3 research outputs found
A bioenergetics framework for integrating the effects of multiple stressors: Opening a 'black box' in climate change research
Climate change is already impacting marine ecosystems across a range of scales, from individual physiology, to changes in species
interactions and community structure, and ultimately to patterns in geographic distribution. Predicting how marine ecosystems will respond
to environmental change is a signifi cant challenge because vulnerability to climatic and non-climatic stressors is highly variable, and depends
on an organism\u2019s functional traits, tolerance to stressors, and the environment in which it lives. We present a mechanistic approach based on
biophysical and dynamic energy budget models that integrates the cumulative effects of multiple environmental stressors (temperature and
food) and stress associated with the presence of predators (the \u201cfear of being eaten\u201d), with the functional traits of an organism. We describe
how multiple factors such as feeding time, food availability, and weather can be combined into a few simple metrics and explore how the
physiological and behavioral impacts of predation risk can be included in this framework by altering prey feeding time and performance.
Importantly, we highlight several critical gaps in our basic understanding of the fundamental mechanisms that drive responses to multiple
stressors in natural systems. The framework presented here is, thus, intended to serve as a guide for the formulation of explicit, testable
hypotheses and further controlled experimentation