25 research outputs found

    Electro-osmotic consolidation of soil with variable compressibility, hydraulic conductivity and electro-osmosis conductivity

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    In present study, the non-linear variations of soil compressibility, hydraulic and electro-osmosis conductivities were analyzed through laboratory experiments, and incorporated in a one-dimensional model. The analytical solutions for excess pore water pressure and degree of consolidation were derived, and numerical simulations were performed to verify its effectiveness. The results indicated that both the non-linear variations of hydraulic and electro-osmosis conductivities showed remarkable impacts on the excess pore water pressure and degree of consolidation, especially for soils with relative high compressibility. A further comparison with previous analytical solutions indicated that more accurate predictions could be obtained with the proposed analytical solutions. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved


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    [[abstract]]文學內容,謂之文情。聲律節奏,謂之聲響。情以聲顯,聲注於情。聲情之關係, 遂益密切。固有繫於天籟,亦有由於人為。其間所具因素,固有所值探討者在,尋 其因素,可依文體而別。雖亦有共同之點,各別之差異,亦自然產生。凡體製篇幅 自由者,格律音調無一定之規約者,其聲情之關係較為不顯,古詩、辭賦等屬之; 其體製篇幅一定、格律音調有度者,則其關係越為顯明,近體詩、詞、曲等屬之。 故沿波討源、尋體索義、由情以知音,則聲情之關係固躍然而出矣。

    [[alternative]]A Study of Senior High School Students' Science Reading Process and Reading Strategies

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    [[abstract]]The purposes of this study were to investigate senior high schools students’ ideas about science reading and science text and to explore students’ reading strategies and comprehension monitoring during science reading process. This study was conducted at a senior high school in Taipei City. The samples were composed of 30 10th grade students and 30 11th grade students. Semi-structural interview was used to explore students’ ideas of science reading and the usage of reading strategies. All interviews were recorded and transcribed for analyzing. Results of this study can be divided into three main parts that are “students’ ideas about science reading and science text,” “students’ usage of science reading strategies,” and “students’ comprehension monitoring.” About the ideas of science reading, students think that reading science text is different from reading other kinds of text. The main purpose of science reading is to understand the content of science text. In addition, students also concern about the applications of science text and the formations of scientific knowledge. Students have many different conceptions of science text. Students think that the difficulties of science reading derived from scientific terms, scientific symbols, scientific formulas, diagrams, graphs, and the statements of scientific text. In addition, preconceptions and examinations will also affect students’ science reading. With regard to the truthfulness of science text, the great parts of students think that the contents of a science text are not necessarily true. Students could use different criteria such as their preconceptions, experiences, or the logic of statements of the text to judge the truthfulness of scientific text. Students in this study could use 29 different kinds of reading strategies to help them understand scientific text. In different reading processes, students will use different kinds of reading strategies. In addition, the percentages of each reading strategy that students use are different. Female students have significant higher percentages of the usage of the strategy, which is marking some signs during science reading, than male students do. The reading strategies that female students prefer to use during literal comprehension and inferential comprehension process have more diverse functions than male students do. In addition, 10th grade students prefer to use the strategies that asking others to help understand the meanings of science text during the word comprehension process. However, 11th grade student prefer to use the strategies that checking related references to facilitate understanding. This study also revealed that the reading strategies that 10th grade students prefer to use during literal comprehension and inferential comprehension process have more diverse functions than 11th graders do. Students involved in this study have many different comprehension monitoring conceptions about the use of reading strategies. The higher percentages of reading strategies that students use, the more self-awareness students have. Students’ self-awareness conceptions could be the bases to help students carry out three different kinds of self-management, which are “evaluating,” “planning,” and “regulating.” However, students usually lack the self-awareness ideas about planning self-management.

    一、過氧草酸酯化合物的化學發光研究 二、教具制作能階量子化淺釋一光激螢光化學螢光 三、原油之螢光光譜分析與其對比

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    [[abstract]]一、過氧草酸酯化合物的化學發光研究 合成一系列的對位取代苯草酸酯,連而研究此系統於室溫下化學發光的動力論。結果 取代基為推電子基者(R=-OCH -CH ),即使在催化劑存在下,亦無法觀察到化學發光 現象,而其為拉電子基者,則可見到發光現象。同時實驗結果顯示,反應速率隨催化 劑濃度增加而增加;同時反應速率亦隨著取代基 值的增加而增加。 值對log obsd 作圖結果的約略為線性關系,反應速率決定步驟為步驟1 : 二反應劑反應的速率。此 可能造在難以捕捉到負責發光之可能的高能分子1,2-二氧烷二酮基(1,2-dioxtanedi- one)的最大原因。因而利用反應速率較快的氯化乙二醯基(oxalyl chloride) ,可得 到一種導致發光的氣體(可能為1,2-二氧烷二酮基),此有待進一步確證。 二、教具制作 能階量子化淺釋一光激螢光與化學螢光 本教具系利用化學螢光與光激螢光來淺釋能階量子化的基本概念。本裝置由五個螢光 劑( 染料 )分別溶於草酸酯溶液, 置於玻璃管內, 按照各種螢光劑能量的高低, 排列 於一三夾板上, 利用化學反應或紫外燈的照射,使產生螢光而成。前者稱為化學螢光 ,后者稱為光激螢光。 染料產生螢光與否,要視過氧化氫溶液( 化學發光 )或紫外燈( 光激螢光 )移動的位 置而定; 只有當過氧化氫溶液和紫外燈的位置,被移到和染料溶液等高時,螢光才會 產生,如此能階量子化的觀念就很容易予以闡釋。 三、原油之螢光光譜分析與其對比 螢光方法,為一非常靈敏的分析方法,只要含有微量( 可低至ppb)發螢光之特質即可 使用此法。利用四個已知聯苯碳氫化合物(9,10-diphenylanthracene, perylene, t- etracene與rubrene)做“激發一發光同步螢光光譜(The Synchronous Excitation F- luorescenee Spectrum ;簡稱 SEF) " 。與其特殊之 =0 nm SERF 兩種方法的評 估。SERF方法可用以約略判定聯苯碳氫化合物的數目及可能的種類。於低濃度時,S- ERF 方法可能遭到激發光干擾現象, SEF ( > 0 nm) 方法則無法顧慮。但后者無 法真正判斷到實際所含的螢光化合物數目。 樣品的取樣與處理方法是在生油岩與原油之比對應用上,決定螢光分析成敗的關鍵。 由實驗發現,省時又省事的“直接萃取一螢光法”在比對生油岩上是一快速便捷的有 效方法。

    [[alternative]]Intra-personal Intelligence, Idol star, Peers and Parents' Impact on Junior High School Student's Body Image in Tainan

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    [[abstract]]This research aims at probing into intra-personal Intelligence, idol star, peers and parents' impact on junior high school student's body image. Through stratified cluster random sampling, the study group was composed of students in Tainan. They completed self-administered questionnaires which included the Multidimensional Body- Self Relations Questionnaire (MBSRQ), the Intra-personal Intelligence Questionnaire, the Idol Star's Information of Body image Questionnaire and the View that Peers and Parents' evaluation Questionnaire. Data analyses included t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and enter regression analysis. The main results are shown as followed: (1) The adolescent boys’ body image tend to be more positive than the adolescent girls. The adolescent boys relatively pay more attention to physical activities. The adolescent girls pay more attention on decoration of body appearance and obviously take notice on the change of the weight more than boys, and the easy to be subjective on over-evaluates one's own level of obesity . So far as every part of satisfaction on the body, the adolescent boys and girls are all relatively satisfied with the hair , health , face, relatively unsatisfied with the weight and height. The adolescent girls are especially unsatisfied with the waist and below where easy for fat accumulation (2)The one who is overweight or obese, has humiliation experience, develops too early and too late having the lower evaluation of appearance, fitness , and health and has the lower body-areas satisfaction , the pay less attention to physical activities , but comparatively pay attention to the thing that the weight changes and thinks that his weight is relatively heavy. (3) The adolescent boys and girls exhibit their body image more positively, are satisfied with their own appearance, fitness and health, have the higher orientation of fitness and health , suspect authenticity of the idol star's appearance, and do not relatively mind that appearance is humiliated when being the higher intra-personal intelligence (4) The adolescent girls approve idol star's appearance than the boys and bear the more social pressure that the idol star's stature appearance causes than the boys. The adolescent girls dress up to imitate idol star's dressing, the will of reducing weight is higher than the adolescent boys and invest more strength to the decoration of appearance, too. (5)To those who cares on the parent’s and the peer’s evaluation pay attention to the thing that the weight changes and thinks that his weight is relatively heavy, are unsatisfied with their own body , invest more strength to the decoration of appearance , but evaluate worse to one's own health. (6) Overall intra-personal intelligence is the best indicator of predictability for adolescent body image. The secondary indicators are social pressure, Identification, development situation and sex in the whole. Key word: intra-personal intelligence, idol star, peers and parents, body image, junior high school student


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    [[abstract]]本研究主要目的是探討台北市立醫院護理人員對愛滋病知識、態度、行為意向的實態 及教育需,研究方法採抽樣調查法,依自擬結構式問卷為工具,在台北市八家市立醫 院共測得270份有效問卷,所得資料以頻率百分比、卡方檢定(x2 )、變異數分 析(ANOVA)、相關(CORRELATION)、逐步複迴歸(STEPWI SE)統計,並分析問卷難易度、鑑別度、信度(折半、CRONBACH a 信 度)、效度、所得結論如下: 1.愛滋病護理、預防題目、正答率在60%以上,顯示這方面知識尚佳;屬愛滋病 病理、生理、症狀題目及新知題目,正答率多在40%-50%之間,顯示稍不足。 2.影響愛滋病知識的重要變項,依序為年齡、是否閱讀衛生署編印之愛滋病手冊、 工作地點。 3.愛滋病態度中,以防治態度最正向(平均3.08分),而以對病患態度雖正向 但最弱(平均2.42分)。 4.影響態度最重要的變項為是否閱讀有關愛滋病的資料。 5.影響行為意向的重要變項依序為:對愛滋病之態度、是否閱讀愛滋病的其他資料 。 6.愛滋病教育內容需求中被列為需要和很需要學習的,各項都在90%以上,但以 需要程度最高的項目來看,依序為疾病預防、病患護理、病患精神心理照護知識、治 療學、診斷檢查,還有同性戀知識。 7.96%反胦現在是教育最適當時機,98.6%期待醫院安排活動,在白天班採 教育影片播放和舉辦短期訓練以電影機、電視機為教具。

    [[alternative]]A Study on The Reviewing System and "Related Issues of The Religious Area Developments" in Taiwan

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    [[abstract]]Although the land-use is somewhat conditioned by the political and economic situation, the land development in Taiwan is not so consistent with the governmental land policies. The governmental land usage applies zoning system. The land supply is strictly limited under the planning economy. However, average citizens’ demand of land is market oriented. Therefore, the governmental policy is not well connected with the people’s demand. The government has been stressed the economical importance at ignoring overall effective planning of the country’s land and future vision. The land has been so overdeveloped that the land resources are more or less undermined. As a result, the problem of natural disasters has increasingly becoming worse and worse. In terms of the illegal land usage in Taiwan, the problems arising from the religious land and building are most common, serious and complicated. Because religious affairs are not economical activities, the government has ignored them without thorough planning. Taiwan’s religious groups have established their religious buildings throughout Taiwan without a vision. This already becomes a long-term thorny problem, which the government does not want to deal with directly. In consideration of the expenditure and unique preference, many religious groups chose to construct their buildings on farming land or hillsides. Although this can save money, the legitimacy must go through a legal process of land-use change. Nevertheless, it is very difficult to attain the legitimacy. And it has become long-term problem for the government and religious groups. First, this study makes a comparison with land control policies among Taiwan, Britain and Mainland China. In this way, we can get a better understanding of the unique nature of Taiwan’s land policy. And then, taking into consideration the characteristics of Taiwan’s religions as well as the governmental policies, I find that the most-thorny problem is the illegal usage of land and building of religious groups. However, the government cannot take effective measures to resolve the problem which has been becoming worse and worse. Through in-depth interviews, this study gets a better understanding of the land usage of religious groups, pointing out the need of creating a deliberation specifications for religious land. And according to the concepts of national territory planning, I advance the idea of creating deliberation specifications for religious land. By means of TGRRL system analysis model, we can establish the evaluation framework of deliberation specifications for religious land, thus drafting both specifications for urban and non-urban religious land. These drafts are screened via questionnaire survey of TGRRL operation. The study hopes to create “the articles and related package for deliberation specifications for religious land & the articles of the main points of reviewing process.” Finally, some cases are further analyzed for reviewing these deliberation articles. This study urgently calls upon the government and the public to work together to settle the problems of religious land-use. The findings include several aspects: first, “on the aspect of religious governance”. Since Taiwan’s religions have been prosperously developing on real world belief, they almost are operated within the frame of modern management. The government is supposed to make the role of the authorities clear in accordance to the principle of professionalism. And it needs to encourage the multiple developments of religious groups to cultivate and educate the public. To enhance the government’s administrative efficiency and to promote the value of religious land, it’s necessary to create “the law of religious groups” to regulate the property of religious groups. Second, “on the aspect of religious laws.” Many of the practices of Taiwan’s religions are against the related governmental laws; many religious facilities, to a certain degree, are not legal. Moreover, many of the managments of the religious groups and their believers cannot have a good understanding of the laws. Besides educating the public, the government should review and examine these laws. Third, “on the aspect of religious deliberation.” Most of the land-use conversions of religious land are illegal for lack of legal licenses such as those of environment impact evaluation, water resources protection, and so on. The government is advised to establish a standard administrative procedure to simplify the deliberation process of land-use conversion. Hopefully, “the articles and related package for deliberation specifications for religious land & the articles of the main points of reviewing process” can serve as references for the academics, the governmental officials and religious groups.


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    碩士教育研究所[[abstract]]摘要 本研究旨在探討台灣地區國中學生智力內隱理論、失敗容忍力、學業求助行為與學業成就之相關。首先,探討不同背景變項之國中學生在智力內隱理論、失敗容忍力與學業求助行為的差異情形。然後再分析智力內隱理論、失敗容忍力與學業求助行為的相關情形。最後再探究國中學生之智力內隱理論、失敗容忍力與學業求助行為對學業成就之預測力。 本研究採問卷調查法,以中部地區五縣市國中學生為研究對象,共有668名國中學生為樣本。研究工貝包括「智力內隱理論量表」、「失敗容忍力量表」、「學業求助行為量表」。所得資料採用描述統計分析、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、積差相關及逐步迴歸等方法進行統計分析。 本研究獲得如下結論: 一、國中學生之智力內隱理論各層面因性別之不同而無顯著差異,在年級方面亦無顯著差異。 二、國中學生之情緒感受失敗容忍力及整體失敗容忍力因性別之不同而有顯著差異,但在其他層面則無顯著差異;國中學生之學業冒險行動失敗容忍力及整體失敗容忍力因年級之不同而有顯著差異,但在其他層面則無顯著差異。 三、國中學生積極向同學求助之學業求助行為因性別之不同而有顯著差異,但在其他層面則無顯著差異;不同年級的國中學生在積極向老師求助、積極向同學求助及整體學業求助行為有顯著差異,但在逃避求助則無顯著差異。 四、國中學生智力增長觀智力內隱理論與學業冒險行動失敗容忍力有顯著相關。 五、國中學生智力實體觀智力內隱理論與學業冒險行動、情?感受失敗容忍力有顯著相關。 六、國中學生不同的智力內隱理論與不同的學業求助行為有顯著相關。 七、國中學生學業冒險行動失敗容忍力與積極向老師求助、積極向同學求助及逃避求助學業求助行為有顯著相關。 八、國中學生情?感受失敗容忍力與積極向同學求助學業求助行為有顯著相關。 九、國中學生的積極向同學求助學業求助行為、逃避求助、學業冒險行動失敗容忍力、智力實體觀智力內隱理論對學業成就有顯著的預測力。 本研究最後根據研究結果提出各項建議,以供教學輔導及未來研 究之參考。 關鍵詞:智力內隱理論、失敗容忍力、學業求助行為[[abstract]]The Relationships among Implicit Theories of Intelligence, Failure Tolerance, Academic Help-Seeking Behavior and Academic Achievement of Junior High School Students Hui-I Wu Abstract The main purpose of this study was to explore the relationships among implicit theories of intelligence, failure tolerance, academic help-seeking behavior and academic achievement of junior high school students in five counties of Taiwan. First, this study examined the effects of different background variables on the main variables. Moreover, this study was to analyze the relationship of implicit theories of intelligence, failure tolerance and academic help-seeking behavior. Furthermore, we wanted to find out whether implicit theories of intelligence, failure tolerance or academic help-seeking behavior is the predictable variable to well-being. A total of 668 junior high school students responded to a set of instruments including the Implicit Theories of Intelligence Scales, the Failure Tolerance Scales, and the Academic Help-Seeking Behavior Scales. The descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, and stepwise regression analysis were used to analyze the data. The findings of the study were summarized as follows: 1. There were no significant differences found in each factor of implicit theories of intelligence in gender and grade level of junior high school students. 2. Both the effect and failure tolerance were significant difference in gender of junior high school students. Concerning grade level, there were significant differences found in both the action of preference for difficulty and failure tolerance. 3. Only seeking help from teachers was significant difference in gender of junior high school students. Concerning grade level, all factors of academic help-seeking behavior and academic help-seeking behavior were significant differences except avoiding seeking help. 4. Junior high school students’ incremental theory of intelligence and action of preference for difficulty were correlated to each other. 5. Junior high school students’ entity theory of intelligence, action of preference for difficulty, and effect were correlated to each other. 6. Junior high school students’ implicit theories of intelligence and academic help-seeking behavior were correlated to each other. 7. Junior high school students’ action of preference for difficulty and each factor of academic help-seeking behavior were correlated to each other. 8. Junior high school students’ effect and seeking help from classmates were correlated to each other. 9. Junior high school students’ action of preference for difficulty positively predicted academic achievement, but seeking help from classmates, avoiding seeking help, and entity theory of intelligence negatively predicted academic achievement. Finally, some suggestions for teaching, counseling, and future research were proposed according to the results. Keywords: implicit theories of intelligence, failure tolerance, academic help-seeking behavior

    Study on the Mg-Li-Zn ternary alloy system with improved mechanical properties, good degradation performance and different responses to cells

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    Novel Mg-(3.5, 6.5wt%)Li-(0.5, 2, 4wt%)Zn ternary alloys were developed as new kinds of biodegradable metallic materials with potential for stent application. Their mechanical properties, degradation behavior, cytocompatibility and hemocompatibility were studied. These potential biomaterials showed higher ultimate tensile strength than previously reported binary Mg-Li alloys and ternary Mg-Li-X (X=Al, Y, Ce, Sc, Mn and Ag) alloys. Among the alloys studied, the Mg-3.5Li-2Zn and Mg-6.5Li-2Zn alloys exhibited comparable corrosion resistance in Hank's solution to pure magnesium and better corrosion resistance in a cell culture medium than pure magnesium. Corrosion products observed on the corroded surface were composed of Mg(OH)2, MgCO3 and Ca-free Mg/P inorganics and Ca/P inorganics. In vitro cytotoxicity assay revealed different behaviors of Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells (HUVECs) and Human Aorta Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells (VSMCs) to material extracts. HUVECs showed increasing nitric oxide (NO) release and tolerable toxicity, whereas VSMCs exhibited limited decreasing viability with time. Platelet adhesion, hemolysis and coagulation tests of these Mg-Li-Zn alloys showed different degrees of activation behavior, in which the hemolysis of the Mg-3.5Li-2Zn alloy was lower than 5%. These results indicated the potential of the Mg-Li-Zn alloys as good candidate materials for cardiovascular stent applications. Statement of significance: Mg-Li alloys are promising as absorbable metallic biomaterials, which however have not received significant attention since the low strength, controversial corrosion performance and the doubts in Li toxicity. The Mg-Li-Zn alloy in the present study revealed much improved mechanical properties higher than most reported binary Mg-Li and ternary Mg-Li-X alloys, with superior corrosion resistance in cell culture media. Surprisingly, the addition of Li and Zn showed increased nitric oxide release. The present study indicates good potential of Mg-Li-Zn alloy as absorbable cardiovascular stent material.Accepted Author ManuscriptBiomaterials & Tissue Biomechanic

    A comprehensive review on the prediction of ship energy consumption and pollution gas emissions

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    Ship energy consumption and emission prediction are critical for ship energy efficiency management and pollution gas emission control, both of which are major concerns for the shipping industry and hence continue to attract global attention and research interest. This article examined the energy efficiency data sources, big data analysis for energy efficiency, and analyzed the ship energy consumption and emission prediction models. The ship energy consumption and pollution gas emission prediction models are comprehensively summarized based on the modeling method and principles. The theoretical analysis and artificial intelligence-based ship energy consumption model, as well as the top-down and bottom-up ship emission prediction models, are thoroughly examined in terms of influencing factors, model accuracy, data sources, and practical applications. On this basis, the challenges of ship energy consumption and emission prediction are discussed, and future research suggestions are proposed, providing a foundation for the development of ship energy consumption and emission prediction technologies. The analysis results show that the principles, parameters of concern, and data quality all have a significant impact on the performance of the prediction models. Consequently, the prediction model's accuracy can be improved by combining intelligent algorithms and machine learning. In the future, high precision, self-adapting, ship fuel consumption and emission prediction models based on artificial intelligence technology should be further studied, in order to improve their prediction performance, and thus providing solid foundations for the optimization management and control of the ship energy consumption and emissions.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository 'You share, we take care!' - Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Transport Engineering and Logistic