6,123 research outputs found

    Generation of high-energy monoenergetic heavy ion beams by radiation pressure acceleration of ultra-intense laser pulses

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    A novel radiation pressure acceleration (RPA) regime of heavy ion beams from laser-irradiated ultrathin foils is proposed by self-consistently taking into account the ionization dynamics. In this regime, the laser intensity is required to match with the large ionization energy gap when the successive ionization of high-Z atoms passing the noble gas configurations [such as removing an electron from the helium-like charge state (Z−2)+(\text{Z}-2)^+ to (Z−1)+(\text{Z}-1)^+]. While the target ions in the laser wing region are ionized to low charge states and undergo rapid dispersions due to instabilities, a self-organized, stable RPA of highly-charged heavy ion beam near the laser axis is achieved. It is also found that a large supplement of electrons produced from ionization helps preserving stable acceleration. Two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations show that a monoenergetic Al13+\text{Al}^{13+} beam with peak energy 1 GeV1\ \text{GeV} and energy spread of 5%5\% is obtained by lasers at intensity 7×1020 W/cm27\times10^{20}\ \text{W}/\text{cm}^2.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Electron and ion acceleration from femtosecond laser-plasma peeler scheme

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    Using three-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations, we further investigate the electron and ion acceleration from femtosecond laser-plasma peeler scheme which was proposed in our recent paper (Shen et al 2021 Phys. Rev. X 11 041002). In addition to the standard setup where a laser pulse impinges on an edge of a single tape target, two new variants of the target, i.e., a parallel tape and a cross tape target, were proposed, where strong surface plasma waves can also be efficiently excited at the front edges of the target. By using a tabletop 200 TW-class laser pulse, we observe generation of high-flux, well-collimated, superponderomotive electrons. More importantly, quasimonoenergetic proton beams can always be obtained in all the three setups, while with the single tape case, the obtained proton beam has the highest peak energy and narrowest spectrum
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