24 research outputs found

    Fault-tolerant parallel scheduling of arbitrary length jobs on a shared channel

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    We study the problem of scheduling jobs on fault-prone machines communicating via a shared channel, also known as multiple-access channel. We have nn arbitrary length jobs to be scheduled on mm identical machines, ff of which are prone to crashes by an adversary. A machine can inform other machines when a job is completed via the channel without collision detection. Performance is measured by the total number of available machine steps during the whole execution. Our goal is to study the impact of preemption (i.e., interrupting the execution of a job and resuming later in the same or different machine) and failures on the work performance of job processing. The novelty is the ability to identify the features that determine the complexity (difficulty) of the problem. We show that the problem becomes difficult when preemption is not allowed, by showing corresponding lower and upper bounds, the latter with algorithms reaching them. We also prove that randomization helps even more, but only against a non-adaptive adversary; in the presence of more severe adaptive adversary, randomization does not help in any setting. Our work has extended from previous work that focused on settings including: scheduling on multiple-access channel without machine failures, complete information about failures, or incomplete information about failures (like in this work) but with unit length jobs and, hence, without considering preemption

    Optimum Water Quality Monitoring Network Design for Bidirectional River Systems

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    Affected by regular tides, bidirectional water flows play a crucial role in surface river systems. Using optimization theory to design a water quality monitoring network can reduce the redundant monitoring nodes as well as save the costs for building and running a monitoring network. A novel algorithm is proposed to design an optimum water quality monitoring network for tidal rivers with bidirectional water flows. Two optimization objectives of minimum pollution detection time and maximum pollution detection probability are used in our optimization algorithm. We modify the Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization (MOPSO) algorithm and develop new fitness functions to calculate pollution detection time and pollution detection probability in a discrete manner. In addition, the Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) is used to simulate hydraulic characteristics and pollution events based on a hypothetical river system studied in the literature. Experimental results show that our algorithm can obtain a better Pareto frontier. The influence of bidirectional water flows to the network design is also identified, which has not been studied in the literature. Besides that, we also find that the probability of bidirectional water flows has no effect on the optimum monitoring network design but slightly changes the mean pollution detection time

    Towards Optimal Grammars for RNA Structures

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    In past work (Onokpasa, Wild, Wong, DCC 2023), we showed that (a) for joint compression of RNA sequence and structure, stochastic context-free grammars are the best known compressors and (b) that grammars which have better compression ability also show better performance in ab initio structure prediction. Previous grammars were manually curated by human experts. In this work, we develop a framework for automatic and systematic search algorithms for stochastic grammars with better compression (and prediction) ability for RNA. We perform an exhaustive search of small grammars and identify grammars that surpass the performance of human-expert grammars

    Towards Optimal Grammars for RNA Structures

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    In past work (Onokpasa, Wild, Wong, DCC 2023), we showed that (a) for joint compression of RNA sequence and structure, stochastic context-free grammars are the best known compressors and (b) that grammars which have better compression ability also show better performance in ab initio structure prediction. Previous grammars were manually curated by human experts. In this work, we develop a framework for automatic and systematic search algorithms for stochastic grammars with better compression (and prediction) ability for RNA. We perform an exhaustive search of small grammars and identify grammars that surpass the performance of human-expert grammars

    Greedy is Optimal for Online Restricted Assignment and Smart Grid Scheduling for Unit Size Jobs

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    We study online scheduling of unit-sized jobs in two related problems, namely, restricted assignment problem and smart grid problem. The input to the two problems are in close analogy but the objective functions are different. We show that the greedy algorithm is an optimal online algorithm for both problems. Typically, an online algorithm is proved to be an optimal online algorithm through bounding its competitive ratio and showing a lower bound with matching competitive ratio. However, our analysis does not take this approach. Instead, we prove the optimality without giving the exact bounds on competitive ratio. Roughly speaking, given any online algorithm and a job instance, we show the existence of another job instance for greedy such that (i) the two instances admit the same optimal offline schedule; (ii) the cost of the online algorithm is at least that of the greedy algorithm on the respective job instance. With these properties, we can show that the competitive ratio of the greedy algorithm is the smallest possible

    Semiglobal Sequence Alignment with Gaps Using GPU

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    Designing an Optimized Water Quality Monitoring Network with Reserved Monitoring Locations

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    The optimized design of water quality monitoring networks can not only minimize the pollution detection time and maximize the detection probability for river systems but also reduce redundant monitoring locations. In addition, it can save investments and costs for building and operating monitoring systems as well as satisfy management requirements. This paper aims to use the beneficial features of multi-objective discrete particle swarm optimization (MODPSO) to optimize the design of water quality monitoring networks. Four optimization objectives: minimum pollution detection time, maximum pollution detection probability, maximum centrality of monitoring locations and reservation of particular monitoring locations, are proposed. To guide the convergence process and keep reserved monitoring locations in the Pareto frontier, we use a binary matrix to denote reserved monitoring locations and develop a new particle initialization procedure as well as discrete functions for updating particle’s velocity and position. The storm water management model (SWMM) is used to model a hypothetical river network which was studied in the literature for comparative analysis of our work. We define three pollution detection thresholds and simulate pollution events respectively to obtain all the pollution detection time for all the potential monitoring locations when a pollution event occurs randomly at any potential monitoring locations. Compared to the results of an enumeration search method, we confirm that our algorithm could obtain the Pareto frontier of optimized monitoring network design, and the reserved monitoring locations are included to satisfy the management requirements. This paper makes fundamental advancements of MODPSO and enables it to optimize the design of water quality monitoring networks with reserved monitoring locations

    Designing an Optimal Water Quality Monitoring Network

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    Part 6: Intelligent ApplicationsInternational audienceThe optimal design of water quality monitoring network can improve the monitoring performance. In addition, it can reduce the redundant monitoring locations and save the investment and costs for building and operating the monitoring system. This paper modifies the original Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization (MOPSO) to optimize the design of water quality monitoring network based on three optimization objectives: minimum pollution detection time, maximum pollution detection probability and maximum centrality of monitoring locations. We develop a new initialization procedure as well as a discrete velocity and position updating function to optimize the design of water quality monitoring network. The Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) is used to model a hypothetical river network which was studied in the literature for comparative analysis of our work. We simulate pollution events in SWMM to obtain all the pollution detection time for all the potential monitoring locations. Experimental results show that the modified MOPSO can obtain steady Pareto frontiers and better optimal deployment solutions than genetic algorithm (GA)