111 research outputs found

    Height| Diameter ratio and tree stability relationships for four northern Rocky Mountain tree species

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    Reconstruction of 3D mesh from 2D image using deep learning

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    This paper evaluates the feasibility of deep learning for monocular depth estimation in the reconstruction of 3D meshes. Three deep learning models were used to generate a depth map, and three surface reconstruction algorithms were used to reconstruct the mesh. The different combinations were explored, and the best combination was found to be the supervised deep learning model, Dense-Depth, paired with the surface reconstruction using alpha shapes. The meshes produced were able to capture major features of the scene, but tended to have gaps within the mesh, and the depth of the surface would fluctuate. To create a higher quality mesh, the accuracy and resolution of the depth estimation models would have to be improved first. This final year project is part of research project “Artificial Intelligence for Smart Image Understanding” at Rolls-Royce@NTU Corporate Lab.Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Science


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    In einer Zeit, in der sich andeutet, dass die Demokratie und ihre Prinzipien wie die politische Gleichheit aller, Rechtsstaatlichkeit, Gewaltenteilung, Minderheitenschutz und Partizipation an Strahlkraft zu verlieren drohen,  steht die Gesellschaft vor der Herausforderung, diese Begriffe neu zu verhandeln. Der bayerische Forschungsverbund "Zukunft der Demokratie" (ForDemocracy) stellt sich daher grundlegende Fragen: Wie können Partizipations- und Entscheidungsverfahren sowie möglicherweise au..

    Reconstruction of Fujikawa Trough in Mio-Pliocene Age and its Geotectonic Implication

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    The late Miocene to Pliocene Minobu Formation and its equivalents in the Southern Fossa Magna Region, central Japan, consist of turbidites and associated coarse clastic deposits. The thickness of the Minobu Formation and its equivalents attains up to 3 km. In those sediments, sixteen sedimentary facies are recognized, and they are grouped further into eight facies associations; Conglomeratic, Conglomeratic-sandy, Conglomerate-Sandstone, Sandy, Silty, Sandy-silty, Silty and Pebbly siltstone associations. Among them, the first four associations are interpreted as channel fill sediments. While the second three associations are thought to be interchannel sediments. Interpretation of such facies associations as mentioned above is based on the following points; 1) comparative studies of sedimentary facies and facies association in the study area with those reported from modern and ancient turbidite basins, 2) morphologic analysis of sedimentary body of facies association and 3) dispersal pattern of sediments. The last of those associations is assumed from its characteristic sedimentary features to be slump deposits which flowed down along such steep slope as fault scarp. Result of such interpretations leads further to the conclusion that sedimentary environments of the Minobu Formation and its equivalents is fillings of a trough which extends in N-S direction throughout the area. Furthermore, from sedimentological analysis of the trough fillings, feeder channel extending ENE-WSW direction, western boundary fault scarps and an axial channel of a few kilometres in width are revealed. Then it is named herein Fujikawa Trough. Petrography and dispersal pattern of clastic sediments indicate that the main source area was situated around the Kwanto mountainland, more than 40 kilometres away from Fujikawa Trough. Comparison of Fujikawa Trough with modern trough and trench is made. Consequently, Suruga Trough seems to show the closest similarity by the following reasons of 1) similarity of internal topographic features such as western boundary fault scarps and an axial channel of a few kilometres wide, 2) similarity of the axial direction of trough and 3) similarity of the sedimentary ratio of fill sediments. Such geomorphologic similarity of both trough is important, and suggests that Fujikawa Trough was formed as a consequence of collision of Izu-Bonin Arc into Southwest Japan Arc in the same mannar as Suruga Trough is developing now

    Erste Praxis-Konferenz des Forschungsverbunds ForDemocracy

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    Der Forschungsverbund ForDemocracy ist ein transdisziplinĂ€r ausgerichtetes Forschungsvorhaben. TransdisziplinĂ€r? Jenseits aller wissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzungen um das Wie und Wozu des Begriffs der TransdiszplinaritĂ€t (im großen Feld der Begriffe partizipative Forschung, Citizen Science, Action Research, Transformative Forschung, MultidisziplinaritĂ€t, InterdisziplinaritĂ€t u.a.)  verstehen wir hier darunter: Forschung bezogen auf ein gesellschaftliches Problem bzw. einen gesellschaft..

    Wissenschaft und Öffentlichkeit. Ein Bericht aus Sicht einer Wissenschaftsmanagerin

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    Ein Blogbeitrag von Sabine Toussaint, der GeschĂ€ftsfĂŒhrerin des Verbunds Vor gut einem Jahr hat im Rahmen der ersten Mitgliederversammlung des Forschungsverbunds ForDemocracy die erste Praxis-Konferenz in MĂŒnchen stattgefunden: Wissenschaft und Öffentlichkeit im Austausch. GĂ€ste aus der Praxis zu den Forschungsthemen und die Verbundmitglieder tauschten sich erstmals ĂŒber die Themen des Verbundes aus. Ein Jahr spĂ€ter, am 14./15. November 2019, trafen sich die Verbundmitglieder erneut, diesma..

    Zukunft denken – eine umgekehrte Chronologie

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    Ein Blogbeitrag von Sabine Toussaint, der GeschĂ€ftsfĂŒhrerin des Verbunds In meinem letzten Blogbeitrag wurde es bereits angekĂŒndigt: ForDemocracy lud am 15. Februar 2020 in Kooperation mit der Volkshochschule MĂŒnchen zu einem Workshoptag ein: „Demokratie weiter denken – Zukunftswerkstatt“. Bevor aber Demokratie weitergedacht werden konnte, musste darĂŒber erarbeitet werden, wie das denn funktionieren kann. Wie der Tag ablaufen soll, wie die Themen formuliert werden, was eine Zukunftswerkst..
