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15 research outputs found
+8Â more
Johnson SE.
Lamb CR.
Meyer HP
Szatmari V
Vitums A.
Vitums A.
Wolschrijn CF
Wrigley RH
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Association of breed with the diagnosis of congenital portosystemic shunts in dogs: 2,400 cases (1980-2002)
Barton W. Rohrbach
Bostwick DR
+19Â more
Butler LM
Center SA
Dawson-Saunders B
Ewing GO
Jacob S
Karen M. Tobias
Koblik PD
Komtebedde J
Maddison JE
Meyer HP
Rand JS
Schermerhorn T
Tisdall PLC
Tobias KM
Ubbink GJ
Ubbink GJ
Watson PJ
White RN
Wolschrijn CF
Publication venue
'American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Prognostic Implications of the Degree of Shunt Narrowing and of the Portal Vein Diameter in Dogs with Congenital Portosystemic Shunts
Bostwick DR
Burton CA
+24Â more
Connery NA
Gonzalo-Orden JM
Guyton AC
Harvey J
Havig M
Hottinger HA
Hunt GB
Johnson CA
Komtebedde J
Kyles AE
Mathews K
Meyer HP
Meyer HP
Murphy ST
Partington BP
Rothuizen J
Rothuizen J
Smith KR
Swalec KM
Vogt JC
White RN
Wolschrijn CF
Youmans KR
Youmans KR
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
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Clinical outcome of congenital extrahepatic portosystemic shunt attenuation in dogs aged five years and older: 17 cases (1992–2005)
Bostwick DR
Breznock EM
+30Â more
Brockman DJ
Center SA
David E. Holt
Deanna R. Worley
Ewing GO
Gofton N
Harvey J
Holt DE
Hottinger HA
Hunt GB
Hunt GB
Hurn SD
Johnson CA
Komtebedde J
Lawrence D
Matushek KJ
Meyer HP
Murphy ST
Rothuizen J
Smith KR
Starzl TE
Strombeck DR
Swalec KM
Tisdall PL
Tobias KM
Tobias KM
Vogt JC
Winkler JT
Wolschrijn CF
Youmans KR
Publication venue
'American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Arthroscopic reduction and fixation of coronoid fractures with an exchange rod—a new technique
CF Wolschrijn
Daping Wang
+30Â more
DM Pugh
DP Butler
GE Garrigues
Haifeng Liu
Hao Li
IH Jeon
J Kiene
J Sanchez-Sotelo
J Vishwanath
JG Moon
Jian Xu
Jianyi Xiong
JN Doornberg
K Sukegawa
Kan Ouyang
Liangquan Peng
MR Hausman
MS Cohen
N Manidakis
R Garofalo
RF Closkey
S Farr
SH Han
SM Park
SP Steinmann
SW O'Driscoll
SW O'Driscoll
W Regan
Wei Lu
Wenzhe Feng
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
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Survival and Prognostic Indicators for Dogs With Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunts: 32 Cases (1990–2000)
Birchard SJ
Birchard SJ
+34Â more
Bostwick DR
Breznock EM
Breznock EM
Bunch SE
Center SA
Center SA
Daniel GB
Daniel GB
Harvey J
Henneman E
Holt DE
Hottinger HA
Hunt GB
Hunt GB
Johnson CA
Johnson S
Komtebedde J
Lamb CR
Martin RA
Martin RA
Meyer DJ
Rothuizen J
Smith KR
Tiemessen I
Tobias KM
Tobias KM
Vechten BJ
Vogt JC
Vulgamott JC
Watson PJ
White RN
Whiting PG
Wolschrijn CF
Wrigley RH
Publication venue
'Elsevier BV'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Analysis of auditory and neurologic effects associated with ventral bulla osteotomy for removal of inflammatory polyps or nasopharyngeal masses in cats
Ader PL
Allen HS
+34Â more
Anderson DM
Beckman SL
Bedford PG
Bradley RL
Brendan B. Anders
Brownlie SE
Donnelly KE
Faulkner JE
Harvey CE
Kapatkain AS
Kay R
Knowles KE
Krahwinkel DJ
Marsh RR
Marshall AE
Michael G. Hoelzler
Parker NR
Pope ER
Richard P. Bastian
Ryan P. Fulcher
Schmidt JF
Sheaffer KA
Sims MH
Sims MH
Sims MH
Sims MH
Sims MH
Stanton ME
Strain GM
Strain GM
Strain GM
Thomas D. Scavelli
Trevor PB
Wolschrijn CF
Publication venue
'American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Ultrasonographic findings in dogs with hyperammonemia: 90 cases (2000–2002)
Allen L
Boothe HW
+29Â more
Christiansen JS
Finn-Bodner ST
Frederik J. van Sluijs
George Voorhout
Hall JA
Holt DE
Jan Rothuizen
Johnson SE
Lamb CR
Meyer HP
Nyland TG
Payne JT
Phillips L
Rothuizen J
Schaeffer IG
Schermerhorn T
Sterczer A
Strombeck DR
Ted S. G. A. M. van den Ingh
Thurmon JC
Tiemessen I
Twedt DC.
van den Ingh TSGAM
Viktor Szatmári
Vitums A
Vitums A
Wachsberg RH
Wolschrijn CF
Wrigley RH
Publication venue
'American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Ultrasonographic assessment of hemodynamic changes in the portal vein during surgical attenuation of congenital extrahepatic portosystemic shunts in dogs
Bostwick DR
Breznock EM
+33Â more
Ewing GO
Frederik J. van Sluijs
George Voorhout
Harvey J
Hottinger HA
Hunt GB
Jan Rothuizen
Johnson CA
Johnson SE
Komtebedde J
Komtebedde J
Lawrence D
Mathews K
Meyer HP
Moriyasu F
Murphy ST
Rothuizen J
Roy RG
Scavelli TD
Swalec KM
Tobias KM
van den Ingh TSGAM
Van den Ingh TSGAM
Van Vechten BJ
Viktor Szatmári
Vitums A
Vogt JC
Wachsberg RH
Watson P
White RN
Wolschrijn CF
Youmans KR
Youmans KR
Publication venue
'American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Intraoperative ultrasonography of the portal vein during attenuation of intrahepatic portocaval shunts in dogs
Bostwick DR
Breznock EM
+39Â more
Breznock EM
Ewing GO
Finn-Bodner ST
Frederik J. van Sluijs
George Voorhout
Haag K
Hottinger HA
Hunt GB
Iwao T
Iwao T
Jan Rothuizen
Johnson CA
Johnson SE
Komtebedde J
Komtebedde J
Lamb CR
Lawrence D
Mathews K
Meyer HP
Moriyasu F
Murphy ST
Penninck DG
Phillips L
Roy RG
Scavelli TD
Swalec Tobias KM
Valentine RW
Van den Ingh TS
Van den Ingh TS
Van Vechten BJ
Viktor Szatmari
Vitums A
Vogt JC
Watson P
White RN
Wolschrijn CF
Wrigley RH
Youmans KR
Youmans KR
Publication venue
'American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text