65 research outputs found

    Gender-specific effects of raising Year-1 standards on medical students' academic performance and stress levels

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    Context: Medical schools are challenged to create academic environments that stimulate students to improve their study progress without compromising their well-being. Objectives: This prospective comparative cohort study investigated the effects of raising Year-1 standards on academic performance and on students' chronic psychological and biological stress levels. Methods: In a Dutch medical school, students within the last Bachelor's degree cohort (n = 410) exposed to the 40/60 (67%) credit Year-1 standard (67%-credit cohort) were compared with students within the first cohort (n = 413) exposed to a 60/60 (100%) credit standard (100%-credit cohort). Main outcome measures were Year-1 pass rate (academic performance), mean score on the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS, psychological stress) and hair cortisol concentration (HCC, biological stress). Results: Year-1 pass rates were significantly higher in the 100%-credit cohort (odds ratio [OR] 4.65). Interestingly, there was a significant interaction effect (OR 0.46), indicating that raising the standard was more effective for male than for female students. PSS scores (n = 234 [response rate [RR]: 57%] and n = 244 [RR: 59%] in the 67%- and 100%-credit cohorts, respectively) were also significantly higher in the 100%-credit cohort (F(1,474) = 15.08, P <.001). This applied specifically to female students in the 100%-credit cohort. Levels of HCC (n = 181 [RR: 44%] and n = 162 [RR: 39%] respectively) did not differ between co

    Hepatitis B Virus Lacks Immune Activating Capacity, but Actively Inhibits Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cell Function

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    Chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is caused by inadequate anti-viral immunity. Activation of plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDC) leading to IFNα production is important for effective anti-viral immunity. Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection lacks IFNα induction in animal models and patients and chronic HBV patients display impaired IFNα production by pDC. Therefore, HBV and HBV-derived proteins were examined for their effect on human pDC in vitro. In addition, the in vitro findings were compared to the function of pDC derived from chronic HBV patients ex vivo. In contrast to other viruses, HBV did not activate pDC. Moreover, HBV and HBsAg abrogated CpG-A/TLR9-induced, but not Loxoribine/TLR7-induced, mTOR-mediated S6 phosphorylation, subsequent IRF7 phosphorylation and IFNα gene transcription. HBV/HBsAg also diminished upregulation of co-stimulatory molecules, production of TNFα, IP-10 and IL-6 and pDC-induced NK cell function, whereas TLR7-induced pDC function was hardly affected. In line, HBsAg preferentially bound to TLR9-triggered pDC demonstrating that once pDC are able to bind HBV/HBsAg, the virus exerts its immune regulatory effect. HBV not only directly interfered with pDC function, but also indirectly by interfering with monocyte-pDC interaction. Also HBeAg diminished pDC function to a certain extent, but via another unknown mechanism. Interestingly, patients with HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis B displayed impaired CpG-induced IFNα production by pDC without significant alterations in Loxoribine-induced pDC function compared to HBeAg-negative patients and healthy controls. The lack of activation and the active inhibition of pDC by HBV may both contribute to HBV persistence. The finding that the interaction between pDC and HBV may change upon activation may aid in the identification of a scavenging receptor supporting immunosuppressive effects of HBV and also in the design of novel treatment strategies for chronic HBV

    Canadian oncogenic human papillomavirus cervical infection prevalence: Systematic review and meta-analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Oncogenic human papillomavirus (HPV) infection prevalence is required to determine optimal vaccination strategies. We systematically reviewed the prevalence of oncogenic cervical HPV infection among Canadian females prior to immunization.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We included studies reporting DNA-confirmed oncogenic HPV prevalence estimates among Canadian females identified through searching electronic databases (e.g., MEDLINE) and public health websites. Two independent reviewers screened literature results, abstracted data and appraised study quality. Prevalence estimates were meta-analyzed among routine screening populations, HPV-positive, and by cytology/histology results.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Thirty studies plus 21 companion reports were included after screening 837 citations and 120 full-text articles. Many of the studies did not address non-response bias (74%) or use a representative sampling strategy (53%).</p> <p>Age-specific prevalence was highest among females aged < 20 years and slowly declined with increasing age. Across all populations, the highest prevalence estimates from the meta-analyses were observed for HPV types 16 (routine screening populations, 8 studies: 8.6% [95% confidence interval 6.5-10.7%]; HPV-infected, 9 studies: 43.5% [28.7-58.2%]; confirmed cervical cancer, 3 studies: 48.8% [34.0-63.6%]) and 18 (routine screening populations, 8 studies: 3.3% [1.5-5.1%]; HPV-infected, 9 studies: 13.6% [6.1-21.1%], confirmed cervical cancer, 4 studies: 17.1% [6.4-27.9%].</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results support vaccinating females < 20 years of age, along with targeted vaccination of some groups (e.g., under-screened populations). The highest prevalence occurred among HPV types 16 and 18, contributing a combined cervical cancer prevalence of 65.9%. Further cancer protection is expected from cross-protection of non-vaccine HPV types. Poor study quality and heterogeneity suggests that high-quality studies are needed.</p

    Immunology of hepatitis B and hepatitis C virus infections

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    Hepatitis B (HBV) and hepatitis C (HCV) viruses are the two major causes of chronic liver inflammation worldwide. Despite distinct virologic features, both viruses are preferentially hepatotropic, not directly cytopathic, and elicit liver diseases that share several aspects of their natural history. HBV and HCV infections also share some important features of the adaptive antiviral immune response. We describe the innate immune response in the early phase following infection, and how these early events may influence the development of the adaptive immune response in these two important viral infections. The mechanisms by which high levels of viral antigens, liver immunological features, the presence of regulatory T cells and impaired dendritic cell functions may maintain the HBV- and HCV-specific immunological failure, characteristic of chronic hepatitis B and C patients, are also evaluated.</p

    Immunology of hepatitis B and hepatitis C virus infections

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    Hepatitis B (HBV) and hepatitis C (HCV) viruses are the two major causes of chronic liver inflammation worldwide. Despite distinct virologic features, both viruses are preferentially hepatotropic, not directly cytopathic, and elicit liver diseases that share several aspects of their natural history. HBV and HCV infections also share some important features of the adaptive antiviral immune response. We describe the innate immune response in the early phase following infection, and how these early events may influence the development of the adaptive immune response in these two important viral infections. The mechanisms by which high levels of viral antigens, liver immunological features, the presence of regulatory T cells and impaired dendritic cell functions may maintain the HBV- and HCV-specific immunological failure, characteristic of chronic hepatitis B and C patients, are also evaluated.</p

    Kupffer cells in health and disease

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    Book cover Macrophages: Biology and Role in the Pathology of Diseases pp 217–247Cite as Kupffer Cells in Health and Disease Kupffer Cells in Health and Disease Andrea M. Woltman, Andre Boonstra, Makoto Naito & Pieter J. M. Leenen Chapter First Online: 01 January 2014 3234 Accesses 4 Citations Abstract Kupffer cells (KC), the resident macrophages of the liver, represent the largest population of mononuclear phagocytes in the body. Phenotypic, developmental, and functional aspects of these cells in steady state and in different diseases are the focus of this review. Recently it has become evident that KC precursors seed the liver already early in fetal development, and the population can be maintained independently from circulating monocytes. However, inflammatory conditions allow rapid differentiation of monocytes into mature cells that are indistinguishable from genuine KC. KC are located in the lumen of sinusoids that receive blood both from the portal vein, carrying nutrients and microbial products from the gut, and from the hepatic artery. This positions KC ideally for their prime function, namely surveillance and clearance of the circulation. As such, they are important in iron recycling by phagocytosing effete erythrocytes, for instance. The immunophenotype of KC, characterized by a wide variety of endocytic receptors, is indicative of this scavenger function. In maintaining homeostasis, KC have an ambivalent response to exogenous triggers. On the one hand, their surveillance function requires alert responses to potentially hazardous substances. On the other hand, continuous exposure of the cells to the trigger-rich content of blood originating from the gut dampens their responsiveness to further stimuli. This ambivalence is also reflected in their diverse roles in disease pathogenesis. For the latter, we sketch the contribution of KC by giving examples of their role in metabolic disease, infections, and liver injury

    Effects of raising the bar on medical student study progress: An intersectional approach

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    Context: Medical schools seek for measures to improve their students’ study progress and are responsible for a diverse student population. Objectives: The effect of a stricter academic dismissal (AD) policy in medical school on short-term and long-term study progress was investigated in a longitudinal cohort study. In addition, differential effects for subgroups were assessed by intersecting gender, ethnicity and prior education (intersectional framework). Methods: Participants were first-year Bachelor students enrolled in 2011 to 2016 in a Dutch medical school. For cohorts 2011-2013, the AD policy consisted of a minimum of 67% of Year-1 credits required to remain enrolled (67%-policy, n = 1189), and for cohorts 2014-2016, this bar was raised to 100% of Year-1 credits (100%-policy, n = 1233). Outcome measures on study progress were Year-1 completion and dropout (short term) and Bachelor completion in three and four years (long term). Results: Overall, Year-1 completion rates increased under the 100%-policy compared to the 67%-policy (OR = 2.50, 95%-CI:2.06-3.03, P <.001). Yet, this increase was not present for students with non-standard prior education – except for males with a migration background (OR = 7.19, 95%-CI:2.33-25.73, P <.01). The dropout rate doubled under the 100%-policy (OR = 2.41, 95%-CI:1.68-3.53, P <.001). Mainly students with standard prior education dropped out more often (OR = 3.68, 95%-CI:2.37-5.89, P <.001), except for males with a migration background. Bachelor completion rates after three and four years were not positively affected by the 100%-policy. Notably, females without a migration background and with non-standard prior education suffered from the 100%-policy regarding Bachelor completion after three years (OR = 0.29, 95%-CI:0.11-0.76, P <.05). Conclusions: Despite increased dropout rates, the stricter AD policy improved Year-1 completion rates – especially for under-represented subgroups, thereby improving study progress without harming student diversity on the short term. However, these positive effects did not hold regarding Bachelor completion rates indicating that long-term effects require higher performance standards throughout the Bachelor, which in turn may harm other subgroups and thereby student diversity
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