172 research outputs found

    Sustainability Initiatives in the Fashion Industry

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    A heightened awareness toward the fashion industry’s environmental impact has emerged in recent years, stirred by mounting evidence of intensified global clothing consumption and driven by the increased accessibility and affordability of clothing. In the last 3 years, the release of several comprehensive reports years detailing the extent of the fashion industry’s environmental impact, as well as the founding of several fashion industry-targeted sustainability campaigns (e.g., the “2020 Commitment” of the Global Fashion Agenda), has not only helped draw a great deal of attention to the issues but has also triggered an evident wave of intention toward a concrete, quantifiable action. With the abundance of information surrounding the subject of sustainability in the fashion industry, this chapter intends to provide an overview of (1) the most concerning environmental impacts caused by the fashion industry, (2) current leading collective sustainability campaigns mobilizing the fashion industry, (3) current available benchmarks and tools for measuring environmental impact of the textile life cycle, and (4) examples of how companies in the fashion industry are executing sustainability initiatives in their products or processes. Finally, the chapter will conclude with some of the current challenges and future opportunities in sustainability confronting the fashion industry

    An Introduction to Wearable Technology and Smart Textiles and Apparel: Terminology, Statistics, Evolution, and Challenges

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    Within the last 6 years, there has been a palpable surge in interest and investment into wearable technology and Smart Textiles & Apparel, manifested both in academia and in the wide array of aspirational products available on the market. Recent market research on wearables also forecasts further growth in the next 3 years. However, as the field becomes increasingly saturated, potential terminology confusion and misconceptions may arise particularly among those in the industry who may not deal directly with the technologies but have interest in applying it to their work. Therefore in an attempt to provide clarity on an increasingly popular field to those perhaps less familiar with it, this chapter delivers an introductory overview of wearable technology and Smart Textiles & Apparel, which clarifies terminology encompassed within the field, reviews recent statistics and maps out how developments have been evolving over time, and assesses some of the challenges confronting the field

    On the dynamics of the seasonal variation in the South China Sea throughflow transport

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2013. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 118 (2013): 6854–6866, doi:10.1002/2013JC009367.The Luzon Strait transport (LST) of water mass from the Pacific Ocean to the South China Sea (SCS) varies significantly with seasons. The mechanisms for this large variability are still not well understood. The steady-state island rule, which is derived from a steady-state model, is not applicable to seasonal time scale variations in a large basin like the Pacific Ocean. In this paper, we will use a theoretical model that is based on the circulation integral around the Philippines. The model relates the LST variability to changes in the boundary currents along the east coast of the Philippines, including the North Equatorial Current (NEC) Bifurcation Latitude (NECBL), the transports of Kuroshio and Mindanao Currents (KC and MC), and to the local wind-stress forcing. Our result shows that a northward shift of the NECBL, a weakening of the KC or a strengthening of the MC would enhance the LST into the SCS. This relationship between the LST and the NEC-KC-MC is consistent with observations. The analytical result is tested by a set of idealized numerical simulations.This study has been supported by the National Science Foundation Grants (OCE 1028739, 0927017) (JY), and by the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (XDA11010103), the project of Global Change and Air-Sea interaction (GASI-03-01-01-02), the Natural Science Foundation of China (40930844, 41222037), the National Basic Research Program of China (2013CB956202), Ministry of Education’s 111 Project (B07036) of China, Yong Science Foundation of Shandong (JQ201111) and Public science and technology research funds projects of ocean (201205018) (XL and DW).2014-06-1

    Poleward shift of the Kuroshio Extension front and its impact on the North Pacific Subtropical Mode Water in the recent decades

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    Author Posting. © American Meteorological Society, 2021. This article is posted here by permission of American Meteorological Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Physical Oceanography 51(2), (2021): 457–474, https://doi.org/10.1175/JPO-D-20-0088.1.The meridional shift of the Kuroshio Extension (KE) front and changes in the formation of the North Pacific Subtropical Mode Water (STMW) during 1979–2018 are reported. The surface-to-subsurface structure of the KE front averaged over 142°–165°E has shifted poleward at a rate of ~0.23° ± 0.16° decade−1. The shift was caused mainly by the poleward shift of the downstream KE front (153°–165°E, ~0.41° ± 0.29° decade−1) and barely by the upstream KE front (142°–153°E). The long-term shift trend of the KE front showed two distinct behaviors before and after 2002. Before 2002, the surface KE front moved northward with a faster rate than the subsurface. After 2002, the surface KE front showed no obvious trend, but the subsurface KE front continued to move northward. The ventilation zone of the STMW, defined by the area between the 16° and 18°C isotherms or between the 25 and 25.5 kg m−3 isopycnals, contracted and displaced northward with a shoaling of the mixed layer depth hm before 2002 when the KE front moved northward. The STMW subduction rate was reduced by 0.76 Sv (63%; 1 Sv ≡ = 106 m3 s−1) during 1979–2018, most of which occurred before 2002. Of the three components affecting the total subduction rate, the temporal induction (−∂hm/∂t) was dominant accounting for 91% of the rate reduction, while the vertical pumping (−wmb) amounted to 8% and the lateral induction (−umb ⋅ ∇hm) was insignificant. The reduced temporal induction was attributed to both the contracted ventilation zone and the shallowed hm that were incurred by the poleward shift of KE front.Xiaopei Lin is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41925025 and 92058203) and China’s national key research and development projects (2016YFA0601803). Baolan Wu is supported by the China Scholarship Council (201806330010). Lisan Yu thanks NOAA for support for her study on climate change and variability

    Wind-driven exchanges between two basins : some topographic and latitudinal effects

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2013. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 118 (2013): 4585–4599, doi:10.1002/jgrc.20333.This study examines some topographic effects on the island rule. We use an idealized and barotropic model to investigate the throughflow between a semienclosed marginal sea and a larger oceanic basin that are connected to each other by two channels. Two sets of experiments are conducted in parallel, one with a flat bottom and the other with a ridge between two basins. The model results show that the ridge affects the island rule considerably in several ways. First, the ridge blocks geostrophic contours and restricts a free exchange between two basins. The bottom pressure torque (or the form drag) is a dominant term in the balance of the depth-integrated vorticity budget and always results in a significant reduction of the throughflow transport. Second, horizontal friction promotes cross-isobathic flows and enhances the throughflow transport over the ridge. This is the opposite of what friction does in the original island rule in which a friction tends to reduce the throughflow transport. Third, the forcing region in the open ocean for the marginal-sea throughflow is shifted meridionally. Last, the topographic effect becomes small near the equator due to its dependence on f. This may explain why the PV barrier effect is smaller in the South China Sea than in the Japan/East Sea. The limitation of the barotropic model and some baroclinic effects will be discussed.This study has been supported by the National Science Foundation grants OCE 1028739, OCE 0927017, ARC 1107412, and ARC 0902090 (J.Y.), the WHOI Coastal Institute, and by the Ministry of Education’s 111 Project (B07036), National Basic Research Priorities Programmer (2013CB956202), Natural Science Foundation (41222037, 41221063), Natural Science Foundation of Shandong (JQ201111), and Public Welfare Scientific Research Project (201205018) of China (X.L. and D.W.).2014-03-1

    Decadal to multidecadal variability of the mixed layer to the south of the Kuroshio Extension region

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    Author Posting. © American Meteorological Society, 2020. This article is posted here by permission of American Meteorological Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Climate 33(17), (2020): 7697-7714, https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-20-0115.1.The decadal to multidecadal mixed layer variability is investigated in a region south of the Kuroshio Extension (130°E–180°, 25°–35°N), an area where the North Pacific subtropical mode water forms, during 1948–2012. By analyzing the mixed layer heat budget with different observational and reanalysis data, here we show that the decadal to multidecadal variability of the mixed layer temperature and mixed layer depth is covaried with the Atlantic multidecadal oscillation (AMO), instead of the Pacific decadal oscillation (PDO). The mixed layer temperature has strong decadal to multidecadal variability, being warm before 1970 and after 1990 (AMO positive phase) and cold during 1970–90 (AMO negative phase), and so does the mixed layer depth. The dominant process for the mixed layer temperature decadal to multidecadal variability is the Ekman advection, which is controlled by the zonal wind changes related to the AMO. The net heat flux into the ocean surface Qnet acts as a damping term and it is mainly from the effect of latent heat flux and partially from sensible heat flux. While the wind as well as mixed layer temperature decadal changes related to the PDO are weak in the western Pacific Ocean. Our finding proposes the possible influence of the AMO on the northwestern Pacific Ocean mixed layer variability, and could be a potential predictor for the decadal to multidecadal climate variability in the western Pacific Ocean.Xiaopei Lin is supported by the China’s national key research and development projects (2016YFA0601803) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41925025 and U1606402). Baolan Wu is supported by the China Scholarship Council (201806330010). Lisan Yu thanks NOAA for support for her study on climate change and variability

    An open-ocean forcing in the East China and Yellow seas

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2010. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research 115 (2010): C12056, doi:10.1029/2010JC006179.Recent studies have demonstrated that the annual mean barotropic currents over the East China and Yellow seas (ECYS) are forced primarily by the oceanic circulation in the open-ocean basin through the Kuroshio Current (KC), the western boundary current of the subtropical gyre in the North Pacific Ocean. The local wind stress forcing plays an important but secondary role. Those previous results were mainly qualitative and from a simple barotropic model forced by a steady wind stress field. They remain to be tested in a more complete 3-D model with both wind stress and buoyancy fluxes. In addition, the seasonal variability of major ECYS currents may involve different forcing mechanisms than their annually averaged fields do, and this can only be addressed when a seasonally varying forcing is used in the model. In this paper, we will address these issues by using a 3-D baroclinic model. Our results confirm the finding from the previous studies that the KC is the primary forcing mechanism for major annually mean currents in the ECYS, which include the Taiwan Strait Current, the Tsushima Warm Current, and the Yellow Sea Warm Current (YSWC), etc. However, the local monsoonal forcing plays a prominent role in modulating the seasonal variability of all major currents in the region. A deep northwestward intrusion of the YSWC in winter, for instance, is mainly due to a robustly developed China Coastal Current and Korea Coastal Current, which draw water along the Yellow Sea Trough to feed the southward flows along the west and east coasts of the Yellow Sea.This work was supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (2005CB422302), the International Science and Technology Cooperation Program of China (2006DFB21250), the Program of Introducing Talents of Discipline to Universities (B07036), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41006003), and the U.S. National Science Foundation

    DID-M3D: Decoupling Instance Depth for Monocular 3D Object Detection

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    Monocular 3D detection has drawn much attention from the community due to its low cost and setup simplicity. It takes an RGB image as input and predicts 3D boxes in the 3D space. The most challenging sub-task lies in the instance depth estimation. Previous works usually use a direct estimation method. However, in this paper we point out that the instance depth on the RGB image is non-intuitive. It is coupled by visual depth clues and instance attribute clues, making it hard to be directly learned in the network. Therefore, we propose to reformulate the instance depth to the combination of the instance visual surface depth (visual depth) and the instance attribute depth (attribute depth). The visual depth is related to objects' appearances and positions on the image. By contrast, the attribute depth relies on objects' inherent attributes, which are invariant to the object affine transformation on the image. Correspondingly, we decouple the 3D location uncertainty into visual depth uncertainty and attribute depth uncertainty. By combining different types of depths and associated uncertainties, we can obtain the final instance depth. Furthermore, data augmentation in monocular 3D detection is usually limited due to the physical nature, hindering the boost of performance. Based on the proposed instance depth disentanglement strategy, we can alleviate this problem. Evaluated on KITTI, our method achieves new state-of-the-art results, and extensive ablation studies validate the effectiveness of each component in our method. The codes are released at https://github.com/SPengLiang/DID-M3D.Comment: ECCV 202