193 research outputs found

    An Ensemble Method to Automatically Grade Diabetic Retinopathy with Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography Images

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    Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a complication of diabetes, and one of the major causes of vision impairment in the global population. As the early-stage manifestation of DR is usually very mild and hard to detect, an accurate diagnosis via eye-screening is clinically important to prevent vision loss at later stages. In this work, we propose an ensemble method to automatically grade DR using ultra-wide optical coherence tomography angiography (UW-OCTA) images available from Diabetic Retinopathy Analysis Challenge (DRAC) 2022. First, we adopt the state-of-the-art classification networks, i.e., ResNet, DenseNet, EfficientNet, and VGG, and train them to grade UW-OCTA images with different splits of the available dataset. Ultimately, we obtain 25 models, of which, the top 16 models are selected and ensembled to generate the final predictions. During the training process, we also investigate the multi-task learning strategy, and add an auxiliary classification task, the Image Quality Assessment, to improve the model performance. Our final ensemble model achieved a quadratic weighted kappa (QWK) of 0.9346 and an Area Under Curve (AUC) of 0.9766 on the internal testing dataset, and the QWK of 0.839 and the AUC of 0.8978 on the DRAC challenge testing dataset.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, 5 tables. To appear in Diabetic Retinopathy Analysis Challenge (DRAC), Bin Sheng et al., MICCAI 2022 Challenge, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springe

    Analysis of spherical indentation of materials with plastically graded surface layer

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    AbstractIn the present work, a comprehensive parametric study for establishing contact mechanics of instrumented normal spherical indentation on homogeneous materials and materials with plastically graded surface layer (PGSL) was undertaken by dimensional analysis and finite element modeling. The spherical indentation response for homogeneous materials can be described only by two dimensionless parameters: strain hardening exponent and a unified parameter that can describe effects of both the normalized yield strength and the normalized indentation depth. The influences of these two parameters were investigated for a wide range of engineering materials, and the results may be used as an estimate of loading response and pile-up/sink-in behavior when the material properties are known. In the materials with PGSL, a linear gradient in yield strength, and no variation in elastic modulus and strain hardening exponent were explored. The indentation response of the materials with PGSL can be described only by three dimensionless parameters: the normalized indentation depth, the dimensionless strength gradient parameter, and the normalized PGSL thickness. The effects of these three parameters were studied systematically. The normalized pile-up/sink-in parameter is found to be an increasing function of the strength gradient parameter. The normalized pile-up/sink-in parameter increases (decreases) with increasing PGSL thickness for a fixed positive (negative) gradient case at large indentation depth. The results also indicate that the materials with positive PGSL can bear more loads and have significantly more resistance to contact crack formation

    ZeroPrompt: Streaming Acoustic Encoders are Zero-Shot Masked LMs

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    In this paper, we present ZeroPrompt (Figure 1-(a)) and the corresponding Prompt-and-Refine strategy (Figure 3), two simple but effective \textbf{training-free} methods to decrease the Token Display Time (TDT) of streaming ASR models \textbf{without any accuracy loss}. The core idea of ZeroPrompt is to append zeroed content to each chunk during inference, which acts like a prompt to encourage the model to predict future tokens even before they were spoken. We argue that streaming acoustic encoders naturally have the modeling ability of Masked Language Models and our experiments demonstrate that ZeroPrompt is engineering cheap and can be applied to streaming acoustic encoders on any dataset without any accuracy loss. Specifically, compared with our baseline models, we achieve 350 ∼\sim 700ms reduction on First Token Display Time (TDT-F) and 100 ∼\sim 400ms reduction on Last Token Display Time (TDT-L), with theoretically and experimentally equal WER on both Aishell-1 and Librispeech datasets.Comment: accepted by interspeech 202

    LightGrad: Lightweight Diffusion Probabilistic Model for Text-to-Speech

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    Recent advances in neural text-to-speech (TTS) models bring thousands of TTS applications into daily life, where models are deployed in cloud to provide services for customs. Among these models are diffusion probabilistic models (DPMs), which can be stably trained and are more parameter-efficient compared with other generative models. As transmitting data between customs and the cloud introduces high latency and the risk of exposing private data, deploying TTS models on edge devices is preferred. When implementing DPMs onto edge devices, there are two practical problems. First, current DPMs are not lightweight enough for resource-constrained devices. Second, DPMs require many denoising steps in inference, which increases latency. In this work, we present LightGrad, a lightweight DPM for TTS. LightGrad is equipped with a lightweight U-Net diffusion decoder and a training-free fast sampling technique, reducing both model parameters and inference latency. Streaming inference is also implemented in LightGrad to reduce latency further. Compared with Grad-TTS, LightGrad achieves 62.2% reduction in paramters, 65.7% reduction in latency, while preserving comparable speech quality on both Chinese Mandarin and English in 4 denoising steps.Comment: Accepted by ICASSP 202

    TrimTail: Low-Latency Streaming ASR with Simple but Effective Spectrogram-Level Length Penalty

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    In this paper, we present TrimTail, a simple but effective emission regularization method to improve the latency of streaming ASR models. The core idea of TrimTail is to apply length penalty (i.e., by trimming trailing frames, see Fig. 1-(b)) directly on the spectrogram of input utterances, which does not require any alignment. We demonstrate that TrimTail is computationally cheap and can be applied online and optimized with any training loss or any model architecture on any dataset without any extra effort by applying it on various end-to-end streaming ASR networks either trained with CTC loss [1] or Transducer loss [2]. We achieve 100 ∼\sim 200ms latency reduction with equal or even better accuracy on both Aishell-1 and Librispeech. Moreover, by using TrimTail, we can achieve a 400ms algorithmic improvement of User Sensitive Delay (USD) with an accuracy loss of less than 0.2.Comment: submitted to ICASSP 202
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