2,783 research outputs found

    Beurling densities of regular spectra of self-similar spectral measure with consecutive digit sets

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    Beurling density plays a key role in the study of frame-spectrality of normalized Lebesgue measure restricted to a set. Accordingly, in this paper, the authors study the ss-Beurling densities of regular maximal orthogonal sets of a class of self-similar spectral measures, where ss is the Hausdorff dimension of its support and obtain their exact upper bound of the densities

    Constraints on primordial curvature power spectrum with pulsar timing arrays

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    The stochastic signal detected by NANOGrav, PPTA, EPTA, and CPTA can be explained by the scalar-induced gravitational waves. In order to determine the scalar-induced gravitational waves model that best fits the stochastic signal, we employ both single- and double-peak parameterizations for the power spectrum of the primordial curvature perturbations, where the single-peak scenarios include the δ\delta-function, box, lognormal, and broken power law model, and the double-peak scenario is described by the double lognormal form. Using Bayesian inference, we find that there is no significant evidence for or against the single-peak scenario over the double-peak model, with log\log (Bayes factors) among these models lnB<1\ln \mathcal{B} < 1. Therefore, we are not able to distinguish the different shapes of the power spectrum of the primordial curvature perturbation with the current sensitivity of pulsar timing arrays.Comment: 19 pages, 1 table, 7 figure

    Is the late near-infrared bump in short-hard GRB 130603B due to the Li-Paczynski kilonova?

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    Short-hard gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are widely believed to be produced by the merger of two binary compact objects, specifically by two neutron stars or by a neutron star orbiting a black hole. According to the Li-Paczynski kilonova model, the merger would launch sub-relativistic ejecta and a near-infrared/optical transient would then occur, lasting up to days, which is powered by the radioactive decay of heavy elements synthesized in the ejecta. The detection of a late bump using the {\em Hubble Space Telescope} ({\em HST}) in the near-infrared afterglow light curve of the short-hard GRB 130603B is indeed consistent with such a model. However, as shown in this Letter, the limited {\em HST} near-infrared lightcurve behavior can also be interpreted as the synchrotron radiation of the external shock driven by a wide mildly relativistic outflow. In such a scenario, the radio emission is expected to peak with a flux of 100μ\sim 100 \muJy, which is detectable for current radio arrays. Hence, the radio afterglow data can provide complementary evidence on the nature of the bump in GRB 130603B. It is worth noting that good spectroscopy during the bump phase in short-hard bursts can test validity of either model above, analogous to spectroscopy of broad-lined Type Ic supernova in long-soft GRBs.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, published in ApJ Lette