764 research outputs found

    Continuing a Chandra Survey of Quasar Radio Jets

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    We are conducting an X-ray survey of flat spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs) with extended radio structures. We summarize our results from the first stage of our survey, then we present findings from its continuation. We have discovered jet X-ray emission from 12 of our first 20 Chandra targets, establishing that strong 0.5-7.0 keV emission is a common feature of FSRQ jets. The X-ray morphology is varied, but in general closely matches the radio structure until the first sharp radio bend. In the sources with optical data as well as X-ray detections we rule out simple synchrotron models for X-ray emission, suggesting these systems may instead be dominated by inverse Compton (IC) scattering. Fitting models of IC scattering of cosmic microwave background photons suggests that these jets are aligned within a few degrees of our line of sight, with bulk Lorentz factors of a few to ten and magnetic fields a bit stronger than 10−510^{-5} G. In the weeks prior to this meeting, we have discovered two new X-ray jets at z>1z > 1. One (PKS B1055+201) has a dramatic, 20â€Čâ€Č20''-long jet. The other (PKS B1421-490) appears unremarkable at radio frequencies, but at higher frequencies the jet is uniquely powerful: its optically-dominated, with jet/core flux ratios of 3.7 at 1 keV and 380 at 480 nm.Comment: 4 pages, 8 figures. To appear in `X-Ray and Radio Connections', ed. L.O. Sjouwerman and K.K. Dyer (published electronicly at http://www.aoc.nrao.edu/events/xraydio/). Additional material and higher resolution figures may be found at http://space.mit.edu/home/jonathan/jets

    A Chandra Survey of Quasar Jets: First Results

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    We present results from Chandra X-ray imaging and spectroscopy of a flux-limited sample of flat spectrum radio-emitting quasars with jet-like extended structure. Twelve of twenty quasar jets are detected in 5 ks ACIS-S exposures. The quasars without X-ray jets are not significantly different from those in the sample with detected jets except that the extended radio emission is generally fainter. New radio maps are combined with the X-ray images in order to elucidate the relation between radio and X-ray emission in spatially resolved structures. We find a variety of morphologies, including long straight jets and bends up to 90 degrees. All X-ray jets are one-sided although the radio images used for source selection often show lobes opposite the X-ray jets. The FR II X-ray jets can all be interpreted as inverse Compton scattering of cosmic microwave background photons by electrons in large-scale relativistic jets although deeper observations are required to test this interpretation in detail. Applying this interpretation to the jets as a population, we find that the jets would be aligned to within 30 degrees of the line of sight generally, assuming that the bulk Lorentz factor of the jets is 10.Comment: 25 pages with 5 pages of color figures; accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Supplements; higher resolution jpeg images are available at http://space.mit.edu/home/jonathan/jets

    A Multi-Wavelength Study of the Jet, Lobes and Core of the Quasar PKS 2101-490

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    We present a detailed study of the X-ray, optical and radio emission from the jet, lobes and core of the quasar PKS 2101-490 as revealed by new Chandra, HST and ATCA images. We extract the radio to X-ray spectral energy distributions from seven regions of the 13 arcsecond jet, and model the jet X-ray emission in terms of Doppler beamed inverse Compton scattering of the cosmic microwave background (IC/CMB) for a jet in a state of equipartition between particle and magnetic field energy densities. This model implies that the jet remains highly relativistic hundreds of kpc from the nucleus, with a bulk Lorentz factor Gamma ~ 6 and magnetic field of order 30 microGauss. We detect an apparent radiative cooling break in the synchrotron spectrum of one of the jet knots, and are able to interpret this in terms of a standard one-zone continuous injection model, based on jet parameters derived from the IC/CMB model. However, we note apparent substructure in the bright optical knot in one of the HST bands. We confront the IC/CMB model with independent estimates of the jet power, and find that the IC/CMB model jet power is consistent with the independent estimates, provided that the minimum electron Lorentz factor gamma_min > 50, and the knots are significantly longer than the jet width, as implied by de-projection of the observed knot lengths.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures, 6 table

    A Chandra Study of the Lobe/ISM Interactions Around the Inner Radio Lobes of Centaurus A: Constraints on the Temperature Structure and Transport Processes

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    We present results from deeper {\em Chandra} observations of the southwest radio lobe of Centaurus A, first described by Kraft et al. (2003). We find that the sharp X-ray surface brightness discontinuity extends around ∌\sim75% of the periphery of the radio lobe, and detect significant temperature jumps in the brightest regions of this discontinuity nearest to the nucleus. This demonstrates that this discontinuity is indeed a strong shock which is the result of an overpressure which has built up in the entire lobe over time. Additionally, we demonstrate that if the mean free path for ions to transfer energy and momentum to the electrons behind the shock is as large as the Spitzer value, the electron and proton temperatures will not have equilibrated along the SW boundary of the radio lobe where the shock is strongest. Thus the proton temperature of the shocked gas could be considerably larger than the observed electron temperature, and the total energy of the outburst correspondingly larger as well. We investigate this using a simple one-dimensional shock model for a two-fluid (proton/electron) plasma. We find that for the thermodynamic parameters of the Cen A shock the electron temperature rises rapidly from ∌\sim0.29 keV (the temperature of the ambient ISM) to ∌\sim3.5 keV at which point heating from the protons is balanced by adiabatic losses. The proton and electron temperatures do not equilibrate in a timescale less than the age of the lobe. We note that the measured electron temperature of similar features in other nearby powerful radio galaxies in poor environments may considerably underestimate the strength and velocity of the shock.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables - accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    A Multiwavelength Study of the Extreme AGN J2310-437

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    We present new X-ray, radio, and optical data for the unusual galaxy/cluster system J2310-437. Our results confirm the presence of an active nucleus, and suggest an interpretation as an anomalous BL Lac object of bulk relativistic Doppler factor < 2, with an optically deficient radio-to-X-ray spectrum. The radio, optical, and soft X-ray flux densities could lie along a single power-law function, lacking the curvature typical of BL Lac objects. Compared with other known sources that may have comparable multifrequency spectra, J2310-437 is the most extreme. Its low isotropic optical/UV radiation is consistent with the intensity of external photons governing the electron spectral break through Compton cooling; in this source the external photon density would be too low to produce a spectral break below the X-ray.Comment: 19 pages, including 10 figures, using emulateapj.sty and apjfonts.sty. To appear in the Ap

    The Chandra X-ray Observatory Resolves the X-ray Morphology and Spectra of a Jet in PKS 0637-752

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    The core-dominated radio-loud quasar PKS 0637-752 (z = 0.654) was the first celestial object observed with the Chandra X-ray Observatory, offering the early surprise of the detection of a remarkable X-ray jet. Several observations with a variety of detector configurations contribute to a total exposure time with the Chandra Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS; Garmire et al. 2000, in preparation) of about 100ks. A spatial analysis of all the available X-ray data, making use of Chandra's spatial resolving power of about 0.4 arcsec, reveals a jet that extends about 10 arcsec to the west of the nucleus. At least four X-ray knots are resolved along the jet, which contains about 5% of the overall X-ray luminosity of the source. Previous observations of PKS 0637-752 in the radio band (Tingay et al. 1998) had identified a kpc-scale radio jet extending to the West of the quasar. The X-ray and radio jets are similar in shape, intensity distribution, and angular structure out to about 9 arcsec, after which the X-ray brightness decreases more rapidly and the radio jet turns abruptly to the north. The X-ray luminosity of the total source is log Lx ~ 45.8 erg/s (2 - 10keV), and appears not to have changed since it was observed with ASCA in November 1996. We present the results of fitting a variety of emission models to the observed spectral distribution, comment on the non-existence of emission lines recently reported in the ASCA observations of PKS 0637-752, and briefly discuss plausible X-ray emission mechanisms.Comment: 24 pages, includes 8 figures, Accepted for publication in Ap

    Discovery of an X-ray Jet and Extended Jet Structure in the Quasar PKS 1055+201

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    This letter reports rich X-ray jet structures found in the Chandra observation of PKS 1055+201. In addition to an X-ray jet coincident with the radio jet we detect a region of extended X-ray emission surrounding the jet as far from the core as the radio hotspot to the North, and a similar extended X-ray region along the presumed path of the unseen counterjet to the Southern radio lobe. Both X-ray regions show a similar curvature to the west, relative to the quasar. We interpret this as the first example where we separately detect the X-ray emission from a narrow jet and extended, residual jet plasma over the entire length of a powerful FRII jet.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap. J. Letters. 4 pages, 3 figure

    Chandra Discovery of a 100 kpc X-ray Jet in PKS 0637--752

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    The quasar PKS 0637-753, the first celestial X-ray target of the Chandra X-ray Observatory, has revealed asymmetric X-ray structure extending from 3 to 12 arcsec west of the quasar, coincident with the inner portion of the jet previously detected in a 4.8 GHz radio image (Tingay et al. 1998). At a redshift of z=0.651, the jet is the largest (~100 kpc) and most luminous (~10^{44.6} ergs/s) of the few so far detected in X-rays. This letter presents a high resolution X-ray image of the jet, from 42 ks of data when PKS 0637-753 was on-axis and ACIS-S was near the optimum focus. For the inner portion of the radio jet, the X-ray morphology closely matches that of new ATCA radio images at 4.8 and 8.6 GHz. Observations of the parsec scale core using the VSOP space VLBI mission show structure aligned with the X-ray jet, placing important constraints on the X-ray source models. HST images show that there are three small knots coincident with the peak radio and X-ray emission. Two of these are resolved, which we use to estimate the sizes of the X-ray and radio knots. The outer portion of the radio jet, and a radio component to the east, show no X-ray emission to a limit of about 100 times lower flux. The X-ray emission is difficult to explain with models that successfully account for extra-nuclear X-ray/radio structures in other active galaxies. We think the most plausible is a synchrotron self-Compton (SSC) model, but this would imply extreme departures from the conventional minimum-energy and/or homogeneity assumptions. We also rule out synchrotron or thermal bremsstrahlung models for the jet X-rays, unless multicomponent or ad hoc geometries are invoked.Comment: 5 Pages, 2 Figures. Submitted to Ap. J. Letter

    X-ray-emitting Atmospheres of B2 Radio Galaxies

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    We report ROSAT PSPC spatial and spectral analysis of the eight B2 radio galaxies NGC 315, NGC 326, 4C 35.03, B2 0326+39, NGC 2484, B2 1040+31, B2 1855+37, and 3C 449, expected to be representative of the class of low-power radio galaxies. Multiple X-ray components are present in each, and the gas components have a wide range of linear sizes and follow an extrapolation of the cluster X-ray luminosity/temperature correlation, implying that there is no relationship between the presence of a radio galaxy and the gas fraction of the environment. No large-scale cooling flows are found. There is no correlation of radio-galaxy size with the scale or density of the X-ray atmosphere. This suggests that it is processes on scales less than those of the overall gaseous environments which are the major influence on radio-source dynamics. The intergalactic medium is usually sufficient to confine the outer parts of the radio structures, in some cases even to within 5 kpc of the core. In the case of NGC 315, an extrapolation suggests that the pressure of the atmosphere may match the minimum pressure in the radio source over a factor of about 40 in linear size (a factor of about 1600 in pressure).Comment: 34 pages, including 10 figures, using aasms4.sty To appear in the Ap
