156 research outputs found

    Computational Protein Design Using AND/OR Branch-and-Bound Search

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    The computation of the global minimum energy conformation (GMEC) is an important and challenging topic in structure-based computational protein design. In this paper, we propose a new protein design algorithm based on the AND/OR branch-and-bound (AOBB) search, which is a variant of the traditional branch-and-bound search algorithm, to solve this combinatorial optimization problem. By integrating with a powerful heuristic function, AOBB is able to fully exploit the graph structure of the underlying residue interaction network of a backbone template to significantly accelerate the design process. Tests on real protein data show that our new protein design algorithm is able to solve many prob- lems that were previously unsolvable by the traditional exact search algorithms, and for the problems that can be solved with traditional provable algorithms, our new method can provide a large speedup by several orders of magnitude while still guaranteeing to find the global minimum energy conformation (GMEC) solution.Comment: RECOMB 201

    Token Imbalance Adaptation for Radiology Report Generation

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    Imbalanced token distributions naturally exist in text documents, leading neural language models to overfit on frequent tokens. The token imbalance may dampen the robustness of radiology report generators, as complex medical terms appear less frequently but reflect more medical information. In this study, we demonstrate how current state-of-the-art models fail to generate infrequent tokens on two standard benchmark datasets (IU X-RAY and MIMIC-CXR) of radiology report generation. % However, no prior study has proposed methods to adapt infrequent tokens for text generators feeding with medical images. To solve the challenge, we propose the \textbf{T}oken \textbf{Im}balance Adapt\textbf{er} (\textit{TIMER}), aiming to improve generation robustness on infrequent tokens. The model automatically leverages token imbalance by an unlikelihood loss and dynamically optimizes generation processes to augment infrequent tokens. We compare our approach with multiple state-of-the-art methods on the two benchmarks. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in enhancing model robustness overall and infrequent tokens. Our ablation analysis shows that our reinforcement learning method has a major effect in adapting token imbalance for radiology report generation.Comment: Accepted by CHIL202

    Cross-modal and Cross-domain Knowledge Transfer for Label-free 3D Segmentation

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    Current state-of-the-art point cloud-based perception methods usually rely on large-scale labeled data, which requires expensive manual annotations. A natural option is to explore the unsupervised methodology for 3D perception tasks. However, such methods often face substantial performance-drop difficulties. Fortunately, we found that there exist amounts of image-based datasets and an alternative can be proposed, i.e., transferring the knowledge in the 2D images to 3D point clouds. Specifically, we propose a novel approach for the challenging cross-modal and cross-domain adaptation task by fully exploring the relationship between images and point clouds and designing effective feature alignment strategies. Without any 3D labels, our method achieves state-of-the-art performance for 3D point cloud semantic segmentation on SemanticKITTI by using the knowledge of KITTI360 and GTA5, compared to existing unsupervised and weakly-supervised baselines.Comment: 12 pages,4 figures,accepte
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