5 research outputs found

    Giving meaning to identities. A case-study for the Romanian Banat region

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    This research is focussed on the ethnic identities from Banat maintained till nowadays under different cultural forms. Identity starts from the feeling of ‘social space’, with a specific language for each ethnic group and a specific culture evolving through time. These local ethnic identities have determined the appearance of a regional identity. A questionnaire was launched among over 500 students and many interviews were conducted, reaching the conclusion that the spirit of ‘banaƣean’native of Banat) is still alive among young people, albeit with a lower. Politically, local actors participate in projects to maintain regional identity, while at the central government level seem to embrace the Banat cultural identity.ethnic and regional identity, cultural symbols, Banat, Romania

    Giving meaning to identities. A case-study for the Romanian Banat region

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    This research is focussed on the ethnic identities from Banat maintained till nowadays under different cultural forms. Identity starts from the feeling of ‘social space’, with a specific language for each ethnic group and a specific culture evolving through time. These local ethnic identities have determined the appearance of a regional identity. A questionnaire was launched among over 500 students and many interviews were conducted, reaching the conclusion that the spirit of ‘banaƣean’native of Banat) is still alive among young people, albeit with a lower. Politically, local actors participate in projects to maintain regional identity, while at the central government level seem to embrace the Banat cultural identity

    Giving meaning to identities. A case-study for the Romanian Banat region

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    This research is focussed on the ethnic identities from Banat maintained till nowadays under different cultural forms. Identity starts from the feeling of ‘social space’, with a specific language for each ethnic group and a specific culture evolving through time. These local ethnic identities have determined the appearance of a regional identity. A questionnaire was launched among over 500 students and many interviews were conducted, reaching the conclusion that the spirit of ‘banaƣean’native of Banat) is still alive among young people, albeit with a lower. Politically, local actors participate in projects to maintain regional identity, while at the central government level seem to embrace the Banat cultural identity

    Identity and multiculturalism in the Romanian Banat

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    It is common for people to maintain an attachment to their native settlement or county but there are also wider regional identities which may not be fully reflected in official administrative hierarchies. The province of Banat was established by the Habsburg authorities on the southeastern edge of the Pannonian Plain as an experiment in mercantilist colonisation following the Turkish withdrawal. Although it was incorporated into the Hungarian state under the dualist system negotiated in 1867 it retained its multicultural character ; as it was the case after the partition which followed the First World War. Through its main urban centre – TimiƟoara – the Romanian section of Banat played a leading role in the anti-communist revolution of 1989 and attracted a high level of foreign investment during the subsequent transition period. The paper outlines the conceptual basis of regional identity, documents the multicultural heritage of the Romanian component of the Banat region and examines the results of a questionnaire survey –involving all ethnic groups- enquiring into identity preferences. A strong multiculturalism emerged (in the context of both internal and external contributions) and seems set to remain a powerful force in the future of regionalism in Romania. La plupart des gens ont un sentiment d’attache vis-Ă -vis de leur village de naissance, mais certaines identitĂ©s rĂ©gionales plus larges peuvent ne pas ĂȘtre reflĂ©tĂ©es par les hiĂ©rarchies administratives officielles. La province du Banat a Ă©tĂ© crĂ©Ă©e par l’autoritĂ© habsbourgeoise sur le flanc sud-est de la plaine pannonienne sous la forme d’une expĂ©rience de colonisation mercantile suite au retrait des Turcs. Bien qu’incorporĂ© dans l’État hongrois sous le systĂšme dual nĂ©gociĂ© en 1867, son caractĂšre multi-culturel s’est maintenu, tout comme cela a Ă©tĂ© le cas aprĂšs la partition qui a suivi la Seconde Guerre mondiale. À travers son centre urbain principal – TimiƟoara –, la partie roumaine du Banat a jouĂ© un rĂŽle dĂ©terminant dans la rĂ©volution anti-communiste de 1989 et a attirĂ© de nombreux investissements Ă©trangers au cours de la pĂ©riode de transition qui s’est ensuivie. Cet article interroge le concept d’identitĂ© rĂ©gionale, s’intĂ©resse Ă  l’hĂ©ritage multi-culturel de la composante roumaine du Banat et exploite les rĂ©sultats d’un questionnaire par sondage auprĂšs de tous les groupes ethniques portant sur les prĂ©fĂ©rences identitaires. Un multi-culturalisme vigoureux Ă©merge (issu d’apports internes et externes) et semble s’établir comme une force d’orientation puissante dans le devenir du rĂ©gionalisme roumain


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    L’intĂ©gration europĂ©enne de la Roumanie et de la Bulgarie au 1er janvier 2007 est un Ă©vĂ©nement Ă©tonnant dans le contexte balkanique des deux derniĂšres dĂ©cennies. Par cette entrĂ©e fracassante dans l’Union, aprĂšs un demi-siĂšcle de socialisme et dix-huit annĂ©es de « transition » mouvementĂ©es, ces deux pays limitrophes de la mer Noire donnent l’impression d’échapper enfin Ă  un long purgatoire pour accĂ©der Ă  la cour des « grands ». Un trait est ainsi tirĂ© sur le passĂ© et des populations avides de changement voient s’éclaircir leurs horizons futurs. Les enjeux frontaliers restent au cƓur de la gĂ©ographie balkanique. Sur ce point, l’intĂ©gration europĂ©enne aboutit Ă  une situation trĂšs paradoxale : tandis qu’à l’ouest les recompositions yougoslaves des annĂ©es 1990 et 2000 ont Ă©tĂ© irrĂ©sistiblement guidĂ©es par une logique de fragmentation, Bulgarie et Roumanie sont parvenues Ă  Ă©viter toute dispute sur leurs frontiĂšres respectives. Les Balkans voient ainsi quasi-simultanĂ©ment s’affronter deux logiques contradictoires : l’émiettement yougoslave associĂ© Ă  l’émergence de nouvelles zones de souverainetĂ©, et l’affaiblissement simultanĂ©, plus Ă  l’est, de tronçons frontaliers relativement anciens et stables, conformĂ©ment aux objectifs d’ouverture de l’espace europĂ©en. L’intĂ©gration de la GrĂšce en 1981 n’avait en rien modifiĂ© l’isolement du pays face Ă  la Turquie, la Yougoslavie, l’Albanie et la Bulgarie voisines. L’élargissement de 2007 induit au contraire une rĂ©volution silencieuse dans la rĂ©gion : aprĂšs deux siĂšcles de combats pour imposer leur indĂ©pendance, faire valoir leurs souverainetĂ©s nationales et dĂ©finir des pĂ©rimĂštres frontaliers solides, les États balkaniques entrent dans une nouvelle Ăšre de leur gestion politique et territoriale. Ils renouent avec une libertĂ© de circuler qui n’avait pas Ă©tĂ© connue depuis un siĂšcle
 sous l’Empire ottoman