27 research outputs found

    Evaluation of minerals policy statements

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    The Planning White Paper: Planning for a Sustainable Future published in 2007, set out proposals for streamlining planning policy. In this context research was commissioned by the Department for Communities and Local Government in January 2010, to undertake an evaluation of the implementation of mineral policy statements for England in order to inform any possible future review. The objectives were to: 1. Separate the ‘policy’ and ‘guidance’ components for specific Minerals Policy Statements (MPSs) / Minerals Planning Guidance Notes (MPGs) in order to assess the relative proportions of each. The documents assessed were MPS1, MPS2, MPG3, MPG5, MPG7, MPG10, MPG13 and MPG15. 2. Determine the uptake of national minerals policies in Regional Strategies (RSs) and local planning documents, and their application through development (management) control. 3. Identify any barriers to the effective implementation of national minerals policy. 4. Identify any policies which require review, clarification or amendment in the light of legislation, local practice or interpretation. 5. Identify partners’ preferred style and format for national minerals policy which will allow Government to most effectively deliver its objectives for minerals planning. 6. Undertake a strategic level review of legislation, policy and strategies that have been introduced since November 2006, when MPS1: Planning and Minerals was published, in order to identify those that may have an impact on existing minerals policy. The research was informed by extensive document analysis accompanied by two focus group workshops, a questionnaire and interviews