78 research outputs found

    On martingale approximations

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    Consider additive functionals of a Markov chain WkW_k, with stationary (marginal) distribution and transition function denoted by Ο€\pi and QQ, say Sn=g(W1)+...+g(Wn)S_n=g(W_1)+...+g(W_n), where gg is square integrable and has mean 0 with respect to Ο€\pi. If SnS_n has the form Sn=Mn+RnS_n=M_n+R_n, where MnM_n is a square integrable martingale with stationary increments and E(Rn2)=o(n)E(R_n^2)=o(n), then gg is said to admit a martingale approximation. Necessary and sufficient conditions for such an approximation are developed. Two obvious necessary conditions are E[E(Sn∣W1)2]=o(n)E[E(S_n|W_1)^2]=o(n) and lim⁑nβ†’βˆžE(Sn2)/n<∞\lim_{n\to \infty}E(S_n^2)/n<\infty. Assuming the first of these, let βˆ₯gβˆ₯+2=lim sup⁑nβ†’βˆžE(Sn2)/n\Vert g\Vert^2_+=\limsup_{n\to \infty}E(S_n^2)/n; then βˆ₯β‹…βˆ₯+\Vert\cdot\Vert_+ defines a pseudo norm on the subspace of L2(Ο€)L^2(\pi) where it is finite. In one main result, a simple necessary and sufficient condition for a martingale approximation is developed in terms of βˆ₯β‹…βˆ₯+\Vert\cdot\Vert_+. Let Qβˆ—Q^* denote the adjoint operator to QQ, regarded as a linear operator from L2(Ο€)L^2(\pi) into itself, and consider co-isometries (QQβˆ—=IQQ^*=I), an important special case that includes shift processes. In another main result a convenient orthonormal basis for L02(Ο€)L_0^2(\pi) is identified along with a simple necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a martingale approximation in terms of the coefficients of the expansion of gg with respect to this basis.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/07-AAP505 the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Law of the iterated logarithm for stationary processes

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    There has been recent interest in the conditional central limit question for (strictly) stationary, ergodic processes ...,Xβˆ’1,X0,X1,......,X_{-1},X_0,X_1,... whose partial sums Sn=X1+...+XnS_n=X_1+...+X_n are of the form Sn=Mn+RnS_n=M_n+R_n, where MnM_n is a square integrable martingale with stationary increments and RnR_n is a remainder term for which E(Rn2)=o(n)E(R_n^2)=o(n). Here we explore the law of the iterated logarithm (LIL) for the same class of processes. Letting βˆ₯β‹…βˆ₯\Vert\cdot\Vert denote the norm in L2(P)L^2(P), a sufficient condition for the partial sums of a stationary process to have the form Sn=Mn+RnS_n=M_n+R_n is that nβˆ’3/2βˆ₯E(Sn∣X0,Xβˆ’1,...)βˆ₯n^{-3/2}\Vert E(S_n|X_0,X_{-1},...)\Vert be summable. A sufficient condition for the LIL is only slightly stronger, requiring nβˆ’3/2log⁑3/2(n)βˆ₯E(Sn∣X0,Xβˆ’1,...)βˆ₯n^{-3/2}\log^{3/2}(n)\Vert E(S_n|X_0,X_{-1},...)\Vert to be summable. As a by-product of our main result, we obtain an improved statement of the conditional central limit theorem. Invariance principles are obtained as well.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009117907000000079 the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    A non-linear Renewal Theorem with stationary and slowly changing perturbations

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    Non-linear renewal theory is extended to include random walks perturbed by both a slowly changing sequence and a stationary one. Main results include a version of the Key Renewal Theorem, a derivation of the limiting distribution of the excess over a boundary, and an expansion for the expected first passage time. The formulation is motivated by problems in sequential analysis with staggered entry, where subjects enter a study at random times.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/074921706000000680 in the IMS Lecture Notes--Monograph Series (http://www.imstat.org/publications/lecnotes.htm) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org
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