7,289 research outputs found

    Absence of Long-Range Coherence in the Parametric Emission from Photonic Wires

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    We analytically investigate the spatial coherence properties of the signal emission from one-dimensional optical parametric oscillators. Because of the reduced dimensionality, quantum fluctuations are able to destroy the long-range phase coherence even far above threshold. The spatial decay of coherence is exponential and, for realistic parameters of semiconductor photonic wires in the strong exciton-photon coupling regime, it is predicted to occur on an experimentally accessible length scale.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Two-body problem in periodic potentials

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    We investigate the problem of two atoms interacting via a short range s-wave potential in the presence of a deep optical lattice of arbitrary dimension DD. Using a tight binding approach, we derive analytical results for the properties of the bound state and the scattering amplitude. We show that the tunneling through the barriers induces a dimensional crossover from a confined regime at high energy to an anisotropic three dimensional regime at low energy. The critical value of the scattering length needed to form a two-body bound state shows a logaritmic dependence on the tunneling rate for D=1 and a power law for D>1D>1. For the special case D=1, we also compare our analytical predictions with exact numerics, finding remarkably good agreement

    Path integral formulation of the tunneling dynamics of a superfluid Fermi gas in an optical potential

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    To describe the tunneling dynamics of a stack of two-dimensional fermionic superfluids in an optical potential, we derive an effective action functional from a path integral treatment. This effective action leads, in the saddle point approximation, to equations of motion for the density and the phase of the superfluid Fermi gas in each layer. In the strong coupling limit (where bosonic molecules are formed) these equations reduce to a discrete nonlinear Schrodinger equation, where the molecular tunneling amplitude is reduced for large binding energies. In the weak coupling (BCS) regime, we study the evolution of the stacked superfluids and derive an approximate analytical expression for the Josephson oscillation frequency in an external harmonic potential. Both in the weak and intermediate coupling regimes the detection of the Josephson oscillations described by our path integral treatment constitutes experimental evidence for the fermionic superfluid regime.Comment: 13 pages + 2 figure

    Probing few-particle Laughlin states of photons via correlation measurements

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    We propose methods to create and observe Laughlin-like states of photons in a strongly nonlinear optical cavity. Such states of strongly interacting photons can be prepared by pumping the cavity with a Laguerre-Gauss beam, which has a well-defined orbital angular momentum per photon. The Laughlin-like states appear as sharp resonances in the particle-number-resolved transmission spectrum. Power spectrum and second-order correlation function measurements yield unambiguous signatures of these few-particle strongly-correlated states.Comment: 11 pages including appendice

    Gutzwiller Monte Carlo approach for a critical dissipative spin model

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    We use the Gutzwiller Monte Carlo approach to simulate the dissipative XYZ-model in the vicinity of a dissipative phase transition. This approach captures classical spatial correlations together with the full on-site quantum behavior, while neglecting non-local quantum effects. By considering finite two-dimensional lattices of various sizes, we identify a ferromagnetic and two paramagnetic phases, in agreement with earlier studies. The greatly reduced numerical complexity the Gutzwiller Monte Carlo approach facilitates efficient simulation of relatively large lattice sizes. The inclusion of the spatial correlations allows to describe critical behavior which is completely missed by the widely applied Gutzwiller decoupling of the density matrix

    Correlations in Free Fermionic States

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    We study correlations in a bipartite, Fermionic, free state in terms of perturbations induced by one party on the other. In particular, we show that all so conditioned free states can be modelled by an auxiliary Fermionic system and a suitable completely positive map.Comment: 17 pages, no figure

    Predicting future reading problems based on pre-reading auditory measures: a longitudinal study of children with a familial risk of dyslexia

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    Purpose: This longitudinal study examines measures of temporal auditory processing in pre-reading children with a family risk of dyslexia. Specifically, it attempts to ascertain whether pre-reading auditory processing, speech perception, and phonological awareness (PA) reliably predict later literacy achievement. Additionally, this study retrospectively examines the presence of pre-reading auditory processing, speech perception, and PA impairments in children later found to be literacy impaired. Method: Forty-four pre-reading children with and without a family risk of dyslexia were assessed at three time points (kindergarten, first, and second grade). Auditory processing measures of rise time (RT) discrimination and frequency modulation (FM) along with speech perception, PA, and various literacy tasks were assessed. Results: Kindergarten RT uniquely contributed to growth in literacy in grades one and two, even after controlling for letter knowledge and PA. Highly significant concurrent and predictive correlations were observed with kindergarten RT significantly predicting first grade PA. Retrospective analysis demonstrated atypical performance in RT and PA at all three time points in children who later developed literacy impairments. Conclusions: Although significant, kindergarten auditory processing contributions to later literacy growth lack the power to be considered as a single-cause predictor; thus results support temporal processing deficits’ contribution within a multiple deficit model of dyslexia
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