7 research outputs found

    A Systematic Literature Review on the Resilience Reported by BIPOC in the Face of Discrimination

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    The present study is a systematic literature review on the psychology of resilience, or the ability to bounce back after a difficult situation (Smith, 2008). Although resilience is a timely and relevant variable in social psychology, little is known about its connection to the racism-related experiences of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC). This review explores how resilience manifests in the BIPOC community and its influence on the identity of minority groups. Previous research has shown that BIPOC reports higher resilience (Carter, 2012); however, there is still uncertainty around its connection to discrimination. Through the analysis of nine final research articles, we examined four main questions: (a) What is the prominent definition of resilience?, (b) How is resilience experienced or manifested among BIPOC?, (c) How is resilience operationalized when experiencing oppression?, and (d) What are the limitations in the literature of resilience? Results shed light on the need to further investigate resilience as a protective factor against discrimination in the BIPOC community

    Asian Americans Experience Microassaults During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Microaggressions are typically brief and common behavioral/verbal indignities that communicate a sense of hostility, derogatory, or negative perception towards a targeted group. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we observed an increase in the amount of microassaults, a more intentional type of microaggression, towards the Asian American population. In our study, we used a two-way 2x2 (Race: Asian Americans vs. White Americans; Time: before vs. during COVID-19) analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) with repeated measures on one factor (Time) to determine whether there was a statistical significance between race in the experiences of microassaults before and during COVID-19. We used a self-report survey method to gather data from the participants. Overall, the findings from our study suggest that Asian Americans experienced an increase of microassaults during COVID-19 compared to before the pandemic. Moreover, this change in experiences over time was significantly different for White Americans. This study shows the importance of recognizing this phenomenon, and addresses the issues on inclusivity, cultural-awareness, and compassion. Moving forward, it is important that we are aware of social influences on race-related experiences among Asian Americans, and other marginalized communities

    The Slow Violence of Racism on Asian Americans During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Racism against people of Asian descent increased by over 300% after the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak in the United States, with one in five Asian Americans reporting direct experiences with overt discrimination. Large-scale eorts and resources initially, and quite understandably, prioritized investigating the physiological impact of the coronavirus, which has partially delayed research studies targeting the psychological eects of the pandemic. Currently, two studies tracked the unique relationships between psychosocial factors, such as experiencing everyday racism, and the self-reported wellbeing of Asian Americans in the United States and compared these associations with Latinx Americans. Study 1 (April 2020–April 2021) examined how Asian and Latinx Americans varied in their levels of wellbeing, fear of the coronavirus, internalized racism, and everyday experiences with racism. Study 2 (September 2021–April 2022) included the same variables with additional assessments for victimization distress. We used the CDC Museum COVID-19 Timeline to pair collected data from our studies with specific moments in the pandemic—from its known origins to springtime 2022. Results highlighted how slow and deleterious forms of racist violence could wear and tear at the wellbeing of targeted people of color. Overall, this research underscores the possible hidden harms associated with slow-moving forms of racism, as well as some of the unseen stressors experienced by people of color living in the United Stat

    Resilience in the BIPOC community: A systematic review

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    The present study is a systematic literature review on the psychology of resilience, or the ability to bounce back after a difficult situation. Although resilience is a timely and relevant variable in social psychology, little is known about its connection to the racism-related experiences of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC). This review explores how resilience manifests in the BIPOC community and its influence on the identity of minority groups. Previous research has shown that BIPOC reports higher resilience; however, there is still uncertainty around its connection to discrimination. Through the analysis of nine final research articles, we examined four main questions: (a) What is the prominent definition of resilience?, (b) How is resilience experienced or manifested among BIPOC?, (c) How is resilience operationalized when experiencing oppression?, and (d) What are the limitations in the literature of resilience? Results shed light on the need to further investigate resilience as a protective factor against discrimination in the BIPOC community.https://digitalscholarship.unlv.edu/durep_posters/1073/thumbnail.jp

    Critical action to redress systemic oppression: a person-centered approach

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    IntroductionIn 2020, public outcry against police brutality prompted many social media users to post black squares and use the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter (BLM). Many of the people who posted these squares were engaging in performative action in the sense that they failed to engage with BLM’s history and core principles. Drawing from a critical action framework, the current research seeks to more deeply understand what drives people to engage in more versus less impactful forms of action to resist systemic oppression.MethodsWe employed a mixed-methods and person-centered methodological approach with the goal of providing nuanced information about factors that distinguish among individuals who engage in different forms of action. Participants were 359 undergraduates who reported that they engaged in some form of action to support BLM.FindingsLatent profile analysis identified three subgroups (i.e., latent classes) in the larger sample, which we labeled (1) intentional action, (2) intermediate action, and (3) passive action. Participants in each latent class differed from one another in their sociopolitical attitudes, sociodemographic background, and level of action to support BLM. Through the qualitative coding process, the research team unearthed three overarching themes and a range of subthemes that help to explain why the members of each class engaged in different forms of action.DiscussionWe conclude by proposing a flexible intervention that may motivate individuals to engage in critical action to support BLM

    Examining Differences Between Asian Americans and Whites for Gambling and Drinking

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    Limited research have examined the ethnic differences in gambling and drinking among emerging adults, therefore; little is known about what is placing Asian American at-risk for involvement with these behaviors. The purpose of this study was to examine ethnic differences in risk factors between Asian Americans and White Americans for gambling and drinking at the two levels of involvement: abstinence and problems. The main objective 1) if there are ethnic differences among emerging adults in gambling and drinking involvement, 2) why these differences exist, and 3) which impulsivity and psychological distress variables are specific to each of these ethnic groups. The sample consisted of college students, A total of 823 participants, 414 (50.3%) females and 409 (49.7%) males, with an age range of 18-36 from the psychology subject pool of a large West Coast university were selected for this study. The sample was composed of 464 (56.4%) Asian Americans and 359 (43.6%) White Americans. White Americans were found to abstain less and develop more problems associated with drinking. No ethnic differences were found for gambling abstinence. Asian Americans were developing more problems gambling compared to White Americans. Ethnic differences were also found through risk-factors at each level of involvement with Asian Americans being highly correlated to psychological distress risk-factors and White Americans impulsivity factors. Of these risk factors, depression and belief in good luck (BIGL) mediated for problem gambling and social anxiety mediated for drinking abstinence. Overall, results indicated an increase need for more culturally sensitive and comprehensive based treatment and prevention programs

    Examining the role of responsible gambling in associations between symptoms of trauma, gambling disorder, and gambling motivations: Results from a representative U.S. sample

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    Abstract Cross-sectional and longitudinal studies have consistently demonstrated a connection between symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and gambling disorder (GD) in both general and clinical U.S. populations. Limited research, however, has focused on the associations between PTSD symptomology and responsible gambling (RG) practices, as well as the potential mediating role RG might have in the relationship between symptoms of PTSD, GD, and different gambling motivations (e.g., coping). RG programs have gained increasing favor with public health and industry officials as a possible way to better reduce some of the negative consequences tied to common risky gambling behaviors and beliefs in the larger population. Despite the proclaimed successes of several RG programs, though, additional research is required to better understand how both general and specific RG practices are linked to PTSD symptoms and disordered gambling. Therefore, this study investigated the current relationship between symptoms of PTSD and GD, gambling motivations, and RG practices in a nationally representative sample of U.S. adults (N = 2,806). Implications This research has the potential to identify specific and general responsible gambling practices that act as protective factors against disordered gambling when endorsed and risk factors for it when not used. Understanding the efficacy of different RG approaches for different populations may be the most straightforward path toward reducing the harms caused by the public’s participation in gambling