44 research outputs found

    Fermionic Casimir effect with helix boundary condition

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    In this paper, we consider the fermionic Casimir effect under a new type of space-time topology using the concept of quotient topology. The relation between the new topology and that in Ref. \cite{Feng,Zhai3} is something like that between a M\"obius strip and a cylindric. We obtain the exact results of the Casimir energy and force for the massless and massive Dirac fields in the (D+1D+1)-dimensional space-time. For both massless and massive cases, there is a Z2Z_2 symmetry for the Casimir energy. To see the effect of the mass, we compare the result with that of the massless one and we found that the Casimir force approaches the result of the force in the massless case when the mass tends to zero and vanishes when the mass tends to infinity.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, published in Eur. Phys. J.

    Dissipative Future Universe without Big Rip

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    The present study deals with dissipative future universe without big rip in context of Eckart formalism. The generalized chaplygin gas, characterized by equation of state p=Aρ1αp=-\frac{A}{\rho^\frac{1}{\alpha}}, has been considered as a model for dark energy due to its dark-energy-like evolution at late time. It is demonstrated that, if the cosmic dark energy behaves like a fluid with equation of state p=ωρp=\omega\rho; ω<1\omega < -1, as well as chaplygin gas simultaneously then the big rip problem does not arises and the scale factor is found to be regular for all time.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, To appear in Int. J. Theor. Phy

    New mechanism to cross the phantom divide

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    Recently, type Ia supernovae data appear to support a dark energy whose equation of state ww crosses -1, which is a much more amazing problem than the acceleration of the universe. We show that it is possible for the equation of state to cross the phantom divide by a scalar field in the gravity with an additional inverse power-law term of Ricci scalar in the Lagrangian. The necessary and sufficient condition for a universe in which the dark energy can cross the phantom divide is obtained. Some analytical solutions with w<1w<-1 or w>1w>-1 are obtained. A minimal coupled scalar with different potentials, including quadratic, cubic, quantic, exponential and logarithmic potentials are investigated via numerical methods, respectively. All these potentials lead to the crossing behavior. We show that it is a robust result which is hardly dependent on the concrete form of the potential of the scalar.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figs, v3: several references added, to match the published versio

    Finite temperature Casimir effect in piston geometry and its classical limit

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    We consider the Casimir force acting on a dd-dimensional rectangular piston due to massless scalar field with periodic, Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions and electromagnetic field with perfect electric conductor and perfect magnetic conductor boundary conditions. It is verified analytically that at any temperature, the Casimir force acting on the piston is always an attractive force pulling the piston towards the interior region, and the magnitude of the force gets larger as the separation aa gets smaller. Explicit exact expressions for the Casimir force for small and large plate separations and for low and high temperatures are computed. The limits of the Casimir force acting on the piston when some pairs of transversal plates are large are also derived. An interesting result regarding the influence of temperature is that in contrast to the conventional result that the leading term of the Casimir force acting on a wall of a rectangular cavity at high temperature is the Stefan--Boltzmann (or black body radiation) term which is of order Td+1T^{d+1}, it is found that the contributions of this term from the interior and exterior regions cancel with each other in the case of piston. The high temperature leading order term of the Casimir force acting on the piston is of order TT, which shows that the Casimir force has a nontrivial classical 0\hbar\to 0 limit

    Recognition of the Phanerozoic “Young Granite Gneiss” in the central Yeongnam Massif

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    Up to now, all the high-grade gneisses of the Korean peninsula have been regarded as Precambrian basement rocks and presence of the Phanerozoic high-grade metamorphic rocks have remained unknown. However, such granite gneiss is discovered through this study from the central Yeongnam massif near Gimcheon. SHRIMP zircon U-Pb age determinations on the granite gneiss, having well-developed gneissic foliations and migmatitic textures, reveal concordant age of ca. 250 Ma indicating the Early Triassic emplacement of this pluton, which is in contradict to the previous belief that it is a Precambrian product. Even though the granite gneiss reveals well-developed gneissic foliations and some zircons show rather low Th/U ratios, the metamorphic age has not been determined successfully. However, the age of metamorphism can be constrained as middle Triassic considering the absence of any evidences of metamorphism from the nearby granitic plutons having emplacement ages of ca. 225 Ma. Early Triassic emplacement and subsequent Middle Triassic metamorphism of the granite gneiss from the Yeongnam massif bear a remarkable resemblance to the case of South China block. We suggest the possibility that Early to Middle Triassic metamorphism of the Korean peninsula might be products of the intracontinental collisional events not directly related with the Early Triassic continental collision event

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