457 research outputs found

    The square negative correlation property for generalized Orlicz balls

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    Antilla, Ball and Perissinaki proved that the squares of coordinate functions in β„“pn\ell_p^n are negatively correlated. This paper extends their results to balls in generalized Orlicz norms on R^n. From this, the concentration of the Euclidean norm and a form of the Central Limit Theorem for the generalized Orlicz balls is deduced. Also, a counterexample for the square negative correlation hypothesis for 1-symmetric bodies is given. Currently the CLT is known in full generality for convex bodies (see the paper "Power-law estimates for the central limit theorem for convex sets" by B. Klartag), while for generalized Orlicz balls a much more general result is true (see "The negative association property for the absolute values of random variables equidistributed on a generalized Orlicz ball" by M. Pilipczuk and J. O. Wojtaszczyk). While, however, both aforementioned papers are rather long, complicated and technical, this paper gives a simple and elementary proof of, eg., the Euclidean concentration for generalized Orlicz balls.Comment: 10 page

    Multivariate integration in C^\infty([0,1]^d) is not strongly tractable

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    It has long been known that the multivariate integration problem for the unit ball in Cr([0,1]d)C^r([0,1]^d) is intractable for fixed finite rr. H. Wo\'zniakowski has recently conjectured that this is true even if r=∞r=\infty. This paper establishes a partial result in this direction. We prove that the multivariate integration problem, for infinitely differential functions all of whose variables are bounded by one, is not strongly tractable.Comment: 6 page

    A simpler proof of the negative association property for absolute values of measures tied to generalized Orlicz balls

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    Negative association for a family of random variables (Xi)(X_i) means that for any coordinate--wise increasing functions f,gf,g we have \E f(X_{i_1},...,X_{i_k}) g(X_{j_1},...,X_{j_l}) \leq \E f(X_{i_1},...,X_{i_k}) \E g(X_{j_1},...,X_{j_l}) for any disjoint sets of indices (im)(i_m), (jn)(j_n). It is a way to indicate the negative correlation in a family of random variables. It was first introduced in 1980s in statistics, and brought to convex geometry in 2005 to prove the Central Limit Theorem for Orlicz balls. The paper gives a relatively simple proof of negative association of absolute values for a wide class of measures tied to generalized Orlicz balls, including the uniform measures on generalized Orlicz balls.Comment: 16 page

    Conditional quasi-greedy bases in Hilbert and Banach spaces

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    We show that, for quasi-greedy bases in Hilbert spaces, the associated conditionality constants grow at most as O(log⁑N)1βˆ’Ο΅O(\log N)^{1-\epsilon}, for some Ο΅>0\epsilon>0, answering a question by Temlyakov. We show the optimality of this bound with an explicit construction, based on a refinement of the method of Olevskii. This construction leads to other examples of quasi-greedy bases with large kNk_N in Banach spaces, which are of independent interest

    On nonatomic Banach lattices and Hardy spaces

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    We are interested in the question when a Banach space XX with an unconditional basis is isomorphic (as a Banach space) to an order-continuous nonatomic Banach lattice. We show that this is the case if and only if XX is isomorphic as a Banach space with X(β„“2)X(\ell_2). This and results of J. Bourgain are used to show that spaces H1(Tn)H_1(\bold T^n) are not isomorphic to nonatomic Banach lattices. We also show that tent spaces introduced in \cite{4} are isomorphic to Rad H1H_1

    The negative association property for the absolute values of random variables equidistributed on a generalized Orlicz ball

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    Random variables equidistributed on convex bodies have received quite a lot of attention in the last few years. In this paper we prove the negative association property (which generalizes the subindependence of coordinate slabs) for generalized Orlicz balls. This allows us to give a strong concentration property, along with a few moment comparison inequalities. Also, the theory of negatively associated variables is being developed in its own right, which allows us to hope more results will be available. Moreover, a simpler proof of a more general result for β„“pn\ell_p^n balls is given.Comment: 44 pages (sorry

    Data Assimilation and Sampling in Banach spaces

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    This paper studies the problem of approximating a function ff in a Banach space XX from measurements lj(f)l_j(f), j=1,…,mj=1,\dots,m, where the ljl_j are linear functionals from Xβˆ—X^*. Most results study this problem for classical Banach spaces XX such as the LpL_p spaces, 1≀pβ‰€βˆž1\le p\le \infty, and for KK the unit ball of a smoothness space in XX. Our interest in this paper is in the model classes K=K(Ο΅,V)K=K(\epsilon,V), with Ο΅>0\epsilon>0 and VV a finite dimensional subspace of XX, which consists of all f∈Xf\in X such that dist(f,V)X≀ϡdist(f,V)_X\le \epsilon. These model classes, called {\it approximation sets}, arise naturally in application domains such as parametric partial differential equations, uncertainty quantification, and signal processing. A general theory for the recovery of approximation sets in a Banach space is given. This theory includes tight a priori bounds on optimal performance, and algorithms for finding near optimal approximations. We show how the recovery problem for approximation sets is connected with well-studied concepts in Banach space theory such as liftings and the angle between spaces. Examples are given that show how this theory can be used to recover several recent results on sampling and data assimilation

    On the structure of Lipschitz-free spaces

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    In this note we study the structure of Lipschitz-free Banach spaces. We show that every Lipschitz-free Banach space over an infinite metric space contains a complemented copy of β„“1\ell_1. This result has many consequences for the structure of Lipschitz-free Banach spaces. Moreover, we give an example of a countable compact metric space KK such that F(K)F(K) is not isomorphic to a subspace of L1L_1 and we show that whenever MM is a subset of RnR^n, then F(M)F(M) is weakly sequentially complete; in particular, c0c_0 does not embed into F(M)F(M).Comment: The only change in the latest version is the grant information of the second named author. Previous version contained a false proof of Theorem 1. This is corrected now. We have also added some remarks and changed Question 1, because we observed that the answer to the previous question is negative due to a result of P. L. Kaufmann. The paper has been accepted in Proc. Amer. Math. So

    Beyond O*(2^n) in domination-type problems

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    In this paper we provide algorithms faster than O*(2^n) for several NP-complete domination-type problems. More precisely, we provide: an algorithm for CAPACITATED DOMINATING SET that solves it in O(1.89^n), a branch-and-reduce algorithm solving LARGEST IRREDUNDANT SET in O(1.9657^n) time and a simple iterative-DFS algorithm for SMALLEST INCLUSION-MAXIMAL IRREDUNDANT SET that solves it in O(1.999956^n) time. We also provide an exponential approximation scheme for CAPACITATED DOMINATING SET. All algorithms require polynomial space. Despite the fact that the discussed problems are quite similar to the DOMINATING SET problem, we are not aware of any published algorithms solving these problems faster than the obvious O*(2^n) solution prior to this paper.Comment: Submitted to STACS 201

    On left democracy function

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    We continue the study undertaken in \cite{GHN} of left democracy function h_l(N)=\inf_{#\Lambda=N}\left\|\sum_{n\in \Lambda_N} x_n\right\| of an unconditional basis in a Banach space XX. We provide an example of a basis with hlh_l non-doubling. Then we show that for bases with non-doubling hlh_l the greedy projection is not optimal. Together with results from \cite{GHN} and improved by C. Cabrelli, G. Garrig\'os, E. Hernandez and U. Molter we get that the basis is greedy if and only if the greedy projection is optimal
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