10 research outputs found

    Fabrication of metal nanoparticle arrays by controlled decomposition of polymer particles

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    We report a novel fabrication method for ordered arrays of metal nanoparticles that exploits the uniform arrangement of polymer beads deposited as close-packed monolayers. In contrast to colloidal lithography that applies particles as masks, we used thermal decomposition of the metal-covered particles to precisely define metal structures. Large arrays of noble metal (Au, Ag, Pt) nanoparticles were produced in a three-step process on silicon, fused silica and sapphire substrates, demonstrating the generality of this approach. Polystyrene spheres with diameters ranging between 110 nm and 1 ÎĽm were convectively assembled into crystalline monolayers, coated with metal and annealed in a resistive furnace or using an ethanol flame. The thermal decomposition of the polymer microspheres converted the metal layer into particles arranged in hexagonal arrays that preserved the order of the original monolayer. Both the particle size and the interparticle distance were adjusted via the thickness of the metal coating and the sphere diameter, respectively.

    Do individual-tree growth models correctly represent height:diameter ratios of Norway spruce and Scots pine?

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    â–¶ We examined four individual tree models in Europe: BWIN, Moses, Silva and Prognaus. â–¶ We simulated growth of open-grown trees and on research plots for 15 or 30 years. â–¶ Height:diameter ratios were correctly predicted by all four models. â–¶ Height:diameter ratios were within the bounds of open grown trees and dense stands. â–¶ They decreased with age and density; dominant trees had lower ratios than mean trees