31 research outputs found

    Fossil zygospores of Zygnemataceae algae (Chlorophyta) from the Upper Miocene of the Bełchatów Lignite Mine

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    The Zygnemataceae are an extant family of freshwater filamentous green algae which produce acid-resistant zygospores. Palynomorphs of probable zygnematacean affinity occur in sediments of the Carboniferous to Holocene age (van Geel & Grenfell, 1996). These algae reproduce using four types of spores, but only zygospores and probably aplanospores are acid-resistant and can be preserved in the fossil record. The majority of recent species have zygospores of constant form of three types: elliptical (occurring in genera Debarya and Spirogyra), square (occurring in Mougeotia) or circular (occurring in Zygnema). The zygospores normally have a three-layered wall (exospore, mesospore and endospore), but only mesospore contains a decay and acid-resistant substance (most probably algaenans), so usually only this layer is preserved in fossil state, and is of interest to palynologists. The mesospore layer is smooth or ornamented with various sculptures (Kadłubowska, 1972; Grenfell, 1995). The shape and sculpture are very important features for determination of both the recent and fossil species. Two samples from the Bełchatów Lignite Mine were palynologically examined and two types of probable fossil zygnematacean zygospores, differing in shape, were encountered. The following species have been distinguished: Tetraporina sp., Spintetrapidites quadriformis Krutzsch & Pacltová as well as Ovoidites elongatus (Hunger) Krutzsch, and O. ligneolus Potonié ex Krutzsch. The fossil genus Tetraporina is usually related to the recent zygnematacean algae zygospores of Mougeotia genus, fossil Ovoidites is the nearest the recent zygospores of Spirogyra and Sirogonium, while Spintetrapidites is similar to both zygospores of Zygnemataceae and Tetraedron green algae. Species of recent genera Mougeotia and Spirogyra are usually found in shallow, freshwater, oxygen-rich environments such as ponds, lake margins (paludal or low gradient fluvial), ditches and very slowly moving streams (Kadłubowska, 1972). Occurrence of Tetraporina and Ovoidites zygnematacean zygospores in the material studied from Bełchatów points out at presence of water basin(s) during sedimentation time. That confirms the previous geological results that formation of examined sediments took place in the environment of a meandering river (including ox-bow lakes)

    Origin of the palaeokarst in Miocene evaporites on the SW periphery of the Eastern European Platform in the light of palynological studies : a case study of the Zoloushka Cave, Bukovina, Western Ukraine

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    The Zoloushka Cave belongs to a group of the largest gypsum caves in Western Ukraine (Bukovina region), developed in the middle Miocene (upper Badenian) evaporite series (Tyras Formation) on the SW periphery of the East European Platform. It is developed in the lower part of the evaporite series composed of gypsum, which is covered by a carbonate layer (Ratyn Limestone). The uneven upper surface of the gypsum at the contact with the limestone, the frequent occurrence of palaeokarst forms, and the presence of karstified fissures filled with allochthonous material indicate a sedimentation break between the gypsum and the overlying limestone. To support this thesis and to add new data on the age and palaeoenvironmental conditions of palaeokarst formation in the Bukovina region, palynological studies were carried out on material from the Zoloushka Cave. Palynofacies, sporomorphs and dinoflagellate cysts were studied. In total, over 70 sporomorph taxa and over 25 dinoflagellate cyst taxa have been identified in four samples collected from the filling of the palaeokarstic forms in the cave. The results of the analysis of sporomorphs and dinoflagellate cysts point to the formation of the palaeokarst during the sedimentation break that took place at the end of the late Badenian evaporitic cycle in the Western Ukraine region. The subsequent marine transgression led to the filling of the karst forms in gypsum with chemogenic carbonate material, precipitated from marine water (draperies) and with fine-grained, clastic material (pockets and fissures)

    Oligocene plant assemblage from Rebiszow, Lower Silesia: First “volcanic flora” from Poland

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    Fossil plant macroremains preserved in laminated diatomites from Łysa Góra near Rębiszów, Lower Silesia, have been documented for the first time. The fossil assemblage consists mostly of leaves, but fruits, seeds and sporadic flowers also occur. Forty-three identified taxa represent nineteen plant families: Aceraceae, Berberidaceae, Betulaceae, Cornaceae, Cupressaceae, Elaeocarpaceae, Ericaceae, Fagaceae, Lauraceae, ?Leguminosae, ?Meliaceae, Magnoliaceae, Pinaceae, Rhamnaceae, Rosaceae, Salicaceae, Tilioideae, Ulmaceae, Vitaceae, and one incertae sedis. The prevalence of entire margined leaves, mostly represented by Majanthemophyllum basinerve and Daphnogene cinnamomifolia, and a significant presence of Calocedrus suleticensis and Liriodendron haueri, are characteristic features of the Rębiszów flora. The composition of the plant assemblage points to a mesophytic forest with some riparian elements and suggests favourable, warm climatic conditions. Radiometrically dated basalts overlying fossiliferous layers and composition of palynoflora suggest at least Chattian (late Oligocene) age. The lithology and floristic composition link the Rębiszów flora with the so-called volcanic floras of the Nerchau-Flörsheim or Kleinsaubernitz floristic complex (Oligocene) from Germany and Czech Republic with Suletice-Berand flora being especially close

    Assessment of the selected lawnmowers and garden strimmers

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    W pracy przedstawiono ocenę wartości wskaźników i współczynników eksploatacyjnych wybranych kosiarek i wykaszarek ogrodniczych. Badania wykazały, że w wyniku zastosowanych rozwiązań konstrukcyjnych w kosiarce Husqvarna YTH210XP uzyskuje ona najwyższe wartości wskaźników wydajności i współczynnika pewności technologicznej spośród badanych maszyn. Wykaszarka Husqvarna 343R uzyskała wyższe wartości wskaźników i współczynników od porównywanej wykaszarki Husqvarna 240R.The study presents assessment of indexes values and operating coefficients of the selected lawnmowers and garden strimmers. The study proved that, as a result of the applied construction solutions in the Husqvarna YTH210XP lawnmower, it obtains the highest values of efficiency indexes and the coefficient of technological certainty among the tested machines. The Husqvarna 343R strimmer obtained the highest indexes values and coefficient values than the compared Husqvarna 240R strimmer

    Selection method of grass mowers on urban green areas

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    Przedstawiono opracowaną metodę Wskaźnika Zespolonego Jakości Maszyny Ogrodniczej umożliwiającą dokonanie wyboru optymalnej maszyny do koszenia trawy przy uwzględnieniu wielu cech o różnowymiarowych jednostkach miary. Przeprowadzano ocenę wybranych wykaszarek i kosiarek ogrodniczych przy zastosowaniu opracowanej metody oraz wyznaczano spośród nich optymalny typy maszyny do koszenia trawy na terenach zieleni. Optymalnym typem spośród badanych maszyn jest wykaszarka typu Husqvarna 343 R i kosiarka typu Husqvarna YTH210XP, które uzyskały najwyższe wartości Wskaźnika Zespolonego Jakości Maszyny Ogrodniczej wynoszącą odpowiednio 0,3506 i 0,7283.The study presents a developed method of the Complex Index of Garden Machine Quality, which enables selection of an optimal grass mower with consideration of many properties of heterodimensional measurement units. Evaluation of the selected strimmers and lawnmowers with the use of a developed method and an optimal type of a grass-mowing machine on green areas was determined. Husqvarna 343 R type of a strimmer and Husqvarna YTH210XP type of a grass mower are optimal types of the tested devices, which obtained the highest values of the Complex Index of Garden Machine Quality and they amounted respectively to 0.3506 i 0.7283

    Tetraploa aristata Berkeley and Broome (Fungi, Pleosporales), a new taxon to Poland

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    Tetraploa aristata Berkeley & Broome represents the anamorphic stage of a pleomorphic fungus with holomorph Tetraplosphaeria tetraploa (Scheuer) Kaz. Tanaka & K. Hiray (Lophiostoma tetraploa (Scheuer) Aptroot & K.D. Hyde). Until now this taxon has not been reported in Poland, where it is probably on the fringe of its distribution. Conidia of Tetraploa aristata were found during palynological analyses of modern surface samples and later on the decaying leaves of Phleum phleoides from xeric grasslands in Kraków and its vicinity. Since Tetraploa aristata was discovered during palynological analysis, this method might be considered to be a useful tool for investigations of contemporary microfungal mycobiota

    Investigation of inclusions trapped inside Libyan desert glass by Raman microscopy

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    Several specimens of Libyan Desert Glass (LDG), an enigmatic natural glass from Egypt, were subjected to investigation by micro-Raman spectroscopy. The spectra of inclusions inside the LDG samples were successfully measured through the layers of glass and the mineral species were identified on this basis. The presence of cristobalite as typical for high-temperature melt products was confirmed, together with co-existing quartz. TiO2 was determined in two polymorphic species, rutile and anatase. Micro-Raman spectroscopy proved also the presence of minerals unusual for high-temperature glasses such as anhydrite and aragonite