19 research outputs found

    K-orbit closures on G/B as universal degeneracy loci for flagged vector bundles splitting as direct sums

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    We use equivariant localization and divided difference operators to determine formulas for the torus-equivariant fundamental cohomology classes of KK-orbit closures on the flag variety G/BG/B for various symmetric pairs (G,K)(G,K). In type AA, we realize the closures of K=GL(p,\C) \times GL(q,\C)-orbits on GL(p+q,\C)/B as universal degeneracy loci for a vector bundle over a variety which is equipped with a single flag of subbundles and which splits as a direct sum of subbundles of ranks pp and qq. The precise description of such a degeneracy locus relies upon knowing a set-theoretic description of KK-orbit closures, which we provide via a detailed combinatorial analysis of the poset of "(p,q)(p,q)-clans," which parametrize the orbit closures. We describe precisely how our formulas for the equivariant classes of KK-orbit closures can be interpreted as formulas for the classes of such degeneracy loci in the Chern classes of the bundles involved. In the cases outside of type AA, we suggest that the orbit closures should parametrize degeneracy loci involving a vector bundle equipped with a non-degenerate symmetric or skew-symmetric bilinear form, a single flag of subbundles which are isotropic or Lagrangian with respect to the form, and a splitting as a direct sum of subbundles with each summand satisfying some property (depending on KK) with respect to the form. The precise description of such a degeneracy locus is conjectured for all cases in types BB and CC.Comment: Final version, to appear in Geom. Dedicat

    GL(p) x GL(q)-orbit closures on the flag variety and Schubert structure constants for (p,q)-pairs

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    We give positive combinatorial descriptions of Schubert structure constants cu,vwc_{u,v}^w for the full flag variety in type An−1A_{n-1} when uu and vv form what we refer to as a "(p,q)(p,q)-pair" (p+q=np+q=n). The key observation is that a certain subset of the GL(p,C)×GL(q,C)GL(p,\mathbb{C}) \times GL(q,\mathbb{C})-orbit closures on the flag variety (those satisfying an easily stated pattern avoidance condition) are Richardson varieties. The result on structure constants follows when one combines this observation with a theorem of Brion concerning intersection numbers of spherical subgroup orbit closures and Schubert varieties.Comment: This paper is now replaced by arXiv:1209.0739. I am leaving this here only because the published version of arXiv:1109.2574 refers to this version, and specific results therei

    K-orbit closures and Barbasch-Evens-Magyar varieties

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    We define the Barbasch-Evens-Magyar variety. We show it is isomorphic to the smooth variety defined in [D. Barbasch-S. Evens '94] that maps finite-to-one to a symmetric orbit closure, thereby giving a resolution of singularities in certain cases. Our definition parallels [P. Magyar '98]'s construction of the Bott-Samelson variety [H. C. Hansen '73, M. Demazure '74]. From this alternative viewpoint, one deduces a graphical description in type A, stratification into closed subvarieties of the same kind, and determination of the torus-fixed points. Moreover, we explain how these manifolds inherit a natural symplectic structure with Hamiltonian torus action. We then prove that the moment polytope is expressed in terms of the moment polytope of a Bott-Samelson variety.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figure

    Schubert calculus of Richardson varieties stable under spherical Levi subgroups

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    We observe that the expansion in the basis of Schubert cycles for H∗(G/B)H^*(G/B) of the class of a Richardson variety stable under a spherical Levi subgroup is described by a theorem of Brion. Using this observation, along with a combinatorial model of the poset of certain symmetric subgroup orbit closures, we give positive combinatorial descriptions of certain Schubert structure constants on the full flag variety in type AA. Namely, we describe cu,vwc_{u,v}^w when uu and vv are inverse to Grassmannian permutations with unique descents at pp and qq, respectively. We offer some conjectures for similar rules in types BB and DD, associated to Richardson varieties stable under spherical Levi subgroups of SO(2n+1,\C) and SO(2n,\C), respectively.Comment: Section 4 significantly shortened, and other minor changes made as suggested by referees. Final version, to appear in Journal of Algebraic Combinatoric

    K-orbit closures on G/B as universal degeneracy loci for flagged vector bundles with symmetric or skew-symmetric bilinear form

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    We use equivariant localization and divided difference operators to determine formulas for the torus-equivariant fundamental cohomology classes of KK-orbit closures on the flag variety G/BG/B, where G = GL(n,\C), and where KK is one of the symmetric subgroups O(n,\C) or Sp(n,\C). We realize these orbit closures as universal degeneracy loci for a vector bundle over a variety equipped with a single flag of subbundles and a nondegenerate symmetric or skew-symmetric bilinear form taking values in the trivial bundle. We describe how our equivariant formulas can be interpreted as giving formulas for the classes of such loci in terms of the Chern classes of the various bundles.Comment: Minor revisions and corrections suggested by referees. Final version, to appear in Transformation Group