28 research outputs found

    Discovering clinical phronesis.

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    Phronesis is often described as a 'practical wisdom' adapted to the matters of everyday human life. Phronesis enables one to judge what is at stake in a situation and what means are required to bring about a good outcome. In medicine, phronesis tends to be called upon to deal with ethical issues and to offer a critique of clinical practice as a straightforward instrumental application of scientific knowledge. There is, however, a paucity of empirical studies of phronesis, including in medicine. Using a hermeneutic and phenomenological approach, this inquiry explores how phronesis is manifest in the stories of clinical practice of eleven exemplary physicians. The findings highlight five overarching themes: ethos (or character) of the physician, clinical habitus revealed in physician know-how, encountering the patient with attentiveness, modes of reasoning amidst complexity, and embodied perceptions (such as intuitions or gut feeling). The findings open a discussion about the contingent nature of clinical situations, a hermeneutic mode of clinical thinking, tacit dimensions of being and doing in clinical practice, the centrality of caring relations with patients, and the elusive quality of some aspects of practice. This study deepens understandings of the nature of phronesis within clinical settings and proposes 'Clinical phronesis' as a descriptor for its appearance and role in the daily practice of (exemplary) physicians

    The impact of diabetes on the pathogenesis of sepsis

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    Diabetes is associated with an increased susceptibility to infection and sepsis. Conflicting data exist on whether the mortality of patients with sepsis is influenced by the presence of diabetes, fuelling the ongoing debate on the benefit of tight glucose regulation in patients with sepsis. The main reason for which diabetes predisposes to infection appears to be abnormalities of the host response, particularly in neutrophil chemotaxis, adhesion and intracellular killing, defects that have been attributed to the effect of hyperglycaemia. There is also evidence for defects in humoral immunity, and this may play a larger role than previously recognised. We review the literature on the immune response in diabetes and its potential contribution to the pathogenesis of sepsis. In addition, the effect of diabetes treatment on the immune response is discussed, with specific reference to insulin, metformin, sulphonylureas and thiazolidinediones

    Use of Biomarkers in the Evaluation and Treatment of Hypertensive Patients

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    The current definition of hypertension is based on blood pressure values, and blood pressure also drives treatment decisions, is the most important treatment monitoring tool and helps estimating risk of hypertension related organ damage. In an era of precision medicine additional biomarkers are needed in the diagnosis and management of patients with hypertension. In this review we outline the areas in which functional, imaging and circulating biomarkers could help in a more individualised definition of hypertension and associated risk. We will cover biomarkers for diagnosis; of pathophysiology and prediction of hypertension; response to treatment, organ damage; and to monitor treatment. A clear focus is on the vasculature, the heart and the kidneys, whereas we see a need to further develop biomarkers of cerebral function in order to diagnose cognition deficits and monitor changes in cognition in the future to support addressing the growing burden of hypertension associated vascular dementia

    Approche phénoménologique de l’expérience corporelle [A phenomenological approach of bodily experience]

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    Phenomenology suggests that the clinician should not only focus on the patient's body as it can be objectively grasped, and not only on the patient's inner, psychic world, notably the representations and fears about the body, but should also explore the patient's body as it is experienced and lived, what we call the « bodily experience »

    The situated body: anorexia as a conflict of dwelling.

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    We commend Prof. Fuchs's analysis of anorexia as a conflict of embodiment. We find it important to underline the role of the environment. In particular, in reference to a study that will soon be published, we mention the difficulties patients experience in relation to their home

    Pluralité des corps. 2. Le corps vécu [Multifaceted body. 2. The lived body].

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    Le corps humain est l'objet privilégié d'action de la médecine, mais aussi réalité vécue, image, symbole, représentation et l'objet d'interprétation et de théorisation. Tous ces éléments constitutifs du corps influencent la façon dont la médecine le traite. Dans cette série de trois articles, nous abordons le corps sous différentes perspectives : médicale (1), phénoménologique (2), psychosomatique et socio-anthropologique (3). Nous proposons dans ce deuxième article de faire une différence entre le corps comme objet de connaissance ou de représentation et le corps tel qu'il est vécu (corps propre). Cette distinction, qui trouve son origine dans la psychiatrie phénoménologique, permet une approche du vécu des patients qui ne se limite pas aux catégories somatiques ou psychiques classiques en la matière. The human body is the object upon which medicine is acting, but also lived reality, image, symbol, representation and the object of elaboration and theory. All these elements which constitute the body influence the way medicine is treating it. In this series of three articles, we address the human body from various perspectives: medical (1), phenomenological (2), psychosomatic and socio-anthropological (3). This second article distinguishes between the body as an object of knowledge or representation and the way the body is lived. This distinction which originates in phenomenological psychiatry aims to understand how the patient experiences his body and to surpass the classical somatic and psychiatric classifications

    Pluralité des corps. 1. Les corps de La medicine [Multifaceted body. I. The bodies of medicine].

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    Le corps humain est l'objet privilégié d'action de la médecine, mais aussi réalité vécue, image, symbole, représentation et l'objet d'interprétation et de théorisation. Tous ces éléments constitutifs du corps influencent la façon dont la médecine le traite. Dans cette série de trois articles, nous abordons le corps sous différentes perspectives : médicale (1), phénoménologique (2), psychosomatique et socio-anthropologique (3). Ce premier article traite des représentations du corps en médecine, dont nous décrivons quatre types distincts, qui renvoient à autant de démarches scientifiques spécifiques et de formes de légitimité clinique : le corps-objet de l'anatomie, le corps-machine de la physiologie, le corps cybernétique de la biologie et le corps statistique de l'épidémiologie. The human body is the object upon which medicine is acting, but also lived reality, image, symbol, representation and the object of elaboration and theory. All these elements which constitute the body influence the way medicine is treating it. In this series of three articles, we address the human body from various perspectives: medical (1), phenomenological (2), psychosomatic and socio-anthropological (3). This first article discusses four distinct types of representation of the body within medicine, each related to a specific epistemology and shaping a distinct kind of clinical legitimacy: the body-object of anatomy, the body-machine of physiology, the cybernetic body of biology, the statistical body of epidemiology

    Pluralité des corps. 3. Les corps liés [Multifaceted body. 3. The contextualised body].

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    Le corps humain est l'objet privilégié d'action de la médecine, mais aussi réalité vécue, image, symbole, représentation et l'objet d'interprétation et de théorisation. Tous ces éléments constitutifs du corps influencent la façon dont la médecine le traite. Dans cette série de trois articles, nous abordons le corps sous différentes perspectives : médicale (1), phénoménologique (2), psychosomatique et socio-anthropologique (3). Ce troisième et dernier article traite successivement des approches psychosomatiques et socio-anthropologiques du corps et de certains de leurs apports respectifs. The human body is the object upon which medicine is acting, but also lived reality, image, symbol, representation and the object of elaboration and theory. All these elements which constitute the body influence the way medicine is treating it. In this series of three articles, we address the human body from various perspectives: medical (1), phenomenological (2), psychosomatic and socio-anthropological (3). This third and last article focuses on the psychosomatic and socio-anthropological facets of the body and their contribution to its understanding