16 research outputs found

    Utjecaj različitog opterećenja treningom na neke pokazatelje u krvi konja za preponsko jahanje

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    The aim of the study was to assess the changes in the hematology and blood chemistry of jumping horses under the different workload trainings. Group A was trained with a rider and without additional exercises. Group B had an additional daily training session on the treadmill. Blood samples were taken at rest, before exercise and 24 hours after the jumping competition (at the beginning of the season, in the middle and at the end). Regardless of the type of training intensity level and workout load, the post-exercise studies showed an increase in RBC, HGB and HCT. In Group B, there was increase (P<0.05) of resting parameters RBC and HGB between the start of the season and in the middle. During the study there was an increase in AST, LDH, CK in both groups after training. Horses from Group B, subjected to additional training at the end of the season, had lower activity in the resting parameters of AST, LDH and CK than horses from group A. In group B the resting value of LA was lower in the middle and at the end of the sports season, in comparison to group A. The research indicated the desirability of introducing additional stimulation of movement in horses between the relevant trainings involving a rider.Cilj istraživanja bio je procijeniti promjene u hematološkim i biokemijskim pokazateljima kod konja za preponsko jahanje. Konji su podvrgnuti različitim opterećenjima treningom: skupina A trenirala je s jahačem i bez dodatnih vježbi, skupina B imala je dodatan dnevni trening na pokretnoj traci za trčanje. Uzorci krvi uzeti su u mirovanju, prije vježbanja i 24 sata nakon natjecanja u preponskom jahanju (početak, sredina i završetak sezone). Bez obzira na vrstu treninga te razinu njegova intenziteta i opterećenja, nakon vježbanja ustanovljeno je povećanje broja eritrocita (RBC), koncentracije hemoglobina (HGB) i hematokrita (HCT). U skupini B došlo je do povećanja (P<0,05) pokazatelja u mirovanju: RBC i HGB između početka sezone i sredine sezone. Tijekom istraživanja u obje je skupine nakon treninga došlo do povećanja aspartat-aminotransferaze (AST), laktat dehidrogenaze (LDH) i kreatin kinaze (CK). Konji iz skupine B, podvrgnuti dodatnom treningu, na kraju sezone imali su nižu aktivnost pokazatelja AST, LDH i CK u mirovanju od konja iz skupine A. U skupini B pokazatelji mliječne kiseline (LA) u mirovanju bili su niži u sredini i na kraju sportske sezone u usporedbi sa skupinom A. Istraživanje upućuje na poželjnu praksu kojom se između treninga, koji uključuju jahača, uvodi dodatna stimulacija kretanja konja

    Tell el-Retaba 2017. Pottery in Context

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    The pottery from the 2017 excavation season at Tell el-Retaba was analyzed in its specific context of finding. Three periods have been selected for analyses: The Second Intermediate Period, the early 18th Dynasty and the Third Intermediate Period. The ceramic material selected for study was particularly associated with units located within well-defined layers – tombs and domestic structures. Although the majority of the vessels are well known at Tell el-Retaba, new forms also appeared, for instance, a fish vase. It seems that the early New Kingdom settlement was mostly provisioned. Material from the Third Intermediate Period testifies to all stages of food preparation. Some of the pots may reflect ritual usage of houses during the Third Intermediate Period

    Tell el-Retaba 2012: the pottery

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    Archaeological remains excavated by the Polish–Slovak Archaeological Mission in Tell el-Retaba can be well dated to the New Kingdom till the Late Period. During the 2012 season domestic layers from the Hyksos period were found, indicating that the site was occupied for the first time around the end of the Thirteenth and beginning of the Fifteenth Dynasties. Next to the houses three Hyksos graves were found. Archaeological work also revealed houses from the early Eighteenth Dynasty located just above the Hyksos structures in Area 7. Very interesting material came from the late Twentieth Dynasty and Third Intermediate Period houses excavated in Area 9. Rich pottery assemblages mostly of domestic character have been recovered from all of the structures

    Pottery from Tomb MMA 28 at Deir el-Bahari: preliminary remarks

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    The clearance of Tomb MMA 28 at Deir el-Bahari yielded mixed pottery material dating from the Middle Kingdom to modern times. The article presents, in chronological order, some of the most characteristic vessels representing each phase (with the exception of the late Roman period, which is to be studied separately). Among them are Middle Kingdom pointed bottles and Marl C jars, New Kingdom double and triple bottles, kernoi, beer jars and blue-painted pottery, as well as Ptolemaic painted pottery

    Evaluation of the Level of Parasites Infection in Pigs as an Element of Sustainable Pig Production

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    Pig production is based on routine deworming and very rarely includes endoparasitological diagnosis. Monitoring pig production through a consideration of endoparasites in the herd should be part of the pig health program, which will directly translate into the amount of production costs and improve the condition of animals. The aim of this study was the diagnosis of endoparasitic infection in sows and piglets as an element of sustainable pig production. Parasitological examination was performed using coproscopic methods. The experimental material were faeces collected from the same sows from gestation to lactation and their piglets. The total number of coproscopic samples was 840. In the collected material Oesophagostomum spp., Ascaris suum and Eimeria spp. in sows were diagnosed, while in piglets, Eimeria spp. and Oesophagostomum spp were diagnosed. A relationship between the intensity of coccidian infections of lactating sows and the intensity of the infection of piglets was also demonstrated (rs = 0.57; p = 0.035). Sows are the primary source of infections in piglets. The assessment of infection intensity using diagnostic methods in sows should be the basis of an endoparasite control, because deworming without a prior diagnostic gives a short term effect and excludes the principles of the sustainable development of pig production

    Two houses from the Third Intermediate Period settlement at Tell el-Retaba: a case study of activity-area analysis

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    In 2019, the Polish–Slovak Archaeological Mission in Tell el-Retaba continued the excavation of a Third Intermediate Period settlement in Area 9. The paper presents two houses, {1095} and {3111}, in detail. Activity-area analysis is employed to determine the main occupations of the inhabitants in successive phases. The analysis is based on the archaeological assemblage recorded from these features, including small finds, pottery, and installationse

    Tell el-Retaba (West): season 2019

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    Area 4 north of the Migdol was the focus of the 2019 season excavations. An apparent well from Phase G3 was discovered with some pottery sherds inside dating from the end of the Middle Kingdom. In the early Eighteenth Dynasty it was turned into a cemetery; seven tombs discovered this season provided the first evidence of suprapositioning of grave structures in this part of the burial ground. The outskirts of the Phase G settlement and cemetery may have been reached in the excavation. Mud-brick structures from Phase F3 were used for domestic and crafting activities. A battery of ovens continued to be excavated. Parts of Phase F2 architecture were excavated beside the Migdol and below the platform of Wall 2. Artifacts and raw materials indicated long-distance contacts. Metal objects (rings, needles) and arrowheads were also discovered. Phase D4 was represented by the remains of a transport route/walkway. Two silos and a fireplace enclosed by a wall dated to phase C

    Formation of an Empire. Results of the Season 2017 in Tell el-Retaba

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    This contribution focuses on the settlement history of Tell el-Retaba, starting from the settlements and cemeteries of the Second Intermediate Period and the early New Kingdom up to the construction of large fortresses in the Ramesside Period. The rich pit tomb {2458} of the early New Kingdom date seems to especially indicate the continuation of the Second Intermediate Period burial customs in the New Kingdom and, thus, a kind of settlement continuity. The discovery of a geminated moat of the Nineteenth Dynasty expands our knowledge of defensive constructions in the eastern Delta, confirms the location of the gate to the Nineteenth Dynasty fortress and contributes to our knowledge of the concept of transformation between the Nineteenth and Twentieth Dynasty. The 2017 season also extended the view of construction details of the Twentieth Dynasty defence “wall 2”

    Dietary Supplementation with Linseed Oil Ethyl Esters Improves Sexual Behavior and Chosen Seminal Parameters in Porcine Species

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    Numerous studies have shown that improvements in the sperm and semen quality of males of many species can be achieved with appropriate dietary supplements added to feed or fodder. Particularly promising seems to be the inclusion of omega polyunsaturated fatty acids in the diets of males. Among other things, it has been shown that linseed oil ethyl esters (EELO can be an excellent source of omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in animal diets. These compounds are more durable and resistant to oxidation, epoxidation and resinification processes, and do not exhibit toxic properties in living organisms. At present, there is a lack of data in the literature on the enrichment of boar diets with EELO. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of the addition of EELO to boar diets on the properties of sperm in fresh semen. The study was conducted during the summer on semen collected from 12 boars of the line 990. Linseed oil ethyl esters were administered in each feeding at a rate of 3.0% (45 mL each) in basal diets for each boar on a daily basis for 16 weeks. Ejaculates were collected manually by the gloved-hand technique, at one-week intervals for eight-week periods, from the eighth week onwards after the start of feeding. Eight ejaculates were collected from each boar, totaling 96 samples. The addition of EELO to the diets of boars caused an increase in sperm viability (p p p < 0.001). Furthermore, in the experimental animals, there was a decrease in the percentage of spermatozoa exhibiting DNA fragmentation. The experimental boars also showed an increase in the percentage of gametes without apoptosis and capacitation and an increase in the percentage of viable spermatozoa not showing lipid peroxidation membranes. Consequently, EELO nutritional supplementation resulted in the improved quality of the fresh semen of boars

    The influence of different workload trainings on some blood parameters in show jumping horses

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    The aim of the study was to assess the changes in the hematology and blood chemistry of jumping horses under the different workload trainings. Group A was trained with a rider and without additional exercises. Group B had an additional daily training session on the treadmill. Blood samples were taken at rest, before exercise and 24 hours after the jumping competition (at the beginning of the season, in the middle and at the end). Regardless of the type of training intensity level and workout load, the post-exercise studies showed an increase in RBC, HGB and HCT. In Group B, there was increase (P<0.05) of resting parameters RBC and HGB between the start of the season and in the middle. During the study there was an increase in AST, LDH, CK in both groups after training. Horses from Group B, subjected to additional training at the end of the season, had lower activity in the resting parameters of AST, LDH and CK than horses from group A. In group B the resting value of LA was lower in the middle and at the end of the sports season, in comparison to group A. The research indicated the desirability of introducing additional stimulation of movement in horses between the relevant trainings involving a rider.Cilj istraživanja bio je procijeniti promjene u hematološkim i biokemijskim pokazateljima kod konja za preponsko jahanje. Konji su podvrgnuti različitim opterećenjima treningom: skupina A trenirala je s jahačem i bez dodatnih vježbi, skupina B imala je dodatan dnevni trening na pokretnoj traci za trčanje. Uzorci krvi uzeti su u mirovanju, prije vježbanja i 24 sata nakon natjecanja u preponskom jahanju (početak, sredina i završetak sezone). Bez obzira na vrstu treninga te razinu njegova intenziteta i opterećenja, nakon vježbanja ustanovljeno je povećanje broja eritrocita (RBC), koncentracije hemoglobina (HGB) i hematokrita (HCT). U skupini B došlo je do povećanja (P<0,05) pokazatelja u mirovanju: RBC i HGB između početka sezone i sredine sezone. Tijekom istraživanja u obje je skupine nakon treninga došlo do povećanja aspartat-aminotransferaze (AST), laktat dehidrogenaze (LDH) i kreatin kinaze (CK). Konji iz skupine B, podvrgnuti dodatnom treningu, na kraju sezone imali su nižu aktivnost pokazatelja AST, LDH i CK u mirovanju od konja iz skupine A. U skupini B pokazatelji mliječne kiseline (LA) u mirovanju bili su niži u sredini i na kraju sportske sezone u usporedbi sa skupinom A. Istraživanje upućuje na poželjnu praksu kojom se između treninga, koji uključuju jahača, uvodi dodatna stimulacija kretanja konja