2 research outputs found

    A closed-loop system of construction and demolition waste recycling

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    This study discusses the construction and demolition waste recycling stream both in Australia and in Germany. Differences and commonalities in commercial practices between the two countries are outlined, and open research questions are introduced. Following McDonough and Braungart's cradle-to-cradle theorem, and ideal closed-loop system within the building life cycle is proposed. Deficiencies and efficiencies in the closed-loop system are reported and assessed and related parameters promoting or hindering the closed-loop system are evaluated. Results of the study demonstrate that reusable and non-reusable materials generated from construction and demolition operations, which are destined for landfill, are categorized differently between the recycling systems used in Australia and Germany

    Implications of legal frameworks on construction and demolition waste recycling-A comparative study of the German and Australian systems

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    This comparative study between German and Australian legislation demonstrates that legal frameworks impact on the way in which recycling systems work. Both Australia and Germany operate as Federations and the autonomy of states influences common federation wide practices and standards. In Germany's case however, it is obliged to comply with European Union guidelines which result in German federal legislation being binding for all German states and to common industry practices across all of Germany. Purely industry regulated systems are not always sufficient to cater for societal and environmental needs, and political intervention can sometimes be necessary to achieve desired outcomes. The construction and demolition (C&D) waste recycling industry is a good example. In Australia C&D waste recycling is mostly industry regulated, while the state has greater influence in Germany. A statistical analysis illustrates legislative impact on recycling outcomes. Nonetheless, any legislative efforts can also have effects contrary to the intended ones. A study of such cases is conducted and other influencing factors also considered. In conclusion, the study outlines the importance of interstate coordination and regulation; and the need for the incorporation of industry requirements and other potentially influencing factors into the legal frameworks in order to meet desired outcomes