109 research outputs found
Penelitian ini mengenai respon pertumbuhan stum mata tidur karet (Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Agr) terhadap pemberian beberapa dosis fungi mikoriza arbuskular (FMA) pada ultisol, telah dilakukan di Lahan Percobaan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Andalas, Padang, Sumatera Barat dari bulan Februari2016 sampai dengan Juni 2016. Tujuan penelitian untuk mendapatkan dosis mikoriza untuk pertumbuhan stum mata tidur karet. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 5 taraf perlakuan dan 4 ulangan. Data dianalisis secara statistik dengan uji F pada taraf nyata 5%. Apabila F hitung lebih besar dari F tabel 5%, maka dilanjutkan dengan Duncan’s New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) pada taraf 5%. Variabel yang diamati adalah persentase akar terinfeksi FMA, waktu muncul tunas, panjang tunas, diameter tunas, lebar kanopi, jumlah daun, persentase bibit hidup, persentase bibit jadi, berat segar tajuk, berat kering tajuk, berat segar akar, berat kering akar dan rasio tajuk akar. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pemberian dosis 5 g FMA memiliki derajat infeksi tertinggi yaitu 70%. Sementara peningkatan dosis FMA dari 5 – 20 gram/polybag memberikan pengaruh terhadap bobot kering akar.
Kata kunci :Stum mata tidur karet, dosis, mikoriz
Skrining Bakteri Endofit Indigenos Asal Sijunjung Untuk Meningkatkan Pertumbuhan Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq) Di Pre Nursery
Skrining Bakteri Endofit Indigenos Asal Sijunjung Untuk Meningkatkan Pertumbuhan Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq) Di Pre Nursery
Bakteri endofit merupakan mikroorganisme menguntungkan yang berinteraksi dengan tanaman inang tanpa menyababkan gangguan pada tanaman inangnya. Keberadaan bakteri endofit banyak mendapat perhatian karena potensinya dalam memacu pertumbuhan tanaman. Kelapa sawit adalah salah satu komoditi perkebunan yang memiliki rendeman tertinggi dibandingkan dengan minyak nabati lainya, dan Kabupaten Sijunjung ialah salah satu Kabupaten yang perkembangan perkebunan kelapa sawit cukup signifikan dengan produktifitas yang tinggi. Dalam mengusahakan perkebunan kelapa sawit yang berproduktifitas tinggi dengan biaya yang efesien maka digunakan bakteri endofit yang berperan sebagai PGPR (Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh Isolat bakteri endofit terbaik yang berasal dari perakaran kelapa sawit Sijunjung. Pengambilan sampel akar kelapa sawit secara proposive random sampling pada tanaman tanaman sawit yang terlihat sehat dan berproduksi baik Sebanyak 46 isolat di karakterisasi Bentuk Irregular 36 isolat, Circular 5 isolat, Filamentous 4 isolat dan Rhizoid 1 isolat. Margin koloni Undulate 24 isolat, Entire 10 isolat, Filaform 6 isolat, Lobate 4 isolat, Curled 2 isolat. Elevasi koloni bakteri Flat 23 isolat, Raised 25 isolat, Convex dan Umbonate 4 isolat. Warna koloni bakteri endofit yang dominan adalah krem 24 isolat, putih 13 isolat, merah 8 isolat, dan kuning 1 isolat. Ukuran terbesar koloni bakteri adalah 6,3 cm. Reaksi gram positif 34 isolat dan gram negatif 12 isolat. Kemudian 5 isolat menunjukan reaksi hipersensitif positif. Isolat dengan hipersensitif positif tidak diuji secara in planta. 12 isolat mampu melarutkan Fosfat dan seluruh bakteri memproduksi hormon IAA dari konsentrasi 0,26 sampai 6,67 ppm. Isolat bakteri endofit indigenos terbaik adalah SJ D5.1.3; SJ C4.2.1; SJ D5.2.3; SJ C5.2.4; SJ C5.1.2; C5.2.2 yang berpengaruh terhadap tinggi tanaman, luas daun total, bobot segar bibit dan akar, bobot kering bibit dan akar.
Kata kunci : skrening, indigenous, kelapa sawit, bakteri endofit, Sijunjung
The Effect of Technology and Company Characteristics on Firm’s Survival: Case Study of Indonesian Manufacturing Industry
Facing globalization and industrial revolution 4.0 requires companies to continue innovation to maintain their existences. Innovation can be carried out well if the company can absorb and apply the latest technology to increase the efficiency of its business. Firms that are unable to adapt to technology will not be able to compete with their counterparts. Therefore, this research was conducted to see the effect of technology, the firm's characteristics (size and location), and productivity (productivity and company profit) on the firm's survival. Using logistic regression, this study shows that technology, the firm's size, and productivity have a significant positive effect on the firm's survival. The location has a significant negative impact on the firm's survival, and profit does not significantly affect the firm's survival. The Hosmer and Lemeshow Test show that the model used in this study is fit for estimating all variables
Dampak Spillover Penanaman Modal Asing terhadap Produktivitas Industri Manufaktur Medium-High Technology di Indonesia
This study examines the impact of foreign presence in the Medium-High and High technology manufacturing industry in Indonesia. Using a balanced panel data that consists of 2,397 firms and in the year of 2010-2014, the data was estimated using the multiple regression method. The results show that there is positive spillover when local and foreign firms are in the same industry. Conversely, in different industries, negative spillover occurs in forward linkage when local firms buy the output of foreign firms and no spillover occurs in backward linkage when local firms become the suppliers of foreign firms. The Indonesian government must assure that foreign investment policies must benefit the domestic companies, considering there are some potential losses for domestic enterprises by the presence of foreign direct investment in the domestic market
Analysis of the effect of bank size, credit risk, and capital adequacy on cost efficiency of banks in Indonesia (SFA method)
Many banks are competing to achieve bank cost efficiency for business continuity amidst the competition in the banking sector. So banks need to review cost-efficiency regularly. The purpose of this study was to analyze determinants of bank cost efficiency. Variable use bank size, capital adequacy, return on asset, group of the bank, credit risk, economic growth, and inflation on bank cost efficiency in Indonesia. Determination of bank input and output variables using a bank intermediation approach. This study used panel data on 38 banks in Indonesia for the period 2012-2018. This paper used the Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) analysis method. The results of this study reveal four things. First, bank size has a negative effect bank cost efficiency. Second, credit risk has a positive effect on bank cost efficiency. Third, capital adequacy has a positive effect on bank efficiency. Fourth, the small core capital bank group has a negative effect on bank cost efficiency. Bank external variables do not affect bank cost efficiency in Indonesia.Banyak bank berlomba-lomba mencapai efisiensi bank demi keberlangsungan usaha di tengah persaingan sektor perbankan. Hal ini menjadi penyebab pentingnya sector perbankan mengkaji efisiensi biaya bank secara reguler. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis variabel-variabel apa saja yang mempengaruhi efisiensi biaya bank di Indonesia. Variabel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah ukuran bank, kecukupan modal (CAR), pengembalian asset (ROA), kelompok bank berdasarkan modal inti, risiko kredit (NPL), pertumbuhan ekonomi (EG) dan inflasi. Penentuan variabel input dan output bank menggunakan pendekatan intermediasi bank. Penelitian ini menggunakan data panel pada 38 bank di Indonesia periode tahun 2012-2018. Metode analisis dengan Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA). Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan empat hal. Pertama, ukuran bank berpengaruh negative terhadap efisiensi biaya bank. Kedua, resiko kredit berpengaruh positif terhadap efisiensi biaya bank. Ketiga, kecukupan modal berpengaruh positif terhadap efisiensi bank. Keempat, kelompok bank modal inti kecil berpengaruh negative terhadap efisiensi biaya bank. Variabel eksternal bank tidak berpengaruh terhadap efisiensi biaya bank di Indonesia
Festival Tabut Bengkulu sebagai Inspirasi Tenun Tapestri pada Produk Fesyen Muslim
Festival Tabut Bengkulu adalah Festival Budaya dari Bengkulu yang memiliki nilai sejarah agama islam,selain itu tahun 2018 ini Festival Tabut telah masuk dalam 100 kalender kegiatan kepariwisataan Wonderful Events Indonesia. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwasannya Festival Tabut Bengkulu memiliki potensi untuk dapat diolah, melihat dari nilai sejarah islam dan unsur budaya yang terkandung didalamnya.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk dapat mengolah potensi dari Festival Tabut Bengkulu, juga memberikan alternatif teknik tekstil sebagai elemen dekoratif pada produk fesyen muslim. Maka dari itu penulis ingin mengolah potensi dari Festival Tabut untuk dijadikan inspirasi tenun tapestri pada perancangan produk fesyen muslim, karena melihat adanya keselarasan antara Festival Tabut Bengkulu, tapestri, dan produk fesyen muslim yang sama – sama memiliki nilai agama islam. Metode penelitian yang digunakan penulis pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, adapun metode pengumpulan data yang dilakukan adalah melalui observasi, wawancara, ekplorasi, dan studi literatur.
Kata kunci: Festival Tabut Bengkulu, Tenun Tapestri, Produk Fesyen Muslim, Etnik, Elegan
This study investigates the efficiency of energy use and technology gap in the Indonesian sugar industry and the factors influencing energy efficiency. Using the firm-level data of sugar mills in 42 regencies in Indonesia from 2010 to 2014, this study applies the meta stochastic frontier based on the input distance function. The metafrontier analysis is applied in sugar mills in the East Java province and other provinces in Indonesia. All the data used in this study are the secondary data taken from the Indonesian Central Board of Statistics. The results reveal that there is a large room to save energy consumption in this industry. The mills in East Java provinces have higher energy efficiency, technology gap ratio, and metafrontier energy efficiency compared to the mills in other provinces. According to the metafrontier energy efficiency, energy inefficiencies in both groups come from operational inefficiency and technology gap. The size of the mills and age of the mills have a positive relationship with the energy efficiency of sugar mills and the size of the mills is positively related to the technology gap ratio. Meanwhile, the productivity of labor and the types of ownership do not affect the energy efficiency and technology gap
Efficiency of maternal health services in East Java Province
This study aims to determine the level of efficiency of maternal health services, to explain the factors that cause inefficiency in the districts/cities of the province of East Java. Using data envelopment analysis (DEA). The results showed that the variable return to scale (VRS) test results were better than constant return to scale (CRS), there was a change from relatively inefficient using VRS to efficient regions using VRS. The results of partial regression test AAB affect inefficiency, TPM and TTU do not affect. Meanwhile, simultaneously AAB, TPM and TTU affect the inefficiency of health services. So that it can increase the improvement of AAB access to reduce inefficiency
The spillover effects of foreign direct investment on the productivity and efficiency in Indonesian manufacturing industry
The study aims to examine foreign direct investment spillover effects on the firms’ productivity performances
and to examine the most important component of total factor productivity growth in explaining output growth. This study employs a time-varying stochastic frontier approach for firm level panel data of Indonesian manufacturing industry and performs a non-parametric test of the closeness of two distributions. The results demonstrate that foreign firms achieve higher productivity but less efficient than domestic firms. Increasing degrees of foreign ownership is negatively related to firms’ productivity but positively related to firms’ efficiency. There are positive horizontal spillover effects of foreign direct investment on the firms’ productivity and efficiency. The backward spillovers have positive impact on firm’s efficiency, and the forward spillovers have positive impact on firm’s productivity. However, there are negative backward spillover effects on firms’ productivity and negative forward spillover effects on firms’ efficiency. Besides that, within the same market technology spillover from FDI are smaller with higher level of labour quality. In the upstream market, the degree of absorptive capacity of suppliers has a negative impact on firms’ productivity but have a positive impact on reducing inefficiency. In the downstream markets, the greater ability of the buyers to identify, assimilate and exploit knowledge spillovers, the greater the impact on increasing productivity but the lesser the impact on reducing inefficiency. Finally, this study finds that all components of productivity; technological progress, technical efficiency change and scale efficiency change significantly contribute in explaining the TFP growth
Efficiency of Land Use in Smallholder Palm Oil Plantations in Indonesia: A Stochastic Frontier Approach
Indonesia has become the country with the largest palm oil production. However, the level of productivity of oil palm per land in Indonesia tends to remain stagnant. The main objective of this study is to evaluate oil palm lands of smallholders that experience land inefficiency. In analyzing land efficiency, this study used cross-section data obtained from Statistics Indonesia (BPS). This study uses an input distance function approach with stochastic frontier analysis tools. Our estimation results found that on average, smallholders oil palm plantations face land inefficiency. The land inefficiency of smallholder oil palm plantations is not proportional to the negative impacts it has caused. The intensification of oil palm plantation land is one of the ways to reduce the rate of deforestation and optimize available land. Land intensification can be done through the selection of potential lands, renewal programs for oil palm trees, supporting facilities and infrastructure, and plantation technology development
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