459 research outputs found
Asymmetric magnetic interference patterns in 0-pi Josephson junctions
We examine the magnetic interference patterns of Josephson junctions with a
region of 0- and of pi-phase shift. Such junctions have recently been realized
as c-axis YBCO-Pb junctions with a single twin boundary in YBCO. We show that
in general the junction generates self-fields which introduces an asymmetry in
the critical current under reversal of the magnetic field. Numerical
calculations of these asymmetries indicate they account well for the
unexplained features observed in single twin boundary junctions.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
Macroscopic Symmetry Group Describes Josephson Tunneling in Twinned Crystals
A macroscopic symmetry group describing the superconducting state of an
orthorhombically twinned crystal of YBCO is introduced. This macroscopic
symmetry group is different for different symmetries of twin boundaries.
Josephson tunneling experiments performed on twinned crystals of YBCO determine
this macroscopic symmetry group and hence determine the twin boundary symmetry
(but do not experimentally determine whether the microscopic order parameter is
primarily d- or s-wave). A consequence of the odd-symmetry twin boundaries in
YBCO is the stability of vortices containing one half an elementary flux
quantum at the intersection of a twin boundary and certain grain boundaries.Comment: 6 pages, to be published in the Proceedings of the MOS96 Conference
in the Journal of Low Temperature Physic
Vortices and Quantum tunneling in Current-Biased 0-\pi-0 Josephson Junctions of d-wave Superconductors
We study a current-biased 0-\pi-0 Josephson junction made by high-T_c
superconductors, theoretically. When a length of the \pi junction is large
enough, this junction contains a vortex-antivortex pair at both ends of the \pi
junction. Magnetic flux carried by the vortices is calculated using the
sine-Gordon equation. The result shows that the magnetic flux of the vortices
is suppressed to zero as the distance between the vortices is reduced. By
applying an external current, the orientation of the vortices is reversed, and
a voltage pulse is generated. The current needed for this transition and
generated pulse energy are calculated. Macroscopic quantum tunneling (MQT) in
this transition is also studied. The tunneling rate has been evaluated by an
effective Hamiltonian with one degree of freedom.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX with 5 PS figures, using jpsj.st
Tunneling and orthogonality catastrophe in the topological mechanism of superconductivity
We compute the angular dependence of the order parameter and tunneling
amplitude in a model exhibiting topological superconductivity and sketch its
derivation as a model of a doped Mott insulator. We show that ground states
differing by an odd number of particles are orthogonal and the order parameter
is in the d-representation, although the gap in the electronic spectrum has no
nodes. We also develop an operator algebra, that allowes one to compute
off-diagonal correlation functions.Comment: 4 pages, Revtex, psfig; some references are correcte
C-axis Josephson Tunneling Between YBCO and Pb: Direct Evidence for Mixed Order Parameter Symmetry in a High-T_c Superconductor
We report a new class of -axis Josephson tunneling experiments in which a
conventional superconductor (Pb) is deposited across a single twin boundary of
a YBa_2Cu_3O_{7-\delta} crystal. We measure the critical current as a function
of magnitude and angle of magnetic field applied in the plane of the junction.
In all samples, we observe a clear experimental signature of an order parameter
phase shift across the twin boundary. These results provide strong evidence for
mixed - and -wave pairing in YBCO, with a reversal in the sign of the
-wave component across the twin boundary.Comment: 4 pages RevTex, 4 postscript figures included, submitted to Phys.
Rev. Let
Spontaneous Flux and Magnetic Interference Patterns in 0-pi Josephson Junctions
The spontaneous flux generation and magnetic field modulation of the critical
current in a 0-pi Josephson junction are calculated for different ratios of the
junction length to the Josephson penetration depth, and different ratios of the
0-junction length to the pi-junction length. These calculations apply to a
Pb-YBCO c-axis oriented junction with one YBCO twin boundary, as well as other
experimental systems. Measurements of such a junction can provide information
on the nature of the c-axis Josephson coupling and the symmetry of the order
parameter in YBCO. We find spontaneous flux even for very short symmetric 0-pi
junctions, but asymmetric junctions have qualitatively different behavior.Comment: 13 pages, TEX,+ 7 figures, postscrip
c-axis Josephson Tunnelling in Twinned and Untwinned YBCO-Pb Junctions
Within a microscopic two band model of planes and chains with a pairing
potential in the planes and off diagonal pairing between planes and chains we
find that the chains make the largest contribution to the Josephson tunnelling
current and that through them the d-wave part of the gap contributes to the
current. This is contrary to the usual assumption that for a d-wave tetragonal
superconductor the c-axis Josephson current for incoherent tunnelling into an
s-wave superconductor is zero while that of a d-wave orthorhombic
superconductor with a small s-wave component to its gap it is small but
non-zero. Nevertheless it has been argued that the effect of twins in YBCO
would lead to cancellation between pairs of twins and so the observation of a
current in c-axis YBCO-Pb experiments is evidence against a d-wave type order
parameter. We argue that both theory and experiment give evidence that the two
twin orientations are not necessarily equally abundant and that the ratio of
tunnelling currents in twinned and untwinned materials should be related to the
relative abundance of the two twin orientations.Comment: 6 pages, RevTeX 3.0, 15 PostScript figur
Infrared conductivity of a d_{x^2-y^2}-wave superconductor with impurity and spin-fluctuation scattering
Calculations are presented of the in-plane far-infrared conductivity of a
d_{x^2-y^2}-wave superconductor, incorporating elastic scattering due to
impurities and inelastic scattering due to spin fluctuations. The impurity
scattering is modeled by short-range potential scattering with arbitrary phase
shift, while scattering due to spin fluctuations is calculated within a
weak-coupling Hubbard model picture. The conductivity is characterized by a
low-temperature residual Drude feature whose height and weight are controlled
by impurity scattering, as well as a broad peak centered at 4 Delta_0 arising
from clean-limit inelastic processes. Results are in qualitative agreement with
experiment despite missing spectral weight at high energies.Comment: 29 pages (11 tar-compressed-uuencoded Postscript figures), REVTeX 3.0
with epsf macro
Effect of spatial variations of superconducting gap on suppression of the transition temperature by impurities
We calculate correction to the critical temperature of a dirty
superconductor, which results from the local variations of the gap function
near impurity sites. This correction is of the order of T_c/E_F and becomes
important for short-coherence length superconductors. It generally reduces a
pair-breaking effect. In s-wave superconductors small amounts of nonmagnetic
impurities can increase the transition temperature.Comment: 5 pages, ReVTE
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