4,443 research outputs found

    Emergence of Fermi pockets in an excitonic CDW melted novel superconductor

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    A superconducting (SC) state (Tc ~ 4.2K) has very recently been observed upon successful doping of the CDW ordered triangular lattice TiSe2_2, with copper. Using high resolution photoemission spectroscopy we identify, for the first time, the momentum space locations of the doped electrons that form the Fermi sea of the parent superconductor. With doping, we find that the kinematic nesting volume increases whereas the coherence of the CDW order sharply drops. In the superconducting doping, we observe the emergence of a large density of states in the form of a narrow electron pocket near the \textit{L}-point of the Brillouin Zone with \textit{d}-like character. The \textit{k}-space electron distributions highlight the unconventional interplay of CDW to SC cross-over achieved through non-magnetic copper doping.Comment: 4+ pages, 5 figures; Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Lett. (2007

    Fermi surface topology and low-lying quasiparticle structure of magnetically ordered Fe1+xTe

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    We report the first photoemission study of Fe1+xTe - the host compound of the newly discovered iron-chalcogenide superconductors. Our results reveal a pair of nearly electron- hole compensated Fermi pockets, strong Fermi velocity renormalization and an absence of a spin-density-wave gap. A shadow hole pocket is observed at the "X"-point of the Brillouin zone which is consistent with a long-range ordered magneto-structural groundstate. No signature of Fermi surface nesting instability associated with Q= pi(1/2, 1/2) is observed. Our results collectively reveal that the Fe1+xTe series is dramatically different from the undoped phases of the high Tc pnictides and likely harbor unusual mechanism for superconductivity and quantum magnetic order.Comment: 5 pages, 4 Figures; Submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. (2009

    Complete d-Band Dispersion and the Mobile Fermion Scale in NaxCoO2

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    We utilize fine-tuned polarization selection coupled with excitation-energy variation of photoelectron signal to image the \textit{complete d}-band dispersion relation in sodium cobaltates. A hybridization gap anticrossing is observed along the Brillouin zone corner and the full quasiparticle band is found to emerge as a many-body entity lacking a pure orbital polarization. At low dopings, the quasiparticle bandwidth (Fermion scale, many-body \textit{EF_F} ∼\sim 0.25 eV) is found to be smaller than most known oxide metals. The low-lying density of states is found to be in agreement with bulk-sensitive thermodynamic measurements for nonmagnetic dopings where the 2D Luttinger theorem is also observed to be satisfied.Comment: 4+ pages, 5 Fig

    Low-lying quasiparticle states and hidden collective charge instabilities in parent cobaltate superconductors (NaxCoO2)

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    We report a state-of-the-art photoemission (ARPES) study of high quality single crystals of the NaxCoO2 series focusing on the fine details of the low-energy states. The Fermi velocity is found to be small (< 0.5 eV.A) and only weakly anisotropic over the Fermi surface at all dopings setting the size of the pair wavefunction to be on the order of 10-20 nanometers. In the low doping regime the exchange inter-layer splitting vanishes and two dimensional collective instabilities such as 120-type fluctuations become kinematically allowed. Our results suggest that the unusually small Fermi velocity and the unique symmetry of kinematic instabilities distinguish cobaltates from other unconventional oxide superconductors such as the cuprates or the ruthenates.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Lett. (2006

    Parents in transition: Experiences of parents of young people with a liver transplant transferring to adult services

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    Predictors of successful transition from pediatric to adult services include ability to self-manage and engage with healthcare services. Parents have a key role in healthcare management throughout childhood and adolescence including encouraging development of self-management skills in their children. Transition to adult services can be challenging for parents and young people, yet parents' views regarding transition remain largely unexplored. Nine parents of pediatric liver transplant recipients (15.2-25.1 yr) participated in semistructured interviews. Interviews were analyzed using IPA. Analysis revealed three key themes: "emotional impact of transplantation," "protection vs. independence," and "ending relationships and changing roles." Parents expressed the dichotomous nature of the desire to promote independence in their child while still maintaining control and protection, and discussed how changing roles and relationships were difficult to navigate. Parents are important facilitators of young people's development of self-management skills for successful transfer to adult services. Parents should be supported to move from a "managerial" to a "supervisory" role during transition to help young people engage independently with the healthcare team. Findings support the development of interventions for parents to emphasize their role in transition and guide the transfer of self-management skills from parent to young person

    Quasiparticle coherence and the nature of the metal-insulator phase transition in Nax_xCoO2_2

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    Layered cobaltates embody novel realizations of correlated quantum matter on a spin-1/2 triangular lattice. We report a high-resolution systematic photoemission study of the insulating cobaltates (Na1/2CoO2 and K1/2CoO2). Observation of single-particle gap opening and band-folding provides direct evidence of anisotropic particle-hole instability on the Fermi surface due to its unique topology. Kinematic overlap of the measured Fermi surface is observed with the 3\sqrt{3}x3\sqrt{3} cobalt charge-order Brillouin zone near x=1/3 but not at x=1/2 where insulating transition is actually observed. Unlike conventional density-waves, charge-stripes or band insulators, the on-set of the gap depends on the quasiparticle's quantum coherence which is found to occur well below the disorder-order symmetry breaking temperature of the crystal (the first known example of its kind).Comment: 4+ pages, 5 figure
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