5 research outputs found

    Natural cold pressed oils as cosmetic products

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    Background. It seems that patients may ask general practitioners about natural cosmetics applied on the skin regarding their safety and suitability. Objectives. The aim of the study was to analyze natural cold pressed oils as potential cosmetic products. Material and methods. Cold pressed oils obtained from selected seeds and fruit stones were analyzed, including: chokeberry seed oil, blackcurrant seed oil, elderberry seed oil, raspberry seed oil, apricot seed oil, tomato seed oil, strawberry seed oil, broccoli seed oil, Nigella sativa seed oil, hemp oil, safflower seed oil, Silybum marianum seed oil and coconut oil. 80 adult volunteers assessed the cosmetic properties of the analyzed oils. Each of the volunteers tested 2 to 4 different oils, by applying them on the skin. In addition, patch tests with all analyzed oils were performed on 23 individuals. Results. The majority of tested oils were positively evaluated by the participants: in the opinion of the participants, oil extracted from safflower had the best appearance (100% positive opinions), coconut oil had the best smell (70% positive opinions), while black currant seed oil showed the best absorbency (85% positive opinions). No irritation was observed within the analyzed product group, albeit one allergic reaction to apricot seed oil was observed with patch testing. Conclusions . Based on the achieved results, it could be suggested that natural cold pressed oils can be applied to the skin as cosmetics. Our observations may be helpful for general practitioners when choosing natural cosmetics

    Analiza przypadków kiły wśród chorych hospitalizowanych w Klinice Dermatologii, Wenerologii i Alergologii we Wrocławiu w latach 2009–2016

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    Introduction: Syphilis is the systemic infectious disease caused by Treponema pallidum. It is a chronic process and has very rich symptomatology. Infection is possible by sexual contacts, bloodstream or transplacental. Objective: The aim of our study was an objective analysis of the population infected by Treponema palladium based on medical documentation. Material and methods: It was a retrospective analysis of medical documentation of the patients who were treated between 2009 and 2016 because of syphilis in the Department of Dermatology Venereology and Allergology in Wroclaw. A specially designed questionnaire consisting of questions about demographic data, medical history and present disease was completed. A total of 69 patients (43 men (62.3%) and 26 women (37.7%) (including 15 pregnant women)) were recruited for the study.   Results: Patients infected with syphilis belonged to various epidemiological groups. Early syphilis was diagnosed in 50.7% (n = 35) of patients, late syphilis in 46.4% (n = 32), whereas congenital syphilis was found in 2.9% (n = 2) of subjects. Regarding early syphilis, primary syphilis was observed in 17.1%, secondary syphilis in 54.3% whereas latent syphilis was found in 28.6% of patients. Latent late syphilis accounted for 81.2% of late syphilis cases, others manifested symptomatic late syphilis (18.8%). The primary lesions were observed by 29% of patients: 10 subjects found it on the penis, 4 in the oral cavity, 3 in the anus and 3 on the labia. Remarkably, 71% of patients did not notice the primary chancre. Syphilitic exanthema was observed by 39% of patients, condylomata lata by 2 patients, syphilitic angina by 3 persons, and syphilitic alopecia by 1 person. Recurrent febrile status was found in 4 patients. Conclusions: Sexually transmitted diseases, especially syphilis, are still a very important medical problem. Despite the common access to penicillin, which allows to cure these disease, it appears that syphilis is still quite prevalent disease. To limit spreading of syphilis an early diagnosis, assurance of treatment and more widely distributed prevention programs are necessary.Wstęp: Kiła to ogólnoustrojowa choroba zakaźna wywoływana przez krętka bladego. Choroba przewlekły przebieg i bogatą symptomatologię, a zakażenie się nią jest możliwe drogą kontaktów seksualnych, przezłożyskową oraz przez zakażoną krew. Cel badania: Celem badania była charakterystyka kliniczna pacjentów hospitalizowanych z powodu kiły w Klinice Dermatologii we Wrocławiu. Materiał i metody: Retrospektywną analizę oparto o dokumentację medyczną pacjentów leczonych w latach 2009-2016 z powodu kiły w Klinice Dermatologii we Wrocławiu. Do badania włączono 69 chorych – 43 mężczyzn (62,3 %) i 26 kobiet (33,3 %) (w tym 15 kobiet ciężarnych). Wyniki: Pacjenci chorujący na kiłę nie stanowili jednorodnej grupy epidemiologicznej. Przypadki kiły wczesnej stanowiły 50,7% (35 pacjentów), kiły późnej 46,4% (32 pacjentów), a wrodzonej 2,9% (2 dzieci). Wśród kiły wczesnej jedynie 17,1% to przypadki kiły I-rzędowej, natomiast odpowiednio 54,3% oraz 28,6% to przypadki kiły II-rzędowej i utajonej. Wśród pacjentów z kiłą późną postać utajona stanowiła aż 81,2%, a narządowa zaledwie 18,8%. Objaw pierwotny zgłosiło 29% pacjentów, z czego u 10 osób pojawił się on na prąciu, u 4 w jamie ustnej, u 3 w odbycie, u 3 na wargach sromowych, natomiast 71% nie zaobserwowało jego wystąpienia. Wystąpienie takiej osutki zgłosiło 39% badanych, kłykciny kiłowe płaskie 2 osoby, anginę kiłową 3 osoby, łysienie kiłowe 1 osoba oraz nawracające stany gorączkowe 4 osoby. Wnioski: Choroby przenoszone drogą płciową, w szczególności kiła, w dalszym ciągu stanowią istotny problem medyczny. Mimo powszechnego dostępu do penicyliny, która umożliwia skuteczne leczenie kiły, nie udało jej się całkowicie wyeliminować. Lekarze nadal powinni wykazywać się czujnością, gdyż istotne jest postawienie wczesnej diagnozy, zapewnienie odpowiedniego leczenia, a także wdrożenie odpowiednich programów edukacyjnych, zwłaszcza wśród osób rozpoczynających współżycie seksualne. < p

    Assessment of the composition and microbiological purity of cold-pressed oils manufactured by OleoWita

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    Wprowadzenie: Nienasycone kwasy tłuszczowe, wchodząc w skład naturalnych olei, stanowią niezbędny składnik potrzebny do prawidłowego funkcjonowania organizmu, w tym również skóry. Celem badania była analiza składu lipidów oraz czystości mikrobiologicznej tłoczonych na zimno olei przeznaczonych do użytku jako produkty kosmetyczne. Materiał i metody: Ocenie poddano tłoczone na zimno oleje firmy OleoWita otrzymane z pestek aronii, czarnej porzeczki, czarnego bzu, malin, moreli, pomidora, truskawek, nasion brokułów, czarnuszki siewnej, konopi, krokosza barwierskiego, ostropestu oraz z kokosa. W oparciu o spektrometrię masową dokonano analizy zawartości procentowej poszczególnych kwasów tłuszczowych. Ponadto wszystkie testowane oleje poddano ocenie czystości mikrobiologicznej zgodnie z ustawowymi wymogami dotyczącymi kosmetyków. Wyniki: Największą zawartością kwasów omega-3 charakteryzowały się olej z pestek czarnego bzu (34,93%), truskawek (29,01%) i malin (22,31%); natomiast najwięcej kwasów omega-6 zawierały olej z krokosza barwierskiego (75,11%), olej z pestek aronii (61,54%) oraz czarnej porzeczki (61,48%). Badane oleje zawierały również nienasycone kwasy tłuszczowe omega-9, w tym najwięcej olej z nasion brokułów (69,46%), z pestek moreli (68,16%), z nasion pomidora (29,67%). Kwasy tłuszczowe omega-7 stanowiły niewielki odsetek procentowy w składzie badanych olejów; największą zawartością cechował się olej z nasion pomidora (4,09%), z pestek czarnej porzeczki (1,4%) i z nasion brokułów (1,11%). W przeprowadzonym badaniu mikrobiologicznym z wykorzystaniem próbek gotowych do zastosowania stwierdzono, że 12 produktów spełniało mikrobiologiczne kryteria kosmetyku klasy I, natomiast jeden produkt (olej kokosowy) został zakwalifikowany jako kosmetyk klasy II. Wnioski: Testowane oleje naturalne mogą być wykorzystane jako produkty kosmetyczne. Wysoka zawartość nienasyconych kwasów tłuszczowych może przyczyniać się do poprawy własności kosmetycznych tych produktów.Introduction: Unsaturated fatty acids, essential for proper functioning of whole organism including skin, are the components of natural oils. The aim of the project was the assessment of lipid composition and microbiological purity of natural cold pressed oils. Materials and methods: Cold pressed oils of OleoWita company obtained from chokeberry seeds, blackcurrant seeds, elderberry seeds, raspberry seeds, apricot stones, tomato seeds, strawberry seeds, broccoli seeds, Nigella sativa seeds, cannabis seeds, safflower seeds, milk thistle seeds, and coconut were analyzed. Mass spectrometry was used in order to conduct percentage analysis of fatty acids. Moreover, all oils were microbiologically tested according to the official legal requirements respecting cosmetics. Results: Oils with the highest content of omega-3 fatty acids were: elderberry oil (34.93%), strawberry seed oil (29.01%) and raspberry seed oil (22.31%). The highest concentration of omega-6 fatty acids was observed in safflower oil (75.11%), chokeberry seed oil (61.54%), and blackcurrant seed oil (61.48%). Analyzed oils also contained omega-9 acids, the ones with the highest percentage were broccoli seed oil (69.46%), apricot stone oil (68.16%), and tomato seed oil (29.67%). Omega-7 fatty acids constituted a small part of the total fatty acid content, e.g. tomato seed oil (4.09%), blackcurrant seed oil (1.4%) and broccoli seed oil (1.11%). Microbiological analysis has shown that 12 products were qualified as class 1 cosmetics, while coconut oil was assessed as class 2 cosmetic. Conclusions: High concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acids enhances potential cosmetic properties of examined products, which can be used as cosmetics

    Sixth taste – starch taste?

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    Scientists from Oregon State University, USA, came up with the newest theory of the sixth taste – starch taste that might soon join the basic five tastes. This argument is supported by studies done on both animals and humans, the results of which seem to indicate the existence of separate receptors for starch taste, others than for sweet taste. Starch is a glucose homopolymer that forms an α-glucoside chain called glucosan or glucan. This polysaccharide constitutes the most important source of carbohydrates in food. It can be found in groats, potatoes, legumes, grains, manioc and corn. Apart from its presence in food, starch is also used in textile, pharmaceutical, cosmetic and stationery industries as well as in glue production. This polysaccharide is made of an unbranched helical structure – amylose (15–20%), and a structure that forms branched chains – amylopectin (80–85%). The starch structure, degree of its crystallisation or hydration as well as its availability determine the speed of food-contained starch hydrolysis by amylase. So far, starch has been considered tasteless, but the newest report shows that for people of different origins it is associated with various aliments specific for each culture. Apart from a number of scientific experiments using sweet taste inhibitors, the existence of the sixth taste is also confirmed by molecular studies. However, in order to officially include starch taste to the basic human tastes, it must fulfil certain criteria. The aim of the study is to present contemporary views on starch

    Natural cold pressed oils as cosmetic products

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    Background. It seems that patients may ask general practitioners about natural cosmetics applied on the skin regarding their safety and suitability. Objectives. The aim of the study was to analyze natural cold pressed oils as potential cosmetic products. Material and methods. Cold pressed oils obtained from selected seeds and fruit stones were analyzed, including: chokeberry seed oil, blackcurrant seed oil, elderberry seed oil, raspberry seed oil, apricot seed oil, tomato seed oil, strawberry seed oil, broccoli seed oil, Nigella sativa seed oil, hemp oil, safflower seed oil, Silybum marianum seed oil and coconut oil. 80 adult volunteers assessed the cosmetic properties of the analyzed oils. Each of the volunteers tested 2 to 4 different oils, by applying them on the skin. In addition, patch tests with all analyzed oils were performed on 23 individuals. Results. The majority of tested oils were positively evaluated by the participants: in the opinion of the participants, oil extracted from safflower had the best appearance (100% positive opinions), coconut oil had the best smell (70% positive opinions), while black currant seed oil showed the best absorbency (85% positive opinions). No irritation was observed within the analyzed product group, albeit one allergic reaction to apricot seed oil was observed with patch testing. Conclusions . Based on the achieved results, it could be suggested that natural cold pressed oils can be applied to the skin as cosmetics. Our observations may be helpful for general practitioners when choosing natural cosmetics