1,328 research outputs found

    Endogenous growth and technology

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    Исследование температурного поля пневматического молотка

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    Представлены результаты экспериментального исследования изменения температуры поверхности рубильного пневматического молотка М-6 по времени при рубке в различных режимах стальной полосы и плиты, чугунной плиты

    Microvascular response in guinea pig skin to histamine challenge with and without application of skin window.

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    We measured the microvascular response to histamine in guinea pig skin. Histamine (40 mg ml-1) was given either as a skin prick test or applied topically onto a skin window. The skin window was prepared by applying suction and gentle warming to the skin so that a blister was formed, and by removing the top of the blister. The microvascular response was measured as the accumulation of radiolabelled transferrin in the skin in vivo, reflecting a combination plasma exudation and vasodilatation. In the control (saline) challenge, the response was slightly greater in the skin window than after skin prick challenge and the scatter was larger. Histamine challenge resulted in a significant microvascular response with respect to the control situation when measured immediately after provocation for both challenge techniques. Ten minutes after challenge, a smaller response was measured, which was still significantly greater than control for the skin prick challenge, but not for topical provocation using the skin window technique. We conclude that the microvascular response to histamine after provocation with the skin prick technique is similar to that after topical provocation using the skin window technique. The skin window technique may have a lower sensitivity than the skin prick technique owing to a higher scatter in the control situation. This difference should be considered when performing and interpreting studies of the microvascular reaction in the skin

    Cardiac ventricular dimensions predict cognitive decline and cerebral blood flow abnormalities in aging men.

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    The aims of this study are to examine possible associations between left cardiac ventricular measures in sixth decade and cognitive performance, both cross sectionally and longitudinally, and to examine if left cardiac ventricular measures could predict future changes in cerebral blood flow (CBF)

    Neonatal ACE inhibition in rats interferes with lung development.

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    The renin-angiotensin system (RAS) is developmentally up-regulated and it is essential for kidney development in several species. Given the fact that the rat lung undergoes postnatal development, the mammalian lung possesses the highest angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) levels and ACE activity increases during the first weeks postpartum, we tested the hypothesis that ACE inhibition influences postnatal lung development. Rats were given the ACE inhibitor enalapril (10 mg kg-1) from 0 to 9 days of age and their lungs were examined at day 4 and 9. Lung structure was evaluated by means of light microscopy, and surface tension of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid was measured by means of a Wilhelmy balance. Neonatal ACE inhibition lowered the surface tension of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and caused widening of respiratory airspaces and thinning of alveolar septa. Our results suggest that early postnatal ACE inhibition in rats interferes with lung development

    Влияние неопределенности при расчёте средневзвешенного пластового давления на оценку запасов газового месторождения методом материального баланса

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    Ключевые слова: материальный баланс, аудит запасов, газ, средневзвешенное давление, сеноманская залежь, неопределенность в определении среднего давления, синтетическая модель. Объектом исследования является степень неопределенности средневзвешенного пластового давления газового месторождения Цель работы – сравнительный анализ методов определения среднего давления, их неопределенности, влияющие на оценку запасов газового месторождения методом материального баланса. В процессе исследования были изучены: материальный баланс для газового месторождения; способы усреднения пластового давления; неопределенности в определении средневзвешенного пластового давления; специальные программные продукты- 슫Петрель슻, 슫Сёрфер슻. В результате исследования были получены: сравнительные характеристики методовKey words: material balance, audit of reserves, gas, average pressure, senoman formation, uncertainty in average pressure estimation, synthetic model. The object of research is uncertainty in average reservoir pressure estimation. The aim of research – ranking of methods of average pressure estimation, their uncertainties that affect the gas field OGIP estimation by the methods of material balance application. In the process of research the following topics were studied: material balance for gas filed; methods of formation pressure averaging; uncertainties in average pressure estimation; “Petrel” and “Surfer” program products. The obtained results are: ranking of result of averaging methods; the comparison of OGIP between geological model and OGIP provided by material balance; the analysi