3 research outputs found

    High-resolution fire danger forecast for Poland based on the Weather Research and Forecasting Model

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    Due to climate change and associated longer and more frequent droughts, the risk of forest fires increases. To address this, the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management implemented a system for forecasting fire weather in Poland. The Fire Weather Index (FWI) system, developed in Canada, has been adapted to work with meteorological fields derived from the high-resolution (2.5 km) Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. Forecasts are made with 24- and 48-h lead times. The purpose of this work is to present the validation of the implemented system. First, the results of the WRF model were validated using in situ observations from ∼70 synoptic stations. Second, we used the correlation method and Eastaugh\u27s percentile analysis to assess the quality of the FWI index. The data covered the 2019 fire season and were analysed for the whole forest area in Poland. Based on the presented results, it can be concluded that the FWI index (calculated based on the WRF model) has a very high predictive ability of fire risk. However, the results vary by region, distance from human habitats, and size of fire

    Reklama bankowa jako narzędzie aktywności promocyjnej instytucji finansowych

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    Wymagający klienci oraz szeroki zakres proponowanych przez instytucje finansowe produktów i usług tworzy barierę swobodnego wejścia tychże instytucji na rynek finansowy. Oferowanie zbliżonych produktów różniących się jedynie nazwą nie wyróżnia w żaden sposób danej jednostki od konkurencji, dlatego też tak ważną rolę odgrywa marketing – reklama. W oparciu o analizę wybranych przez autorów banków i działań marketingowych, które podejmują, przedstawiono czym jest reklama i jak wpływa na ich poczynania, a także na potencjalnych klientów. W artykule wykazano zależność między wydatkami na reklamę a sytuacją finansową danej instytucji, w oparciu o dane wybranych jednostek, które odznaczyły się aktywnością na rynku bankowym.Demanding customers and wide range of products and services offered by financial institutions make a tough barrier for free entry to the financial market. Offering similar or the same products with new name won’t distinguish one organization from competitors, therefore, advertising fulfils an important function. Basing on analysis of chosen by authors banks and marketing activities, the article shows what does the advertising mean and how it influences on banking operations and prospective customers. The article demonstrates also the dependence between marketing spendings and actual financial situations of organization which was presented on the grounds of individual activities on the interbank market

    The work of sled horses on the road to Morskie Oko in the season of 2021

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    The aim of this study was to characterize the physical effort and the pace of restitution after the effort in 258 sled horses, working in the Tatra mountains on the route to Morskie Oko in year 2021. Under usual conditions a pair of horses is pulling the cart with 12 tourists and the coachman, what makes a total load of 1580 kg, on the distance of 7 km. The road is 82% uphill with the average slope of 4.6%. Control examination of the heart rate was performed before the exercise, immediately after work and after 10 minutes of rest. The analysis of the effort was made using the restructuring efficiency index restitution success rate, according to the formula: (t2 – t3 / t2 – t1) × 100%, where t1 means the frequency of heart contractions at rest, before endeavor, t2 – the frequency immediately after work, t3 – the frequency after 10 minutes of relaxation. On the basis of this analysis, it can be concluded that the average sledging work on the route to Morskie Oko, was a hard endeavor for 3.3% horses, a strenuous effort for 50% horses, a moderate effort for 44.8% horses and lightweight effort for 1.9% horses. Our data show, that for about 58% of horses, pulling carts with full load on the road to Morskie Oko was a much greater effort, compared to the control tests, when horses pulled carts without passengers in 2019. However, this assessment should take into account Covid-19 pandemic that caused a long break in the horses work in 2021, which could have negative impact on their physical condition