16 research outputs found
Der Übergang eines Schülerjahrgangs in das Ausbildungssystem. Untersuchung zur realisierten Ausbildungsnachfrage Jugendlicher in Ostfriesland
Ziel der im Herbst 1977 und 1978 im Auftrag des Niedersächsischen Kultusministeriums durchgeführten Untersuchung war es, "für eine wirtschaftsstrukturschwache Region mit einem überdurchschnittlich hohen Anteil von Jugendlichen, die quantitative Dimension der Versorgung mit Ausbildungsplätzen zu bestimmen und Informationen über das Bewerbungsverhalten derjenigen zu bekommen, die nicht in eine Ausbildung eintraten."Ausbildungsplatzangebot, Bewerbungsverhalten, Schulabgänger, Ausbildungsverzicht, Ausbildungsplatznachfrage, strukturschwache Räume, Wirtschaftsstruktur, Ostfriesland, Niedersachsen, Aurich
Grundkurs in Volkswirtschaftslehre. 5., völlig überarb. Aufl
Das Lehrbuch von Lothar Hübl, Wolfgang Meyer und Luca Rebeggiani bietet einen kompakten Grundriss der Volkswirtschaftslehre. Es werden sowohl die makro-, als auch die mikroökonomische Theorie, aber auch das volkswirtschaftliche Rechnungswesen, der monetäre Sektor und die Wirtschaftspolitik in ihren Grundzügen dargestellt. Gerade diese wirtschaftspolitische Ausrichtung bildet die, von den Autoren gezielt herausgearbeitete, Besonderheit des Lehrbuches: Selbst im theoretischen Teil werden die ökonomischen Akteure stets "benannt", es werden historische Entwicklungen erläutert und aktuelle Probleme diskutiert. Das Kapitel über Wirtschaftspolitik stellt Träger und Mittel der Wirtschaftspolitik vor und unterscheidet zwischen Ordnungs-, Prozess- und Strukturpolitik. In der 5. Auflage geht das Lehrbuch gezielt auf die veränderten Bedingungen in der Europäischen Union sowie auf die aktuelle Diskussion um die Rolle des Staates in der Volkswirtschaft ein. Wirtschaftsstudenten in den ersten Semestern, Nebenfachstudenten und interessierte Laien sollen so auf knappem Raum (ca. 160 Seiten) in die Lage versetzt werden, die aktuellen wirtschaftlichen Zusammenhänge und Probleme zu durchschauen und am gesellschaftlichen Diskurs teilzunehmen. In diesem Grundkurs wird bewusst auf Zitate im Text und eine ausführliche Literaturliste verzichtet. Statt dessen werden am Ende jedes Kapitels einige ausgewählte Literaturhinweise gegeben. Dort findet der Leser auch Kontrollfragen zur Überprüfung des Verständnisses
Acute effect of different concentrations of cayenne pepper cataplasm on sensory-motor functions and serum levels of inflammation-related biomarkers in healthy subjects
Physical medicine therapies are often used in treating widespread musculoskeletal disorders, such as neck and low back pain. Herbal cataplasms containing rubefacient substances, such as Cayenne pepper, or galenic preparations like Munari cataplasm are commonly used as natural medications to treat painful areas. In this paper we show the effects of a 20-min application of Cayenne pepper and kaolin powder cataplasm (CPC) on healthy subjects. Treatment effects were evaluated by cold/hot feeling on visual analogue scale, blood pressure, body temperature, skin light touch sensations, two-point discrimination, and pain threshold to a mechanical stimulus, before and immediately after, 15 min after and 30 min after different concentration of Cayenne pepper in CPC preparation on healthy subjects. Maximal voluntary trunk extension force and trunk extension submaximal force matching error were also measured. In addition, the resulting optimal CPC mixture was tested for its safety by measuring changes in circulating levels of inflammatory-related biomarkers after 20-min application. The results indicate that the 5% concentration of Cayenne pepper in the preparation of CPC is the best choice, since no additional effects can be obtained with the 10% concentration, and the effects are higher than those observed at the 2.5% concentration. Importantly, 5% CPC application did not induce a significant increase of inflammatory-related biomarkers, suggesting that 20-min application has no negative side effects at systemic levels. Further studies are needed to investigate the immediate and long-term effects of repeated CPC applications as well as to understand the intersecting underlying mechanisms activated by Capsaicin and other identified factors, in order to be more extensively used in the field of physical medicine therapies
Twenty-four-hour time dependency of clopidogrel effects in patients with acute coronary syndromes: The CiCAD-Study
Long-term evidence shows an increased risk of cardiovascular events in the morning hours and recent studies in aspirin-treated patients have shown increased platelet reactivity at the end of the dosing interval. Similar pharmacodynamic analyses of adenosine-diphosphate (ADP) receptor inhibitors are scarce. We therefore investigated changes in clopidogrel-dependent platelet function and activation over 24 h and whether enhanced platelet turnover might explain diurnal variability of platelet function and activation. Twenty-one patients after acute coronary syndromes (ACS) on maintenance doses of clopidogrel (75 mg) and aspirin (100 mg) Once per day (OD) were included. Blood was collected at five time points in 24 h. Platelet function and activation was analyzed by vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein-phosphorylation (VASP-P), Verify Now, multiple electrode aggregometry (MEA), and platelet PAC-1 and P-selectin (P-sel) expression. Additionally, platelet count, mean platelet volume (MPV), and reticulated platelet fraction (RPF) were analyzed. There was significant diurnal variability of clopidogrel effects as documented with VASP-P, Verify Now, and PAC-1 and P-sel (all p < 0.05), whereas MEA did not differ over 24 h. Neither MPV nor RPF varied significantly over 24 h. In patients with high RPF, platelet function and activation was significantly higher in all assays, compared to patients with low RPF (all p < 0.05). However, the changes over time in low versus high RPF groups were similar. ADP-dependent platelet function and activation recovers significantly at the end of the 24-h dosing interval in patients with ACS on a maintenance dose of clopidogrel and aspirin. Although platelet function and activation is increased in patients with higher RPF, platelet turnover might not explain the observed diurnal variability
The anti-mitotic agents PTC-028 and PTC596 display potent activity in pre-clinical models of multiple myeloma but challenge the role of BMI-1 as an essential tumour gene.
Future progress in the treatment of multiple myeloma (MM) requires both the characterisation of key drivers of the disease and novel, innovative approaches to tackle these vulnerabilities. The present study focussed on the pre-clinical evaluation of a novel drug class, BMI-1 modulators, in MM. We demonstrate potent activity of PTC-028 and PTC596 in a comprehensive set of in vitro and in vivo models, including models of drug resistance and stromal support. Treatment of MM cells with PTC-028 and PTC596 downregulated BMI-1 protein levels, which was found to correlate with drug activity. Surprisingly, BMI-1 was dispensable for the activity of BMI-1 modulators and MM cell growth. Our data rather point to mitotic arrest accompanied by myeloid cell leukaemia-1 (MCL-1) loss as key anti-MM mechanisms and reveal impaired MYC and AKT signalling activity due to BMI-1 modulator treatment. Moreover, we observed a complete eradication of MM after PTC596 treatment in the 5TGM.1 in vivo model and define epigenetic compounds and B cell leukaemia/lymphoma 2 homology domain 3 (BH3) mimetics as promising combination partners. These results bring into question the postulated role of BMI-1 as an essential MM gene and confirm BMI-1 modulators as potent anti-mitotic agents with encouraging pre-clinical activity that supports their rapid translation into clinical trials