1 research outputs found

    A comparative analysis of fish and wildlife enforcement in Alaska from the passage of the 1902 Alaska game law to 2011

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    Thesis (M.A.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2011This study examines the institutional evolution of wildlife enforcement in the context of Alaskan history and politics from 1902 to the present. Balancing competing demands for expertise in fish and wildlife matters on one hand, with a technical knowledge of law enforcement on the other, has long been the central institutional challenge facing those protecting Alaska's living resources. Following enactment of the first Alaska Game Law in 1902, responsibility for enforcement was initially left to already over-burdened law enforcement officials, with ultimate authority remaining under the U.S. Agriculture Department. Passage of the 1925 "Alaska Game Law" and establishment of the Alaska Game Commission saw the creation of professional wardens. Following statehood the Department of Fish and Game assumed the enforcement responsibility from 1960 to 1972, until Governor William Egan shifted the protection personnel to the Department of Public Safety (DPS), thereby transforming them into state troopers, although in a separate division. As a result of the transfer to DPS, conservation of fish and wildlife was in the hands of professional law enforcement. Many resource users opposed the transfer, certain that the emphasis on general law enforcement came at the expense of wildlife expertise, a tension that continues to persist today.Introduction -- 1. The historical perspective of Fish and Wildlife Enforcement -- Origins of wildlife management and preservation -- The establishment of game wardens -- The law enforcement movement -- 2. The first Alaska game laws and game wardens -- Rampart killing and wanton waste of game -- The 1900 Lacey Act: the first federal fish and wildlife law -- The 1902 Alaska Game Act: the federal marshals -- The1908 Alaska Game Act: the governor's wardens -- The 1925 Alaska Game Act: the Alaska Game Commission -- The Utilitarian conservation movement -- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service -- 3. The State prepares to take charge -- Fish traps -- The statehood convention -- Regulatory boards and advisory committees -- The Alaska Department of Fish and Game -- 4. The Division of Protection -- The handover to Alaska Department of Fish and Game -- The protection officers -- The lack of training -- The step child syndrome -- Restrictive regulations and resource pressure -- The conservation officer concept -- Alaska Fish and Game Law Enforcement Officer's Association -- The transfer to DPS -- 5. The Brown Shirts turn Blue -- Governor Egan's administration: the transition to DPS (1972-1974) -- Governor Hammon's administration: growth years (1974-1982) -- Governor Sheffield's administration: cross training (1982-1986) -- Governors Cowper, Hickel and Knowles: status-quo years (1986-2002) -- Governor Murkowski's administation: the merger (2002-2006) -- Governors Palin and Parnell: back to Divisional status (2006-2011) -- Conclusion -- Bibliography