31,079 research outputs found

    Lick Slit Spectra of Thirty-Eight Objective Prism QSO Candidates and Low Metallicity Halo Stars

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    We present Lick Observatory slit spectra of 38 objects which were claimed to have pronounced ultraviolet excess and emission lines by Zhan \& Chen. Most of our spectra have FWHM spectral resolutions of about 4~\AA , and relatively high S/N of about 10 -- 50, although some have FWHM ≃15\simeq 15~\AA ~or lower S/N. We find eleven QSOs, four galaxies at z≃0.1z \simeq 0.1, twenty-two stars and one unidentified object with a low S/N spectrum. Six of the QSOs show absorption systems, including Q0000+027A with a relatively strong associated C~IV absorption system, and Q0008+008 (V≃18.9\simeq 18.9) with a damped Lyα\alpha system with an H~I column density of 102110^{21} cm−2^{-2}. The stars include a wide variety of spectral types. There is one new DA4 white dwarf at 170~pc, one sdB at 14~kpc, and three M stars. The rest are of types F, G and K. We have measured the equivalent widths of the Ca~II~K line, the G-band and the Balmer lines in ten stars with the best spectra, and we derive metallicities. Seven of them are in the range −2.5≤-2.5 \leq~[Fe/H]~≤−1.7\leq -1.7, while the others are less metal poor. If the stars are dwarfs, then they are at distances of 1 to 7~kpc, but if they are giants, typical distances will be about 10~kpc.Comment: (Plain Tex, 21 pages, including tables. Send email to 'travell_oir%[email protected]' for 12 pages of figures) To appear in the %%Astronomical Journal, August, 199

    Theory of control of spin/photon interface for quantum networks

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    A cavity coupling a charged nanodot and a fiber can act as a quantum interface, through which a stationary spin qubit and a flying photon qubit can be inter-converted via cavity-assisted Raman process. This Raman process can be controlled to generate or annihilate an arbitrarily shaped single-photon wavepacket by pulse-shaping the controlling laser field. This quantum interface forms the basis for many essential functions of a quantum network, including sending, receiving, transferring, swapping, and entangling qubits at distributed quantum nodes as well as a deterministic source and an efficient detector of a single photon wavepacket with arbitrarily specified shape and average photon number. Numerical study of noise effects on the operations shows high fidelity.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Lick Optical Spectra of Quasar HS 1946+7658 at 10 km/sec Resolution: Lyman-Alpha Forest and Metal Absorption Systems

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    We present optical spectra of QSO HS~1946+7658 with either high resolution (FWHM=10 km/s) or high signal to noise ratio (SNR=40-100). We find 113 Lyman alpha and six metal line systems. The metal systems at Zabs=2.844 and 3.050 have complex velocity structures. We find that the system at 2.844 is a damped Ly-a absorption system, with neutral hydrogen column density of logN(HI)=20.2+/-0.4, and it is the cause of the Lyman limit break at 3520\AA. The metal abundance in the gas phase of the system is [M/H]=-2.6+/-0.3, with a best estimate of [M/H]= -2.8, with ionization parameter Gamma=-2.75, from a photoionization model. We show that the abundance ratios rule out appreciable dust in this DLA system. We do not see the enhancement of O over C reported in Nature by Reimers last years. We see CII*(1335) offset by 15 km/s with respect to CII(1334), presumably because the gas density varies from 2 - 8 cm(-3) with changing velocity in the DLA system. These densities imply that the damped component is 6 - 25 pc thick, which is reasonable for a single cloud in a cold spiral disk. We see a 2.6sigma lack of Ly-a forest lines well away from the QSO redshift, which may be a chance fluctuation. We also see a correlation between column density N(HI) and Doppler parameter b for 96 unsaturated Ly-a forest absorption lines, and although this correlation persists in the 36 Ly-a lines which lie in regions where SNR=8-16, we agree with Rauch etal (1993) that it is probably a bogus effect of low SNR. We show that there are few low-b Ly-a forest lines in moderate SNR data.Comment: (Plain Tex, 46 pages and 21 figures. To get 21 postscript files for figures ftp to and login as ftp in directory /pub/fan). To appear in the Astrophysical Journal Supplement
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