupuestos Familiares, lo que permite la microsimulaci贸n de distintas reformas fiscales. En particular, se eval煤an y valoran los efectos del nuevo impuesto sobre las ventas minoristas de hidrocarburos y de la aplicaci贸n en Espa帽a de la propuesta comunitaria de armonizaci贸n de accisas energ茅ticas. Classification-JEL : H23, H31, Q30.imposici贸n, hidrocarburos, externalidades, Espa帽a.
La imposici贸n de los carburantes de automoci贸n en Espa帽a: algunas observaciones te贸ricas y emp铆ricas
This article deals with the taxation of private car fuels in Spain, analyzing its theoretical foundations and carrying out a comparative study of tax design and tax levels. Moreover, we estimate a demand system of car fuels with data from Encuesta Continua de Presupuestos Familiares, which allows for microsimulation of various tax reforms. In particular, we evaluate and assess the effects of the new Spanish tax on car fuel sales and of the application in Spain of the EU directive on harmonization of energy taxes.Taxation, car fuels, externalities, Spain
A residential energy demand system for Spain
Sharp price fluctuations and increasing environmental and distributional concerns, among other issues, have led to a renewed academic interest in energy demand. In this paper we estimate, for the first time in Spain, an energy demand system with household microdata. In doing so, we tackle several econometric and data problems that are generally recognized to bias parameter estimates. This is obviously relevant, as obtaining correct price and income responses is essential if they may be used for assessing the economic consequences of hypothetical or real changes. With this objective, we combine data sources for a long time period and choose a demand system with flexible income and price responses. We also estimate the model in different sub-samples to capture varying responses to energy price changes by households living in rural, intermediate and urban areas. This constitutes a first attempt in the literature and it proved to be a very successful choice
La imposici贸n ambiental gallega
Este traballo comeza fundamentando te贸ricamente a imposici贸n ambiental, cun resumo das principais raz贸ns econ贸micas para a aplicaci贸n destes instrumentos e a an谩lise da s煤a asignaci贸n xurisdiccional. A continuaci贸n situamos os tributos pr贸prios ambientais da comunidade galega (canon de saneamento e imposto sobre a contaminaci贸n atmosf茅rica) tanto no contexto espa帽ol como internacional. Neste senso, o relato pormenorizado e valorativo do dese帽o regulat贸rio escollido nos tributos ambientais galegos e dos seus efeitos econ贸micos e ambientais constit煤e o n煤cleo do traballo. Finalmente a aportaci贸n concl煤e cunha reflexi贸n global sobre o presente da imposici贸n ambiental galega e de c贸mo, ao noso entender, deberian discorrer os seus desenvolvementos futurosThis paper first deals with the theoretical foundations of environmental taxes, with a summary of the main economic reasons to apply these instruments and an analysis of the jurisdictional allocation. We then put in context (within Spain and internationally) the environmental taxes introduced by the Galician government (charge on water discharges and tax on air pollution). In this sense, the in-depth description and assessment of the regulatory design of Galician environmental taxes constitutes the paper's core. Finally, the article concludes with a global comment on the present and future of Galician environmental taxation and of how, in our view, should be future developmentsEste trabajo comienza fundamentando te贸ricamente la imposici贸n ambiental con un resumen de las principales razones econ贸micas para la aplicaci贸n de estos instrumentos y con el an谩lisis de su asignaci贸n jurisdiccional. A continuaci贸n, situamos los tributos propios ambientales de la comunidad gallega (canon de saneamiento e impuesto sobre la contaminaci贸n atmosf茅rica) tanto en el contexto espa帽ol como en el internacional. En este sentido, el relato pormenorizado y de valoraci贸n del dise帽o regulador escogido en los tributos ambientales gallegos y de sus efectos econ贸micos y ambientales constituye el n煤cleo del trabajo. Finalmente, este art铆culo concluye con una reflexi贸n global sobre el presente de la imposici贸n ambiental gallega y de c贸mo, a nuestro entender, deber铆an discurrir sus desarrollos futurosS
Major Reforms in Electricity Pricing: Evidence from a Quasiexperiment
The global energy mix is being redefined, and with it the power industry鈥檚 cost structure. In many countries, electricity-pricing systems are being revamped so as to guarantee fixed-cost recovery, often by raising the fixed charge of two-part tariff (TPT) schemes. However, consumer misperception of TPTs threatens to undermine the policy鈥檚 outcome and puts the sector鈥檚 much-needed transformation in jeopardy. We conduct a quasi-experiment with data from a major electricity price reform recently implemented in Spain and find robust evidence that consumers are failing to distinguish between fixed and marginal costs. As a result, the policy goal of cost recovery is not being achieve
Free allocation rules in the EU Emissions Trading System: what does the empirical literature show?
This paper analyses the rules for free allocation in the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS). The analysis draws on the empirical evidence emerging from two literature strands. One group of studies sheds light on the following questions: how efficient are free allocation rules in minimizing the risk of carbon leakage? Have they become more efficient over the trading periods? What are the technical limits to making them more efficient? Further: is firm behaviour neutral to allowance allocation? Did specific provisions induce strategic behaviour with unintended effects? Studies from the second group estimate sectoral pass-through rates for the costs imposed by the EU ETS. Taking cost pass-through into account is necessary for properly targeting free allocation. The difficulty of accurately quantifying sectoral differences in cost pass-through ability is the main obstacle to achieving further efficiency in allowance allocation. The new rules defined in the reform for Phase IV (2021-2030) make some progress in this direction nevertheless. In any case, with carbon prices expected to rise and the total volume of allowances shrinking, free allocation - however efficient may it be - cannot be the only or main measure for preventing carbon leakage in the future
Discrete-continuous models of residential energy demand: A comprehensive review
This paper reviews forty years of research applying econometric models of discrete-continuous choice to analyze residential demand for energy. The review is primarily from the perspective of economic theory. We examine how well the utility-theoretic models developed in the literature match data that is commonly available on residential energy use, and we highlight the modeling challenges that have arisen through efforts to match theory with data. The literature contains two different formalizations of a corner solution. The first, by Dubin and McFadden (1984) and Hanemann (1984), models an extreme corner solution, in which only one of the discrete choice alternatives is chosen. While those papers share similarities, they also have some differences which have not been noticed or exposited in the literature. Subsequently, a formulation first implemented by Wales and Woodland (1983) and extended by Kim et al. (2002) and Bhat (2008) models a general corner solution, where several but not all of the discrete choice alternatives are chosen. Seventeen papers have employed one or another of these models to analyze residential demand for fuels and/or energy end uses in a variety of countries. We review issues that arose in these applications and identify some alternative model formulations that can be used in future work on residential energy demand.Agencia Estatal de Investigaci贸n | Ref. TED2021-130638A-I00Agencia Estatal de Investigaci贸n | Ref. PID2022-136376OB-I00Universidade de Vigo/CISU
Climate Change Policies and Social Preferences in Galicia and Spain
Texto dispo帽ible en galego e espa帽olEste traballo recolle os principais resultados dun estudo realizado para obter a dispo帽ibilidade a pagar e as actitudes das familias galegas e espa帽olas ante diversas alternativas de pol铆ticas de mitigaci贸n dos efectos do cambio clim谩tico. No artigo dem贸strase que as sociedades espa帽ola e galega consideran o cambio clim谩tico como un problema relevante e que ten que afrontarse. A dispo帽ibilidade a pagar por un programa el茅ctrico que destine os recursos 谩 promoci贸n de tecnolox铆as non carb贸nicas 茅 relativamente elevada e demostra que as familias galegas e espa帽olas ser铆an favorables 谩 aplicaci贸n de pol铆ticas de prezos contra as emisi贸ns de gases de efecto invernadoiro en determinadas circunstanciasEste trabajo recoge los principales resultados de un estudio realizado para obtener la disponibilidad a pagar y las actitudes de las familias gallegas y espa帽olas ante diversas alternativas de pol铆ticas de mitigaci贸n de los efectos del cambio clim谩tico. En el art铆culo se demuestra que las sociedades espa帽ola y gallega consideran el cambio clim谩tico como un problema relevante y que ha de afrontarse. La disponibilidad a pagar por un programa el茅ctrico que destine los recursos a la promoci贸n de tecnolog铆as no carb贸nicas es relativamente elevada y demuestra que las familias gallegas y espa帽olas ser铆an favorables a la aplicaci贸n de pol铆ticas de precios contra las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero en determinadas circunstanciasIn this study, we summarize the main results of a phone survey conducted in order to assess attitudes towards climate change in Spain and Galicia and preferences for a green electricity program that reduces CO2 emissions, while making electricity more expensive. Overall findings show that Spanish citizens are quite concerned about the climate change process. Results are similar to those obtained in other studies elsewhere, and complement them by showing a strong public support for implementing the green electricity programS
El uso de la imposici贸n energ茅tico-ambiental en un escenario de consolidaci贸n fiscal: una estimaci贸n de efectos recaudatorios y distributivos para Espa帽a
El inicio del siglo XXI ha transcurrido sin novedades destacables en la reforma fiscal
internacional. La evoluci贸n de los par谩metros b谩sicos de las estructuras tributarias reflej贸
hasta 2007 una situaci贸n estable, sin apenas cambios en los modelos fiscales aplicados,
culminando el proceso de adaptaci贸n asociado al fuerte periodo de expansi贸n econ贸mica
iniciado en la d茅cada de los 90.
En 2008, sin embargo, ese proceso fue bruscamente interrumpido. El escenario econ贸mico
sufri贸 un vuelco radical y arrastr贸 consigo las pol铆ticas fiscales y presupuestarias