2,337 research outputs found

    The Evening Item May 17, 1890

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    The Evening Item was a daily newspaper published by the Wright Brothers\u27 Company, Item Publishing Co. This paper, published from April 1890 through July 1890, focused on world and local events. This Saturday edition of The Evening Item was published in two separate parts, but the two parts have been combined here for ease of reading. The front page of this issue features a story about the business manager of the Springfield Democrat afflicted with mania after a dog bite, a report about improved trade across the country, news about John Carlisle, who replaced James Beck in the Senate, and more. On the second page there is news of casualties from a recently collapsed mine in Pennsylvania and commentary on Thomas Edison improving upon his telegraph. On the sixth page there is a story about the processing of making maple syrup as well as an analysis of a the next day\u27s Sunday School lesson. Also included in this two part issue are short stories, anecdotes, local and regional news, advertisements and more.https://corescholar.libraries.wright.edu/evening_item/1015/thumbnail.jp

    The Evening Item May 3, 1890

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    The Evening Item was a daily newspaper published by the Wright Brothers\u27 Company, Item Publishing Co. This paper, published from April 1890 through July 1890, focused more on world news than their previous papers. The front page of this issue features several stories about recent labor strikes in Europe and the United States for an eight hour workday and better wage rates. Also included in this issue are anecdotes, local and regional news, and advertisements.https://corescholar.libraries.wright.edu/evening_item/1003/thumbnail.jp

    The Evening Item, July 25, 1890

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    The Evening Item was a daily newspaper published by the Wright Brothers\u27 Company, Item Publishing Co. This paper, published from April 1890 through July 1890, focused on world and local events. The front page of this issue features stories about a Dr. Henry Meyer being tried in Chicago for committing insurance fraud, a selection of news about the United States and the World including a blurb about war in El Salvador, and more. Also included in this issue are local and regional news as well as advertisements.https://corescholar.libraries.wright.edu/evening_item/1073/thumbnail.jp

    The Evening Item, July 3, 1890

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    The Evening Item was a daily newspaper published by the Wright Brothers\u27 Company, Item Publishing Co. This paper, published from April 1890 through July 1890, focused on world and local events. The front page of this issue features stories about a mob in Ottawa, Kansas attacking a wagon carrying original package goods, an order from the Treasury Department for revenue cutters Rush and Corwin to patrol the Bering Sea for seal poachers, the United States House of Representatives passing the Federal Election Bill, and more. Also included in this issue are local and regional news as well as advertisements.https://corescholar.libraries.wright.edu/evening_item/1055/thumbnail.jp

    The Evening Item May 10, 1890

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    The Evening Item was a daily newspaper published by the Wright Brothers\u27 Company, Item Publishing Co. This paper, published from April 1890 through July 1890, focused on world and local events. This Saturday edition of The Evening Item was published in two separate parts, but the two parts have been combined here for ease of reading. The front page of this issue features a digest of stories about legislation in Washington D.C., news about a strike at the Indianapolis Car Works Company, a report of a speech by employer, President Goldie, at the meeting of the Carpenter and Builder Association, and more. On the second page there is a small editorial suggesting that congressmen record themselves on phonographs to remind themselves of the topics of their speeches in the future. On the sixth page there is a short history of the Savannah, the first steam-powered ship to cross the Atlantic Ocean. Also included in this two part issue are short stories, anecdotes, fashion news, local and regional news, advertisements and more.https://corescholar.libraries.wright.edu/evening_item/1009/thumbnail.jp

    The Evening Item, June 20, 1890

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    The Evening Item was a daily newspaper published by the Wright Brothers\u27 Company, Item Publishing Co. This paper, published from April 1890 through July 1890, focused on world and local events. The front page of this issue features stories about the steamship Umbria refusing return passage to immigrants it brought to New York, heavy gold exports from the United States depressing the stock market, a letter sent from President Benjamin Harrison regarding the desire of the United States to engage in reciprocity with Latin American trade partners, and more. On the third page there is an update to a story about a recent collapsed mine where miners thought to be dead were now believed to be alive due to increased ventilation in the mine. On the fourth page there is a printed list of stolen and counterfeit bills to help merchants identify fake bills. Also included in this issue are local and regional news as well as advertisements.https://corescholar.libraries.wright.edu/evening_item/1044/thumbnail.jp

    The Evening Item May 9, 1890

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    The Evening Item was a daily newspaper published by the Wright Brothers\u27 Company, Item Publishing Co. This paper, published from April 1890 through July 1890, focused on world and local events. The front page of this issue features stories regarding an appointment of a Colonel Richard Hinton investigating irrigation in the arid region, an account of capturing escaped convicts charged with the murder of Dr. Patrick Cronin, and more. On the third page there is a report about a poorly attended meeting of the West Side Improvement Association. Wilbur Wright was among the three attendees at that meeting. On the final page there is a story about the origin of Thomas Edison\u27s phonograph. Also included in this issue are anecdotes, local and regional news, and advertisements.https://corescholar.libraries.wright.edu/evening_item/1008/thumbnail.jp

    The Evening Item May 21, 1890

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    The Evening Item was a daily newspaper published by the Wright Brothers\u27 Company, Item Publishing Co. This paper, published from April 1890 through July 1890, focused on world and local events. The front page of this issue features a story about a bill in Congress limiting the power of states to control imported liquors, news of convicted murderer, William Kemmler\u27s attorney decrying death by electrocution, and more. Also included in this issue are anecdotes, local and regional news, and advertisements.https://corescholar.libraries.wright.edu/evening_item/1018/thumbnail.jp

    The Evening Item, July 8, 1890

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    The Evening Item was a daily newspaper published by the Wright Brothers\u27 Company, Item Publishing Co. This paper, published from April 1890 through July 1890, focused on world and local events. The front page of this issue features stories about a train derailing in Manteno, Illinois, news about changes to a variety of stocks, the United States Senate discussing bills to encourage American shipping, and more. On the second page there is a small article about the unofficial count for the population for Dayton which is listed as 61,330. Also included in this issue are local and regional news as well as advertisements.https://corescholar.libraries.wright.edu/evening_item/1058/thumbnail.jp

    The Evening Item, July 12, 1890

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    The Evening Item was a daily newspaper published by the Wright Brothers\u27 Company, Item Publishing Co. This paper, published from April 1890 through July 1890, focused on world and local events. The front page of this issue features stories about the steamboat Tioga exploding and killing twenty passengers on the Chicago River, discussion in the United States Senate about a recent shipping bill, news of the status of a variety of stocks and crops due the changes in weather and other factors, and more. Also included in this issue are local and regional news as well as advertisements.https://corescholar.libraries.wright.edu/evening_item/1062/thumbnail.jp