3,950 research outputs found

    Respecting Boundaries: Theoretical Equivalence and Structure Beyond Dynamics

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    A standard line in the contemporary philosophical literature has it that physical theories are equivalent only when they agree on their empirical content, where this empirical content is often understood as being encoded in the equations of motion of those theories. In this article, we question whether it is indeed the case that the empirical content of a theory is exhausted by its equations of motion, showing that (for example) considerations of boundary conditions play a key role in the empirical equivalence (or otherwise) of theories. Having argued for this, we show that philosophical claims made by Knox (2011) that general relativity is equivalent to teleparallel gravity, and by Weatherall (2016) that electromagnetism in the Faraday tensor formalism is equivalent to electromagnetism in the vector potential formalism, can both be called into question. We then show that properly considering the role of boundary conditions in theory structure can potentially restore these claims of equivalence and close with some remarks on the pragmatics of adjudications on theory identity.Comment: preprint. fixed typo

    The Non-Relativistic Geometric Trinity of Gravity

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    We complete a non-relativistic geometric trinity of gravity, by (a) taking the non-relativistic limit of the well-known geometric trinity of gravity, and (b) converting the curvature degrees of freedom of Newton-Cartan theory to purely non-metric degrees of freedom.Comment: v2 minor formatting/typo correction

    Underdetermination of dark energy

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    There is compelling evidence that the Universe is undergoing a late phase of accelerated expansion. One of the simplest explanations for this behaviour is the presence of dark energy. A plethora of microphysical models for dark energy have been proposed. The hope is that, with the ever increasing precision of cosmological surveys, it will be possible to precisely pin down the model. We show that this is unlikely and that, at best, we will have a phenomenological description for the microphysics of dark energy. Furthermore, we argue that the current phenomenological prescriptions are ill-equipped for shedding light on the fundamental theory of dark energy.Comment: Updated to match published version and fixed minor typos. 14 pages, 8 figure

    Methodological Reflections on the MOND/Dark Matter Debate

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    The paper re-examines the principal methodological questions, arising in the debate over the cosmological standard model's postulate of Dark Matter vs. rivalling proposals that modify standard (Newtonian and general-relativistic) gravitational theory, the so-called Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) and its subsequent extensions. What to make of such seemingly radical challenges of cosmological orthodoxy? In the first part of our paper, we assess MONDian theories through the lens of key ideas of major 20th century philosophers of science (Popper, Kuhn, Lakatos, and Laudan), thereby rectifying widespread misconceptions and misapplications of these ideas common in the pertinent MOND-related literature. None of these classical methodological frameworks, which render precise and systematise the more intuitive judgements prevalent in the scientific community, yields a favourable verdict on MOND and its successors -- contrary to claims in the MOND-related literature by some of these theories' advocates; the respective theory appraisals are largely damning. Drawing on these insights, the paper's second part zooms in on the most common complaint about MONDian theories, their ad-hocness. We demonstrate how the recent coherentist model of ad-hocness captures, and fleshes out, the underlying -- but too often insufficiently articulated -- hunches underlying this critique. MONDian theories indeed come out as severely ad hoc: they do not cohere well with either theoretical or empirical-factual background knowledge. In fact, as our complementary comparison with the cosmological standard model's Dark Matter postulate shows, with respect to ad-hocness, MONDian theories fare worse than the cosmological standard model.Comment: forthcoming in Studies in History and Philosophy of Scienc

    The Virtues of Pursuit-Worthy Speculation: The Promises of Cosmic Inflation

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    The paper investigates the historical and contemporary pursuit-worthiness of cosmic inflation-the rationale for working on it (rather than necessarily the evidential support for claims to its approximate truth): what reasons existed, and exist, that warrant inflation's status as the mainstream paradigm studied, explored, and further developed by the majority of the cosmology community? We'll show that inflation exemplifies various salient theory virtues: explanatory depth, unifying/integrative power, fertility and positive heuristics, the promotion of understanding, and the prospect (and passing) of novel benchmark tests. This, we'll argue, constitutes inflation's auspicious promise. It marks inflation as preferable over both the inflation-less Hot Big Bang Model, as well as rivals to inflation: inflation, we maintain, rightly deserved, and continues to deserve, the concerted research efforts it has enjoyed.Comment: Forthcoming in British Journal for the Philosophy of Scienc

    Embedded shear layers in turbulent boundary layers of a NACA0012 airfoil at high angles of attack

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    An investigation of turbulent boundary layers (TBLs) is presented for a NACA0012 airfoil at angles of attack 9 and 12 deg. Wall-resolved large eddy simulations (LES) are conducted for a freestream Mach number M = 0.2 and chord-based Reynolds number Re = 4x10^5, where the boundary layers are tripped near the airfoil leading edge on the suction side. For the angles of attack analyzed, mild, moderate and strong adverse pressure gradients (APGs) develop over the airfoil. Despite the strong APGs, the mean flow remains attached along the entire airfoil suction side. Similarly to other APG-TBLs investigated in the literature, a secondary peak appears in the Reynolds stress and turbulence production profiles. This secondary peak arises in the outer layer and, for strong APGs, it may overcome the first peak typically observed in the inner layer. The analysis of the turbulence production shows that other components of the production tensor become important in the outer layer besides the shear term. For moderate and strong APGs, the mean velocity profiles depict three inflexion points, the third being unstable under inviscid stability criteria. In this context, an embedded shear layer develops along the outer region of the TBL leading to the formation of two-dimensional rollers typical of a Kelvin-Helmholtz instability which are captured by a spectral proper orthogonal decomposition (SPOD) analysis. The most energetic SPOD spatial modes of the tangential velocity show that streaks form along the airfoil suction side and, as the APG becomes stronger, they grow along the spanwise and wall-normal directions, having a spatial support along the entire boundary layer

    On the geometric trinity of gravity, non-relativistic limits, and Maxwell gravitation

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    We show that the common core of the recently-discovered non-relativistic geometric trinity of gravity is Maxwell gravitation. Moreover, we explain why no such dynamical common core exists in the case of the better-known relativistic geometric trinity of gravity

    Underdetermination in Classic and Modern Tests of General Relativity

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    Canonically, `classic' tests of general relativity (GR) include perihelion precession, the bending of light around stars, and gravitational redshift; `modern' tests have to do with, inter alia, relativistic time delay, equivalence principle tests, gravitational lensing, strong field gravity, and gravitational waves. The orthodoxy is that both classic and modern tests of GR afford experimental confirmation of that theory in particular. In this article, we question this orthodoxy, by showing there are classes of both relativistic theories (with spatiotemporal geometrical properties different from those of GR) and non-relativistic theories (in which the lightcones of a relativistic spacetime are `widened') which would also pass such tests. Thus, (a) issues of underdetermination in the context of GR loom much larger than one might have thought, and (b) given this, one has to think more carefully about what exactly such tests in fact are testing.Comment: This is a revised version of the previous draf
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