29 research outputs found

    Model Identification, Updating, and Validation of an Active Magnetic Bearing High-Speed Machining Spindle for Precision Machining Operation

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    High-Speed Machining (HSM) spindles equipped with Active Magnetic Bearings (AMBs) are envisioned to be capable of autonomous self-identification and performance self-optimization for stable high-speed and high quality machining operation. High-speed machining requires carefully selected parameters for reliable and optimal machining performance. For this reason, the accuracy of the spindle model in terms of physical and dynamic properties is essential to substantiate confidence in its predictive aptitude for subsequent analyses.This dissertation addresses system identification, open-loop model development and updating, and closed-loop model validation. System identification was performed in situ utilizing the existing AMB hardware. A simplified, nominal open-loop rotor model was developed based on available geometrical and material information. The nominal rotor model demonstrated poor correlation when compared with open-loop system identification data. Since considerable model error was realized, the nominal rotor model was corrected by employing optimization methodology to minimize the error of resonance and antiresonance frequencies between the modeled and experimental data.Validity of the updated open-loop model was demonstrated through successful implementation of a MIMO u-controller. Since the u-controller is generated based on the spindle model, robust levitation of the real machining spindle is achieved only when the model is of high fidelity. Spindle performance characterization was carried out at the tool location through evaluations of the dynamic stiffness as well as orbits at various rotational speeds. Updated model simulations exhibited high fidelity correspondence to experimental data confirming the predictive aptitude of the updated model. Further, a case study is presented which illustrates the improved performance of the u-controller when designed with lower uncertainty of the model\u27s accurac

    Model Identification, Updating, and Validation of an Active Magnetic Bearing High-Speed Machining Spindle for Precision Machining Operation

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    High-Speed Machining (HSM) spindles equipped with Active Magnetic Bearings (AMBs) are envisioned to be capable of autonomous self-identification and performance self-optimization for stable high-speed and high quality machining operation. High-speed machining requires carefully selected parameters for reliable and optimal machining performance. For this reason, the accuracy of the spindle model in terms of physical and dynamic properties is essential to substantiate confidence in its predictive aptitude for subsequent analyses.This dissertation addresses system identification, open-loop model development and updating, and closed-loop model validation. System identification was performed in situ utilizing the existing AMB hardware. A simplified, nominal open-loop rotor model was developed based on available geometrical and material information. The nominal rotor model demonstrated poor correlation when compared with open-loop system identification data. Since considerable model error was realized, the nominal rotor model was corrected by employing optimization methodology to minimize the error of resonance and antiresonance frequencies between the modeled and experimental data.Validity of the updated open-loop model was demonstrated through successful implementation of a MIMO u-controller. Since the u-controller is generated based on the spindle model, robust levitation of the real machining spindle is achieved only when the model is of high fidelity. Spindle performance characterization was carried out at the tool location through evaluations of the dynamic stiffness as well as orbits at various rotational speeds. Updated model simulations exhibited high fidelity correspondence to experimental data confirming the predictive aptitude of the updated model. Further, a case study is presented which illustrates the improved performance of the u-controller when designed with lower uncertainty of the model\u27s accurac

    Beam Propagation Through Atmospheric Turbulence Using an Altitude-Dependent Structure Profile with Non-Uniformly Distributed Phase Screens

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    Modeling the effects of atmospheric turbulence on optical beam propagation is a key element in the design and analysis of free-space optical communication systems. Numerical wave optics simulations provide a particularly useful technique for understanding the degradation of the optical field in the receiver plane when the analytical theory is insufficient for characterizing the atmospheric channel. Motivated by such an application, we use a split-step method modeling the turbulence along the propagation path as a series of thin random phase screens with modified von Karman refractive index statistics using the Hufnagel-Valley turbulence profile to determine the effective structure constant for each screen. In this work, we employ a space-to-ground case study to examine the irradiance and phase statistics for both uniformly and non-uniformly spaced screens along the propagation path and compare to analytical results. We find that better agreement with the analytical theory is obtained using a non-uniform spacing with the effective structure constant for each screen chosen to minimize its contribution to the scintillation in the receiver plane. We evaluate this method as a flexible alternative to other standard layered models used in astronomical imaging applications

    Beam Propagation Through Atmospheric Turbulence Using an Altitude-Dependent Structure Profile with Non-Uniformly Distributed Phase Screens

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    For free-space optical communication systems, numerical wave optics simulations provide a useful technique for modeling turbulence-induced beam degradation when the analytical theory is insufficient for characterizing the atmospheric channel. Motivated by such applications we use a split-step method modeling the turbulence as a series of random phase screens using the Hufnagel-Valley turbulence profile. We employ a space-to-ground case study to examine the irradiance and phase statistics for uniformly and non-uniformly located screens and find better agreement with theory using a non-uniform discretization minimizing the contribution of each screen to the total scintillation. In this poster, we summarize the method and the results of the case study including a comparison to layered models used in astronomical imaging applications

    Rotor Model Updating and Validation for an Active Magnetic Bearing Based High-Speed Machining Spindle

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    This paper presents an experimentally driven model updating approach to address the dynamic inaccuracy of the nominal finite element (FE) rotor model of a machining spindle supported on active magnetic bearings. Modeling error is minimized through the application of a numerical optimization algorithm to adjust appropriately selected FE model parameters. Minimizing the error of both resonance and antiresonance frequencies simultaneously accounts for rotor natural frequencies as well as for their mode shapes. Antiresonance frequencies, which are shown to heavily influence the model鈥檚 dynamic properties, are commonly disregarded in structural modeling. Evaluation of the updated rotor model is performed through comparison of transfer functions measured at the cutting tool plane, which are independent of the experimental transfer function data used in model updating procedures. Final model validation is carried out with successful implementation of robust controller, which substantiates the effectiveness of the model updating methodology for model correction

    Temperature mapping above and below air film-cooled thermal barrier coatings using phosphor thermometry

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    Thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) are typically used in conjunction with air film cooling to maximize overall cooling effectiveness and reliability while minimizing sacrifices in engine performance. The effects of thermal barrier coating (TBC) thermal protection and air film cooling effectiveness have usually been studied separately; however, their contributions to combined cooling effectiveness are interdependent and are not simply additive. The combined cooling effectiveness is always less than the sum of the cooling effectiveness of stand-alone TBC protection and stand-alone air film cooling. These diminishing returns arise because adding the thermally insulating TBC between the cooling air and the surface to be cooled reduces the air film cooling effectiveness and because the air film cooling reduces the heat flux through the TBC and therefore reduces the temperature difference sustained across the TBC thickness. Due to these considerations, combined cooling effectiveness must be measured to achieve an optimum balance between TBC thermal protection and air film cooling. In this investigation, temperature mapping above and below air film-cooled TBCs was performed using luminescence lifetime imaging-based phosphor thermometry. Measurements were performed in the NASA GRC Mach 0.3 burner rig on a TBC-coated plate using a scaled-up cooling hole geometry where both the hot mainstream gas temperature and the blowing ratio were varied. Surface temperature maps were obtained from a Cr-doped GdAlO3 thermographic phosphor deposited on the surface of the electron-beam vapor-deposited yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) TBC. From separate plates, temperature maps from the bottom of the TBC were obtained from a thin Er-doped YSZ layer integrated into the TBC below the overlying undoped YSZ. Procedures for temperature and cooling effectiveness mapping above and below the air film-cooled TBC surface are described. Most importantly, these measurements enable mapping the combined cooling effectiveness below the TBC, which is more important than surface cooling effectiveness when there is a barrier coating between the hot mainstream gas and the surface that needs thermal protection. Advantages of the luminescence lifetime imaging method over infrared thermography, as well as its limitations to steady-state conditions are discussed

    Detecting Cracked Rotors Using Auxiliary Harmonic Excitation

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    Cracked rotors are not only important from a practical and economic viewpoint, they also exhibit interesting dynamics. This paper investigates the modelling and analysis of machines with breathing cracks, which open and close due to the self-weight of the rotor, producing a parametric excitation. After reviewing the modelling of cracked rotors, the paper analyses the use of auxiliary excitation of the shaft, often implemented using active magnetic bearings to detect cracks. Applying a sinusoidal excitation generates response frequencies that are combinations of the rotor spin speed and excitation frequency. Previously this system was analysed using multiple scales analysis; this paper suggests an alternative approach based on the harmonic balance method, and validates this approach using simulated and experimental results. Consideration is also given to some issues to enable this approach to become a robust condition monitoring technique for cracked shafts

    Temperature Mapping at the Thermal Barrier Coating/Bond Coat Interface by Luminescence Lifetime Imaging Using Integrated Erbium-Doped Sublayers

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    Full-field temperature mapping of thermal barrier coated components by either infrared thermography or phosphor thermometry has been limited to surface temperature mapping even though temperature mapping at the thermal barrier coating (TBC)/bond coat interface is more relevant for evaluating the TBC thermal protection performance. For the first time, 2D temperature mapping at the TBC/bond coat interface has now been achieved by full-field luminescence lifetime imaging measurements of emission from a thin erbium-doped yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) sensing layer integrated into the TBC below the overlying undoped YSZ. This new capability was applied to map temperatures at the TBC/bond coat interface for TBC-coated specimens subjected to a heat flux produced by the NASA Glenn high heat flux laser facility. In particular, thermal gradients at the TBC/bond coat interface were mapped in regions where the TBC was subjected to erosion or to mechanically induced delamination crack propagation. Finally, temperature mapping of the TBC/bond coat interface was used to evaluate the effectiveness of surface air film cooling at the TBC/bond coat interface

    A COTS RF Optical Software Defined Radio for the Integrated Radio and Optical Communications Test Bed

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    The Integrated Radio and Optical Communications (iROC) project at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is investigating the merits of a hybrid radio frequency (RF) and optical communication system for deep space missions. In an effort to demonstrate the feasibility and advantages of a hybrid RFOptical software defined radio (SDR), a laboratory prototype was assembled from primarily commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware components. This COTS platform has been used to demonstrate simultaneous transmission of the radio and optical communications waveforms through to the physical layer (telescope and antenna). This paper details the hardware and software used in the platform and various measures of its performance. A laboratory optical receiver platform has also been assembled in order to demonstrate hybrid free space links in combination with the transmitter