1 research outputs found

    Deterministic approach to microscopic three-phase traffic theory

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    Two different deterministic microscopic traffic flow models, which are in the context of the Kerner's there-phase traffic theory, are introduced. In an acceleration time delay model (ATD-model), different time delays in driver acceleration associated with driver behaviour in various local driving situations are explicitly incorporated into the model. Vehicle acceleration depends on local traffic situation, i.e., whether a driver is within the free flow, or synchronized flow, or else wide moving jam traffic phase. In a speed adaptation model (SA-model), vehicle speed adaptation occurs in synchronized flow depending on driving conditions. It is found that the ATD- and SA-models show spatiotemporal congested traffic patterns that are adequate with empirical results. In the ATD- and SA-models, the onset of congestion in free flow at a freeway bottleneck is associated with a first-order phase transition from free flow to synchronized flow; moving jams emerge spontaneously in synchronized flow only. Differences between the ATD- and SA-models are studied. A comparison of the ATD- and SA-models with stochastic models in the context of three phase traffic theory is made. A critical discussion of earlier traffic flow theories and models based on the fundamental diagram approach is presented.Comment: 40 pages, 14 figure