44 research outputs found

    Maize-common bean/lupine intercrop productivity and profitability in maize-based cropping system of Northwestern Ethiopia

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    Cereal-legume intercropping is common in Ethiopia but intercropping of common bean and lupine with maize is a recent practice in maize based cropping system of Northwestern Ethiopia. The objective of this study was to determine the appropriate legume species and planting arrangement for higher productivity and profitability of the cropping system. Field experiments were conducted at two sites in Northwestern Ethiopia during the 2012 and 2013 main cropping seasons. Intercropping of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), narrow-leaf lupine (Lupinus angustifolius L.), and white lupine (Lupinus albus L.) with maize (Zea mays L.) were conducted under two intercrop planting arrangements (IPA), single row of legume in between maize rows and paired rows of legume in between paired rows of maize and sole cropping of maize as check treatment in randomized complete block design with three replications. Results indicated that maize grain yield was 16% and 13% more on maize-narrow leaf lupine intercropping with paired and single row IPA, respectively, relative to sole crop maize. Maize equivalent yield and land equivalent ratio were on average 18% and 42%, respectively, higher with intercropping compared to sole cropping. Maize-bean with single and paired row IPA, and the maize-narrow leaf lupine with the paired row IPA produced 28%, 23%, and 20% more maize equivalent yield compared to sole crop maize, respectively. The associated increases in net return were 22%, 17%, and 15%. The results indicated enhanced productivity and economic return of maize-common bean intercropping, which could be scaled up for increasing household food security.Keywords: Cropping system, Economic return, Maize equivalent yield, Land equivalent ratio, Paired row, Single row

    Decomposition of Bt and non-Bt corn hybrid residues in the field. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems

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    Results of a previous laboratory study indicated that six transgenic crops expressing the Cry1Ab insecticidal protein from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) decomposed at a slower rate than their respective non-Bt isolines. Consequently, litter decomposition rates, nitrogen cycling, and carbon pools may change in agricultural systems as the result of the widespread use of Bt crops. In this study, we assessed the decomposition rates and chemical composition of commonly grown hybrids of Bt and non-Bt isolines of corn (Zea mays L.) in the field. Leaves, stalks, and cobs from two Bt corn hybrids (Pioneer 34N44 Bt and NC+ 4990 Bt) and their non-Bt isolines (Pioneer 34N43 and NC+ 4880) were analyzed for biomass fractions (soluble, hemicellulose, cellulose, and lignin) and total C and N content. Litterbags containing these residues were buried at a depth of 10 cm in a Holdrege silt loam (fine-silty, mixed, mesic Typic Argiustolls) soil and recovered 5, 11, 17, and 23 months after placement in the field. There were no differences in the rates of decomposition and mass of C remaining over time between the Bt and non-Bt corn residues. Plant parts differed in decomposition rates where leaves > stalks > cobs. There were differences in total C, total N, biomass fractions, and C:N ratios between initial Bt and non-Bt corn residues, and between companies (NC+ and Pioneer), however, these differences did not result in differences in their rates of decomposition or mass of C remaining over time. For each plant part, there were no differences in lignin content between the Bt and non-Bt residues. These data suggest that the Bt and non-Bt corn hybrids used in this study should not cause differences in carbon sequestration when their residues decompose under similar environmental conditions

    Nitrogen Response and Economics for Irrigated Corn in Nebraska

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    Nitrogen management recommendations may change as yield levels and efficiency of crop production increase. The mean yield with adequate nutrient availability in 32 irrigated corn (Zea mays L.) trials conducted across Nebraska to evaluate crop response to split-applied N was 14.8 Mg per ha. The mean economically optimal N rates (EONR) for irrigated corn varied with the fertilizer N to grain price ratio. At a fertilizer N:corn price ratio of 7, the EONR was 171, 122, and 93 kg per hectare, respectively, for cropping systems with corn following corn (CC), soybean (Glycine max L.) (CS), and drybean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) (CD). At this price ratio the present University of Nebraska (UNL) recommendation procedure gave mean N recommendations that were 17.2, 0.3, and 68.1 kg per hectare higher than the mean EONR determined in this study for CC, CS, and CD, respectively. The UNL algorithm, adjusted for mean cropping system EONR gave more accurate prediction of site-year EONR than alternative N rate predictions for CC and CD with returns to applied N (RTN) of -22and−22 and -13 per hectare compared with measured site-year EONR. Prediction of site-year EONR using mean EONR adjusted for soil organic matter was more accurate for CS than other methods with an RTN of -$6 per hectare compared with measured site-year EONR. Further research is needed to extend the results to: lower yield situations, alternatives to split application of N, and adjustment of EONR to protect against inadequate N in atypical seasons or for environmental protection

    High-yielding corn response to applied phosphorus, potassium, and sulfur in Nebraska

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    Nutrient management recommendations may change as yield levels and efficiency of crop production increase. Recommendations for P, K, and S were evaluated using results from 34 irrigated corn (Zea mays L.) trials conducted in diverse situations across Nebraska. The mean yield was 14.7 Mg ha–1 with adequate fertilizer applied. The median harvest index values were 0.52, 0.89, 0.15, and 0.56 for biomass, P, K, and S, respectively. Median grain yields were 372, 49, and 613 kg kg–1 of aboveground plant uptake of P, K, and S, respectively. The estimated critical Bray-1 P level for corn response to 20 kg P ha–1 was 20 mg kg–1 when the previous crop was corn compared with 10 mg kg–1 when corn followed soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.]. Soil test K was generally high with only three site-years <125 mg kg–1. Over all trials, application of 40 kg K ha–1 resulted in a 0.2 Mg ha–1 mean grain yield decrease. Application of 22 kg S ha–1 did not result in significant yield increase in any trial. Soil test results accounted for twice as much variation in nutrient uptake when soil organic matter (SOM) and pH were considered in addition to the soil test nutrient values. The results indicate a need to revise the current recommendation for P, to maintain the current K and S recommendations, and to use SOM and pH in addition to soil test nutrient values in estimating applied nutrient requirements for irrigated high yield corn production

    Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Irrigated Corn for Three Cropping Systems in Nebraska

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    Nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) is of economic and environmental importance. Components of NUE were evaluated in 32 irrigated corn (Zea mays L.) trials conducted across Nebraska with different N rates and where the previous crop was either corn (CC), drybean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) (CD), or soybean (Glycine max L.) (CS). The mean grain yield with adequate nutrient availability was 14.7 Mg ha–1 . When no N was applied, measured soil properties and irrigation water N accounted for <20% of the variation in plant N uptake (UN). Mean fertilizer N recovery in above-ground biomass was 74% at the lowest N rate compared with 40% at the highest N rate, a mean of 64% at the economically optimal N rate (EONR), and least with CD. Agronomic efficiency of fertilizer N averaged 29 kg grain kg-1 N at EONR and was also least with CD. Partial factor productivity of N averaged 100 kg grain kg-1 N at EONR, and was greater with CS compared with CC and CD. After harvest, residual soil nitrate-N (RSN) in the 0 to 1.2 m depth ranged from 21 to 121 kg ha-1 and increased with N rate. Mean RSN was 88, 59, and 59 kg ha-1 for CD, CC, and CS, respectively. High corn yields can be achieved with high NUE and low RSN by management to maximize profitability in consideration of yield potential, and by applying N at the right amount and time

    Perennial grass ley rotations with annual crops in tropical Africa: a review

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    Open Access Article; Published online: 18 Feb 2021Rotation of grass ley with periods of annual crop production can be a means to increased farming system productivity, sustainability, and profitability. This research review offers interpretations of rotation research results for future African agriculture. Some rotation studies were with naturally generated and severely over-grazed fallows consisting primarily of annual plant species but other studies were with planted and well-managed perennial grass ley. Generally, the rotations increased annual crop yields with soil improvement. System benefits were similar or greater for ley compared with fallow with generally higher fodder yields with ley. Surface crusting of sandy soil in the Sahel is a major concern that may be worsened by fallow due to the deposition of clay and silt particles. Ley and fallow were terminated in all studies with inversion plow tillage with more tillage for subsequent crops while the rotation benefits may be greater with less tillage. Most studies did not have fertilizer use but annual crop yield response to fertilizer was greatly increased following ley in one study and with no system by fertilizer interaction effect in three studies. The profitability of ley rotations will vary with fodder demand which is rapidly increasing, especially near urban areas. Strip cropping, for example, alternate ley with annual crop strips of 5–20 m width and rotation cycles of 6–10 yr, may often be optimal for erosion control and sediment trapping, protection from uncontrolled grazing, and nearby supply of vegetative planting material for ley re-establishment. Rotation management can be improved through experiential learning and experimentation

    A review of angular leaf spot resistance in common bean.

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    Angular leaf spot (ALS), caused by Pseudocer-cospora griseola, is one of the most devastating diseases of common bean (Phaseolus vulgarisL.) in tropical and subtropical production areas. Breeding for ALS resistance is difficult due to the extensive virulence diversity of P. griseolaand the recurrent appearance of new virulent races. Five major loci, Phg-1 to Phg-5, confer-ring ALS resistance have been named, and markers tightly linked to these loci have been reported. Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) have also been described, but the validation of some QTLs is still pending. The Phg-1, Phg-4, and Phg-5loci are from common bean cultivars of the Andean gene pool, whereas Phg-2 and Phg-3are from beans of the Mesoamerican gene pool. The reference genome of common bean and high-throughput sequencing technologies are enabling the development of molecular markers closely linked to the Phg loci, more accurate mapping of the resistance loci, and the compar-ison of their genomic positions. The objective of this report is to provide a comprehensive review of ALS resistance in common bean. Further-more, we are reporting three case studies of ALS resistance breeding in Latin America and Africa. This review will serve as a reference for future resistance mapping studies and as a guide for the selection of resistance loci in breeding programs aiming to develop common bean cultivars with durable ALS resistance