1,136 research outputs found

    Dressing Up: Exploring the Fictions and Frictions of Professional Identity in Art Educational Settings

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    What fictions do we tell ourselves in order to teach? How do our stories as educators impact how we see our learners? Building from auto-ethnography research I begin with the personal and then invite co-participants to further illuminate a shared experience (Chang, 2008). In this example, I highlight the self-reflective work toward revealing and concealing identities associated with “teacher.” Using collage pedagogy (Garoian & Gaudelius, 2008), students in a pre-service art education class, created paper doll narratives marking and unmarking themselves through collaged backdrops and clothing choices which performed identities that would impact their role of teacher. Future teachers also “undressed” themselves from fashions that impeded their abilities to see their students beyond stereotypes. Through the design of the dolls and reflexivity, we examined the frictions of identity and representation within the larger social, political, or institutional landscapes of what it means to be “teacher/student” in the 21st century school sphere

    Movements and Home Ranges of Mountain Plovers Raising Broods in Three Colorado Landscapes

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    We report movements and home-range sizes of adult Mountain Plovers (Charadrius montanus) with broods on rangeland, agricultural fields, and prairie dog habitats in eastern Colorado. Estimates of home range size (95% fixed kernel) were similar across the three habitats: rangeland (146.1 ha +/- 101.5), agricultural fields (131.6 ha +/- 74.4), and prairie dog towns (243.3 ha +/- 366.3). Our minimum convex polygon estimates of home-range size were comparable to those on rangeland reported by Knopf and Rupert (1996). In addition, movements - defined as the distance between consecutive locations of adults with broods - were equivalent across habitats. However, our findings on prairie dog habitat suggest that home-range size for brood rearing may be related to whether the prairie dog habitat is in a complex of towns or in an isolated town

    Movements and Home Ranges of Mountain Plovers Raising Broods in Three Colorado Landscapes

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    We report movements and home-range sizes of adult Mountain Plovers (Charadrius montanus) with broods on rangeland, agricultural fields, and prairie dog habitats in eastern Colorado. Estimates of home range size (95% fixed kernel) were similar across the three habitats: rangeland (146.1 ha +/- 101.5), agricultural fields (131.6 ha +/- 74.4), and prairie dog towns (243.3 ha +/- 366.3). Our minimum convex polygon estimates of home-range size were comparable to those on rangeland reported by Knopf and Rupert (1996). In addition, movements - defined as the distance between consecutive locations of adults with broods - were equivalent across habitats. However, our findings on prairie dog habitat suggest that home-range size for brood rearing may be related to whether the prairie dog habitat is in a complex of towns or in an isolated town

    Anxiety, depression, and attachment before and after the first-trimester screening for Down syndrome: comparing couples who undergo ART with those who conceive spontaneously.

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    OBJECTIVES: This study's aim was to describe the emotional status of parents to be before and after the first-trimester combined prenatal screening test. METHODS: One hundred three couples participated, of which 52 had undergone an in vitro fertilization/intracytoplasmic sperm injection treatment [assisted reproductive technology (ART)] and 51 had conceived spontaneously. Participants completed the state scale of the State-trait Anxiety Inventory, the Edinburgh Depression Scale, and the Maternal and Paternal Antenatal Attachment Questionnaire before the first-trimester combined prenatal screening test at around 12 weeks of gestational age (T1) and just after receiving the results at approximately 14 weeks of gestational age (T2). RESULTS: We observed a significant decrease in anxiety and depression symptoms and a significant increase in attachment from T1 to T2. Results showed no differences between groups at either time point, which suggests that ART parents are more similar to than different from parents conceiving spontaneously. Furthermore, given the importance of anxiety during pregnancy, a subsample of women with clinical anxiety was identified. They had significantly higher rates of clinical depression and lower attachment. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that, regardless of whether conception was through ART or spontaneous, clinical anxiety in women over the prenatal testing period is associated with more vulnerability during pregnancy (i.e. clinical depression and less attachment to fetus). © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    An Assessment of Factors Affecting Population Growth of the Mountain Plover

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    Effective conservation measures should target the most sensitive life history attributes of a species, assuming they are responsive to potential management actions. The Mountain Plover (Charadrius montanus) is a species of conservation concern with a patchy breeding distribution in western North America. Plovers prefer areas with short vegetation, bare ground, and disturbance for nesting. Current management tools, including grazing and burning, have been used to attract plovers and enhance nesting success. We used a stage-specific matrix model to study the influence of vital rates, e.g., juvenile and adult annual survival, on population growth rate in the Mountain Plover at two breeding sites in Colorado, South Park and Eastern Colorado, and one breeding site in Montana, USA. Our analysis was motivated by a need to 1) better understand the relationship between demographic rates and population growth rate, 2) assess current management tools for the plover by exploring their effect on population growth rate, and 3) identify areas of the plover’s population biology where additional demographic work is needed. Stochastic population growth rate was most influenced by adult survival, especially in Montana and South Park, Colorado (elasticities \u3e 0.60), and was least influenced by first-year reproduction (all elasticities \u3c 0.20). The modeled relationships between lambda and each demographic rate were generally weak (r2 \u3c 0.30) with the exception of number of eggs hatched per nest in Eastern Colorado (r2 = 0.63), chick survival in South Park (r2 = 0.40) and Montana (r2 = 0.38), and adult survival in Montana (r2 = 0.36). We examined the predicted increase in lambda that would result from increasing each demographic rate from its mean to the maximum value observed in our simulations. Chick and adult survival showed the greatest increase in lambda while eggs hatched per nest produced the smallest increase. Our results suggest that future conservation efforts should favor ways to increase adult or chick survival over efforts to increase nest success. In particular, adult survival rates during the stationary periods, i.e., summer and winter, are relatively high, implying that efforts to increase adult survival rates may need to focus on the migratory periods. Increasing chick survival should be a priority for efforts that are restricted to the breeding grounds because this life history stage is relatively short (\u3c 3 mo) and it offers opportunities for targeted short-term management activities in breeding areas

    An Assessment of Factors Affecting Population Growth of the Mountain Plover

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    Effective conservation measures should target the most sensitive life history attributes of a species, assuming they are responsive to potential management actions. The Mountain Plover (Charadrius montanus) is a species of conservation concern with a patchy breeding distribution in western North America. Plovers prefer areas with short vegetation, bare ground, and disturbance for nesting. Current management tools, including grazing and burning, have been used to attract plovers and enhance nesting success. We used a stage-specific matrix model to study the influence of vital rates, e.g., juvenile and adult annual survival, on population growth rate in the Mountain Plover at two breeding sites in Colorado, South Park and Eastern Colorado, and one breeding site in Montana, USA. Our analysis was motivated by a need to 1) better understand the relationship between demographic rates and population growth rate, 2) assess current management tools for the plover by exploring their effect on population growth rate, and 3) identify areas of the plover’s population biology where additional demographic work is needed. Stochastic population growth rate was most influenced by adult survival, especially in Montana and South Park, Colorado (elasticities \u3e 0.60), and was least influenced by first-year reproduction (all elasticities \u3c 0.20). The modeled relationships between lambda and each demographic rate were generally weak (r2 \u3c 0.30) with the exception of number of eggs hatched per nest in Eastern Colorado (r2 = 0.63), chick survival in South Park (r2 = 0.40) and Montana (r2 = 0.38), and adult survival in Montana (r2 = 0.36). We examined the predicted increase in lambda that would result from increasing each demographic rate from its mean to the maximum value observed in our simulations. Chick and adult survival showed the greatest increase in lambda while eggs hatched per nest produced the smallest increase. Our results suggest that future conservation efforts should favor ways to increase adult or chick survival over efforts to increase nest success. In particular, adult survival rates during the stationary periods, i.e., summer and winter, are relatively high, implying that efforts to increase adult survival rates may need to focus on the migratory periods. Increasing chick survival should be a priority for efforts that are restricted to the breeding grounds because this life history stage is relatively short (\u3c 3 mo) and it offers opportunities for targeted short-term management activities in breeding areas

    Hydration Repulsion Effects of the Formation of Supported Lipid Bylayers

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    When zwitterionic lipids fuse onto substrates such as silica (SiO2), the water of hydration between the two approaching surfaces must be removed, giving rise to an effective hydration repulsion. Removal of water around the polar headgroups of the lipid and the silanols (SiOH) of SiO2 allows supported lipid bilayer (SLB) formation, although an interstitial water layer remains between the lipid and surface. The importance of hydration repulsion in SLB formation is demonstrated by monitoring fusion of zwitterionic lipids onto silica (SiO2) nanoparticles heat treated to control the silanol group (SiOH) density and thus the amount of bound water. SLB formation, observed by cryo-TEM and nanodifferential scanning calorimetry, was found to be slower for the more hydrated surfaces. Although the SiOH density decreased with increasing heat treatment temperature, z-potentials were the same for all the SiO2. This arose since at the pH ¼ 8 of the experiments, only isolated silanols, with a pKa ¼ 4.9, and not hydrogen bonded silanols, with a pKa ¼ 8.5, were dissociated/charged.1 Since there were no differences in double layer forces between the SUVs and SiO2, which are the largest and most important interactions determining lipid fusion onto surfaces,2,3 the slower rate of SLB formation of DMPC onto SiO2 nanoparticles with higher silanol densities and more bound water was therefore attributed to greater hydration repulsion of the more hydrated nanoparticles. For SiO2 heated to 1000 °C, with only a few isolated silanols, little adsorbed water and many hydrophobic Si–O–Si groups, particle aggregation occurred and lipid sheaths formed around the nanoparticle aggregates

    Inhibition of cGMP-metabolizing PDEs as target for cognitive enhancement

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    The Geometric Osteotomy: Joint Preservation in Juxta-Articular Surface Bone Neoplasms

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    Purpose. To present the oncologic and functional results of a consecutive series of patients treated by geometric osteotomy and allograft reconstruction for juxta-articular surface bone neoplasms