10 research outputs found
Disability level among the elderly and use of health and social services in EUROFAMCARE study
Wst臋p. Celem pracy jest weryfikacja tezy, 偶e profil us艂ug dla os贸b starszych w Polsce jest dostosowany do ich
potrzeb oraz poziomu niesprawno艣ci.
Materia艂 i metody. Badaniem obj臋to 995 opiekun贸w rodzinnych, kt贸rzy 艣wiadczyli pomoc swoim krewnym
w wieku 65 lat lub starszych przez przynajmniej 4 godziny w tygodniu. Narz臋dziem badawczym by艂 kwestionariusz
CAT, opracowany we wsp贸艂pracy mi臋dzynarodowej w ramach projektu EUROFAMCARE. Przeszkoleni ankieterzy
zbierali osobi艣cie wywiady. Kategoryzacji poziomu niesprawno艣ci os贸b starszych dokonano na podstawie
rozk艂adu punkt贸w skali Barthel wzgl臋dem mediany w pr贸bie europejskiej: "powa偶nie niesprawny" (0-75
punkt贸w); "umiarkowanie niesprawny" (80-95 punkt贸w); "nieznacznie niesprawny" (100 punkt贸w), niezale偶nie
od liczby zaburze艅 w skali I-ADL. Katalog 43 us艂ug przypisano do kategorii "medycznych", czyli op艂acanych
z NFZ, oraz "pozamedycznych", czyli op艂acanych z innych 藕r贸de艂. Opiekun贸w pytano o potrzeby ich podopiecznych
dotycz膮ce zdrowia, mo偶liwo艣ci przemieszczania si臋, piel臋gnacji i prac domowych, o zaspokajanie potrzeb
przez instytucje oraz o zapotrzebowanie na wi臋ksz膮 pomoc.
Wyniki. Wraz z pogorszeniem sprawno艣ci os贸b w podesz艂ym wieku wzrasta艂o zapotrzebowanie na pomoc oraz
zwi臋ksza艂 si臋 deficyt otrzymywanego wsparcia w ka偶dym z badanych obszar贸w. Korzystanie z us艂ug r贸wnie偶
zwi臋ksza艂o si臋 wraz z pogorszeniem sprawno艣ci, jednak profil tych 艣wiadcze艅 nie by艂 dostosowany do potrzeb
os贸b starszych. O ile korzystanie z us艂ug medycznych wydaje si臋 dostosowane do potrzeb zdrowotnych, to
korzystanie z us艂ug pozamedycznych jest marginalne i niedopasowane do potrzeb, zw艂aszcza w艣r贸d powa偶nie
niesprawnych os贸b starszych.
Wnioski. Istnieje pilna potrzeba rozwijania sieci us艂ug, zw艂aszcza o profilu pozamedycznym, w miejscu zamieszkania
os贸b w podesz艂ym wieku. Adresatem 艣wiadcze艅 zdrowotnych i us艂ugowo-opieku艅czych w pierwszej kolejno艣ci
powinny by膰 osoby starsze powa偶nie niesprawne (tj. < 80 punkt贸w w skali Barthel).Background. The aim of the study, carried-out within the EUROFAMCARE project, was to compare the use of
services among elderly people in Poland, according to defined categories of their ADL-disability.
Material and methods. The cross-national study in Poland included 995 family carers, i.e. those who provided
care or support to their relative, aged 65 and over, for at least four hours per week. The research tool, so-called
CAT questionnaire, was developed in cooperation with countries involved in the project. The interviews were
conducted face-to-face by well-trained interviewers. According to the distribution of the Barthel scale, three
categories of the disabled were defined as follows: "severely disabled" (scores 0-75, below median), "moderately
disabled" (scores 80-95) and "slightly disabled" (score 100), independently on numbers of I-ADL dysfunctions.
Forty-three services available for the elderly were assigned into categories: "medical", i.e. financed by
health insurance, and "non-medical" (caring, feeding, cleaning, etc.) paid from other sources.
Results. The requirement for help in all areas of older persons’ needs (health, personal, mobility, domestic), as
well as shortage of support from institutions, increased in more and more disable persons. The usage of services
also increased in more disable categories of people, nevertheless the profile of services was maladjusted to their
needs. If medical services seemed to be tailor-made to elderly people’s needs, the non-medical - mainly social
- services were almost unavailable and maladjusted to the needs, especially of severely care-dependent older
Conclusions. There is an urgent need to develop network of home-based social services for disabled older
people and their family carers, taking into account the profile of needs and level of disability of the care-dependent
Negative impact and positive value in caregiving: Validation of the COPE Index in a six-country sample of carers
Purpose: The present study attempts to further validate the COPE Index
on a large sample of carers drawn from six European countries. Design
and Methods: We used a cross-sectional survey, with approximately 1,000
carers recruited in each of six countries by means of a common standard
evaluation protocol. Our saturation recruitment of a designated quota of
carers occurred by means of several channels, in identified geographical
zones within countries. Interviews were carried out with primary
informal carers by use of a common assessment tool. We subjected items
of the COPE Index to principal component analysis and we assessed
emergent components through the use of Cronbach鈥檚 alpha reliability
procedures. We examined factor components as summative scales for
confirmatory correlations with caregiving and psychological variables.
Results: Three components emerged, which we identified as the negative
impact of caregiving, the positive value of caregiving, and the quality
of support for caregiving. Internal consistency was good for negative
impact and satisfactory for positive value and quality of support.
Negative value was most consistently and strongly correlated with
caregiving and psychological variables, although we did find diverse
associations between these variables and the COPE Index subscales.
Implications: The COPE Index is a brief, first-stage assessment of some
sophistication that can enable health and social care professionals to
develop appropriately targeted interventions to enhance the positive
aspects of the caregiving experience and quality of support, as well as
reduce the negative impacts of caregiving