101 research outputs found

    Exploration of Adolescent Depression Risk Prediction Based on Census Surveys and General Life Issues

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    In contemporary society, the escalating pressures of life and work have propelled psychological disorders to the forefront of modern health concerns, an issue that has been further accentuated by the COVID-19 pandemic. The prevalence of depression among adolescents is steadily increasing, and traditional diagnostic methods, which rely on scales or interviews, prove particularly inadequate for detecting depression in young people. Addressing these challenges, numerous AI-based methods for assisting in the diagnosis of mental health issues have emerged. However, most of these methods center around fundamental issues with scales or use multimodal approaches like facial expression recognition. Diagnosis of depression risk based on everyday habits and behaviors has been limited to small-scale qualitative studies. Our research leverages adolescent census data to predict depression risk, focusing on children's experiences with depression and their daily life situations. We introduced a method for managing severely imbalanced high-dimensional data and an adaptive predictive approach tailored to data structure characteristics. Furthermore, we proposed a cloud-based architecture for automatic online learning and data updates. This study utilized publicly available NSCH youth census data from 2020 to 2022, encompassing nearly 150,000 data entries. We conducted basic data analyses and predictive experiments, demonstrating significant performance improvements over standard machine learning and deep learning algorithms. This affirmed our data processing method's broad applicability in handling imbalanced medical data. Diverging from typical predictive method research, our study presents a comprehensive architectural solution, considering a wider array of user needs

    Spatial-Temporal Knowledge-Embedded Transformer for Video Scene Graph Generation

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    Video scene graph generation (VidSGG) aims to identify objects in visual scenes and infer their relationships for a given video. It requires not only a comprehensive understanding of each object scattered on the whole scene but also a deep dive into their temporal motions and interactions. Inherently, object pairs and their relationships enjoy spatial co-occurrence correlations within each image and temporal consistency/transition correlations across different images, which can serve as prior knowledge to facilitate VidSGG model learning and inference. In this work, we propose a spatial-temporal knowledge-embedded transformer (STKET) that incorporates the prior spatial-temporal knowledge into the multi-head cross-attention mechanism to learn more representative relationship representations. Specifically, we first learn spatial co-occurrence and temporal transition correlations in a statistical manner. Then, we design spatial and temporal knowledge-embedded layers that introduce the multi-head cross-attention mechanism to fully explore the interaction between visual representation and the knowledge to generate spatial- and temporal-embedded representations, respectively. Finally, we aggregate these representations for each subject-object pair to predict the final semantic labels and their relationships. Extensive experiments show that STKET outperforms current competing algorithms by a large margin, e.g., improving the mR@50 by 8.1%, 4.7%, and 2.1% on different settings over current algorithms.Comment: Technical Repor
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