1,906 research outputs found

    Reactive membrane on a lens implant: three months after implantation

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    Implant cytology study of a Leiske anterior chamber lens implant removed after three months because of corneal edema due to suspected endothelial damage during surgery revealed evidence of a fully developed membrane covering all of the implant at this early date. The cells in this membrane represented all the predominant cell elements seen in membranes on implants removed after years: foreign body giant cells, epithelioid cells, and fibroblast-like cells. However, the early stages of differentiation seen in the cells of the present membrane gave an indication that they are interrelated and have their origin in free-floating aqueous humor histiocytes. Zytologische Untersuchung eines Leiske Vorderkammer Linsenimplants, das nach drei Monaten wegen Hornhautoedems verursacht durch EndothelschadenPeer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/47379/1/417_2005_Article_BF02133870.pd

    Quick-staining of whole retina for pathological demonstration of cystoid macular edema

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    Quick-staining of the whole central retina with Hematoxylin-Eosin allows for a pathological demonstration of cystoid macular edema (CMC) that closely resembles its clinical fluorescein angiography appearance. Use of the simple new method will result in a better understanding of occurrence, patterns, stages and extent of the cystoid changes as well as of the associated central folding in CME under different clinical conditions. The preservation of a central vision around 20/40 in the present case with distinct CME is emphasized. Schnellfärbung der zentralen Netzhaut in ganzer Dicke mit Haematoxylin-Eosin erlaubt eine pathologische Darstellung von zystoidem Makulaoedem, die dem klinischen Bild bei Fluorescein Angiographie sehr ähnlich ist. Anwendung dieser einfachen neuen Methode wird einen besseren Einblick in das Auftreten, die Anordnung, die Phasen und die Ausdehnung sowie die associierte Faltenbildung bei zystoidem Makulaoedem unter verschiedenen klinischen Bedingungen geben. Ein erhaltenes zentrales Sehvermögen von etwa 6/12 in dem beschriebenen Fall von cystoidem Makulaoedem ist bemerkenswert.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/47382/1/417_2005_Article_BF02186660.pd

    Fusion of macrophages on lens implants resulting in the formation of giant cells

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    Giant cells on lens implants are understood to be a sign of chronic irritation. These multinucleated cells develop from macrophages by fusion and they disappear in successful cases along with the free-moving macrophages, when the fixed fibroblast-like cells and the proteinaceous capsule have succeeded in creating a continuous and effective separation on the surface of a lens implant. Details about the stages in the development of giant cells on lens implants as well as their significance as typical representatives of chronic granulomatous inflammation are discussed.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/47386/1/417_2005_Article_BF02171723.pd

    Abdominal implantation of intraocular lenses resulting in the formation of reactive membranes

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    For a better understanding of the cytological principles involved in the formation of reactive membranes on lens implants in the human eye, two kinds of modern implants were placed into the peritoneal space of mice. Continous membranes mainly composed of macrophages were observed after 5 days. The membrane on a polymethylmethacrylate implant contained numerous large giant cells, while there were no giant cells on a glass implant. Implantation of intraocular lenses into the abdomen of mice is suggested as an excellent testing situation for implants of different composition and shape.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/47384/1/417_2006_Article_BF02308077.pd

    Direct vitreous reaction to intraocular lens implants

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    Three intraocular lens implants removed during keratoplasty between 1 1/2 and 5 years after implantation revealed attachments of reactive vitreous strands and membranes. These strands and membranes contained bundles of fibers with associated small bipolar cells, pigment, and blood remnants. Some of the fibrous vitreous strands were wound around the haptics of the implants for firm anchoring. The usual reactive cell membranes on the surface of the implants were interrupted in the areas of the attachment of formed vitreous and vitreous membranes. Drei intraokuläre Linsen, die zwischen 1 1/2 und 5 Jahre nach der Implantation während Hornhautverpflanzungen entfernt wurden, zeigten fest anheftende reaktive Glaskörperstränge und verdickte Membranen. Diese enthielten Faserbündel mit zugehörigen kleinen bipolaren Zellen, Pigment und Blutresten. Einige dieser fibrösen Glaskörperstränge waren um die Haptik der Linsenprothesen herumgewunden und damit fest verankert. Die regulären Zellmembranen auf der Oberfläche der Linsenprothesen waren im Bereich der Verbindung mit geformtem Glaskörper und Glaskörpermembranen unterbrochen.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/47381/1/417_2005_Article_BF02175942.pd

    Sessile macrophages forming clear endotheliumlike membrane on the inside of successful keratoprosthesis

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    Clinical observation and cytological study of a successful “through and through” type of Cordona keratoprosthesis, which was removed along with a corneal button about 20 years after its implantation in an aphakic eye, revealed an acellular epitheliumlike film on its outer surface, firm anchoring of its supporting skirt by stable fibrous connections to the stroma, and a continuous separating membrane composed of a homogeneous proteinaceous film with fibroblastlike cells of macrophage origin on its inner surface. The significance of the successful adaptation of the plastic materials of the prosthesis to the tissues of the cornea and the fluid of the inner eye for the future of tissue engineering is discussed.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/47390/1/417_2005_Article_BF02173533.pd

    Concentric “microwaves” of Henle's fiber layer: Associated with horizontal folding

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    Concentric “microwaves” in Henle's fiber layer are found in a case of extensive horizontal folding in the fundus due to tumor pressure on the globe from behind. In addition to horizontal folding of inner choroid and inner retina between disk and fovea, somewhat irregular vertical folds are found next to the fovea in the inner retinal layers. The concentric waves of Henle's fiber layer are a new observation and they are suspected to be a protective adjustment of the central retina to minimize distortion of the foveola. Konzentrische Mikrowellen in Henle's Faserschicht werden in einem Fall von horizontaler Faeltelung im Augenhintergrund bei Tumordruck von hinten dargestellt. Zusätzlich zu horizontalen Falten der Aderhaut und Netzhaut zwischen Sehnerv und Fovea werden leicht unregelmäßige vertikale Falten der inneren Netzhaut im Foveabereich gefunden. Die konzentrischen Mikrowellen in Henle's Faserschicht sind eine neue Beobachtung und dieselben könnten eine mechanische Anpassung der zentralen Netzhaut zur Vermeidung von Verzerrung der Fovea darstellen.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/47370/1/417_2004_Article_BF00407774.pd

    Annular pigment band on the posterior capsule following blunt ocular trauma: a case report

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    BACKGROUND: To report an unusual case of annular pigment band on the posterior capsule following blunt ocular trauma. CASE PRESENTATION: We describe an annular pigment band on the posterior capsule following blunt ocular trauma in a 28-year old male patient. Repeat examinations revealed no evidence of other signs of blunt ocular trauma or pigment dispersion syndrome in either eye. CONCLUSION: The annular pigment band in this case corresponds to the adherence of the hyaloideocapsulare ligament to the posterior capsule and reconfirms its rare visualization in the living eye. This finding may be an isolated sign of blunt ocular trauma and a compromised integrity of the vitreolenticular interface should be strongly suspected. We recommend careful documentation in context of future cataract surgery in these eyes

    Hyperplasia of lymphoid structures in the hypopharynx: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Ectopic tonsillar tissue simulating a benign tumor of the hypopharynx is described in this report.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We report the case of a 79-year-old Japanese woman with globus sensation. Because clinical observation revealed benign features, tumor tissue was laryngoscopically resected. From the pathological features, for example, existence of germinal center, lymphoid tissue, and crypt involving lymphoepithelial symbiosis, we diagnosed that the lesion was a hyperplasia of ectopic tonsillar tissue.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Although ectopic tonsillar tissue of the hypopharynx is relatively rare, it should be kept in mind during differential diagnosis.</p
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