23 research outputs found

    Physics based calibration of the Herschel/SPIRE bolometers

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    The bolometers (and readout circuitry) in the SPIRE instrument on the Herschel Space Observatory are among the best understood and well characterised of any sub‐mm astronomy instrument to date. SPIRE contains five arrays of NTD germanium spiderweb bolometers with up to 139 pixels per array. Their behaviour has been shown to be extremely stable as seen by repeated measurements in the years between initial array level and final instrument level tests, and can be described extremely well by a simple physical model (the ideal bolometer model). Calibration of the bolometers must take into account the non‐linear response when viewing bright sources, and the effect of fluctuations in the heat sink temperature. The simple and well‐understood behaviour of the detectors, coupled with the stable conditions expected in flight, mean that in contrast to previous sub‐mm instruments, physical models can be used to improve or possibly replace empirical calibration methods. We describe how this can be done, and use the large amount of data from ground measurements to show that we can use models to accurately calculate the absolute power detected by the bolometers

    Understanding the Herschel-SPIRE bolometers

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    Bolometers are very simple devices. In principle, the behaviour of a bolometer can be described by a simple model along with a small number of parameters. The SPIRE instrument for the Herschel Space Observatory contains five arrays of NTD germanium spiderweb bolometers containing up to 139 pixels. We show from characterisation measurements on the ground using the flight read-out system that the bolometers follow the ideal model extremely well, are very stable, and that the read-out system is sufficiently well behaved to take advantage of this. Calibration should be greatly simplified by being able to take advantage of this behaviour

    Predicting the response of a submillimeter bolometer to cosmic rays

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    Bolometers designed to detect. submillimeter radiation also respond to cosmic, gamma, and x rays. Because detectors cannot be fully shielded from such energy sources, it is necessary to understand the effect of a photon or cosmic-ray particle being absorbed. The resulting signal (known as a glitch) can then be removed from raw data. We present measurements using an Americium-241 gamma radiation source to irradiate a prototype bolometer for the High Frequency Instrument in the Planck Surveyor satellite. Our measurements showed no variation in response depending on where the radiation was absorbed, demonstrating that the bolometer absorber and thermistor thermalize quickly. The bolometer has previously been fully characterized both electrically and optically. We find that using optically measured time constants underestimates the time taken for the detector to recover from a radiation absorption event. However, a full thermal model for the bolometer, with parameters taken from electrical and optical measurements, provides accurate time constants. Slight deviations from the model were seen at high energies; these can be accounted for by use of an extended model

    Understanding the Herschel-SPIRE bolometers

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    Bolometers are very simple devices. In principle, the behaviour of a bolometer can be described by a simple model along with a small number of parameters. The SPIRE instrument for the Herschel Space Observatory contains five arrays of NTD germanium spiderweb bolometers containing up to 139 pixels. We show from characterisation measurements on the ground using the flight read-out system that the bolometers follow the ideal model extremely well, are very stable, and that the read-out system is sufficiently well behaved to take advantage of this. Calibration should be greatly simplified by being able to take advantage of this behaviour

    Physics based calibration of the Herschel/SPIRE bolometers

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    The bolometers (and readout circuitry) in the SPIRE instrument on the Herschel Space Observatory are among the best understood and well characterised of any sub‐mm astronomy instrument to date. SPIRE contains five arrays of NTD germanium spiderweb bolometers with up to 139 pixels per array. Their behaviour has been shown to be extremely stable as seen by repeated measurements in the years between initial array level and final instrument level tests, and can be described extremely well by a simple physical model (the ideal bolometer model). Calibration of the bolometers must take into account the non‐linear response when viewing bright sources, and the effect of fluctuations in the heat sink temperature. The simple and well‐understood behaviour of the detectors, coupled with the stable conditions expected in flight, mean that in contrast to previous sub‐mm instruments, physical models can be used to improve or possibly replace empirical calibration methods. We describe how this can be done, and use the large amount of data from ground measurements to show that we can use models to accurately calculate the absolute power detected by the bolometers

    First Tests of Prototype SCUBA-2 Superconducting Bolometer Array

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    We present results of the first tests on a 1280 pixel superconducting bolometer array, a prototype for SCUBA‐2, a sub‐mm camera being built for the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope in Hawaii. The bolometers are TES (transition edge sensor) detectors; these take advantage of the large variation of resistance with temperature through the superconducting transition. To keep the number of wires reasonable, a multiplexed read‐out is used. Each pixel is read out through an individual DC SQUID; room temperature electronics switch between rows in the array by biasing the appropriate SQUIDs in turn. Arrays of 100 SQUIDs in series for each column then amplify the output. Unlike previous TES arrays, the multiplexing elements are located beneath each pixel, making large arrays possible, but construction more challenging. The detectors are constructed from Mo/Cu bi‐layers; this technique enables the transition temperature to be tuned using the proximity effect by choosing the thickness of the normal and superconducting materials. To achieve the required performance, the detectors are operated at a temperature of approximately 120 mK. We describe the results of a basic characterisation of the array, demonstrating that it is fully operational, and give the results of signal to noise measurements

    Proposed designs for a “dry” dilution refrigerator with a 1 K condenser

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    Recent development of “dry” dilution refrigerators has used mechanical cryocoolers and Joule–Thomson expansion stages to cool and liquefy the circulating ^3He. While this approach has been highly successful, we propose three alternative designs that use independently-cooled condensers. In the first, the circulating helium is precooled by a mechanical cooler, and liquified by self-contained ^4He sorption coolers. In the second, the helium is liquefied by a closed-cycle, continuous flow ^4He refrigerator operating from a room temperature pump. Finally, the third scheme uses a separate ^4He Joule–Thomson stage to cool the ^3He condenser. The condensers in all these schemes are analogous to the “1-K pot” in a conventional dilution refrigerator. Such an approach would be advantageous in certain applications, such as instrumentation for astronomy and particle physics experiment, where a thermal stage at approximately 1 K would allow an alternative heat sink to the still for electronics and radiation shielding, or quantum computer research where a large number of coaxial cables must be heat sunk in the cryostat. Furthermore, the behaviour of such a refrigerator is simplified due to the separation of the condenser stage from the dilution circuit, removing the complex interaction between the 4-K, Joule–Thomson, still and mixing chamber stages found in current dry DR designs

    A TES development and test facility at Cardiff, and a solution to the optical saturation problem of superconducting bolometers

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    The Astronomical Instrumentation Group at University of Cardiff is already a UK center for submillimetre bolometric detector testing. The next generation of submillimetre astronomical instrumentation will incorporate arrays of transition-edge sensor (TES) bolometers. With the recently expanded facilities and personnel, the University of Cardiff is poised to become a UK centre for TES development and testing. We have undertaken a coordinated programme to develop TES simulation and test capabilities. One aspect of the programme is to address the problem of saturation of TES bolometers at high optical loads. We have developed a "tunable-G" device, which can vary its thermal conductance whilst in operation. For infrastructure, several sub-Kelvin cryogenic testbeds have been specifically designed to suit the requirements of testing submillimetre TES development bolometers. A description of our tunable-G device to solve the optical saturation problem will be given along with a description of the test facilities available at Cardiff